
The Rising of The Half Demon

If an angel can fall... then why cant a demon rise. It’s the year 154 of the demon age in a world overrun by demonic creatures and beings, so much so that only a handful of cities remain left on the planet. The angel’s abandoned the people and no one knows where they went or if they will ever return. Each city has its own distinct culture and beliefs and some are completely shut off from the others while the majority of them have open borders and have free communication and transport via teleportation circles left by the angels before they vanished. In this world a wise young half demon girl pairs up with a witty, lighthearted, but sometimes deadly serious Half dwarf to try and unite the cities to take a stand against the demons and take back there land that once flourished.

Scott_Crosswhite · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Into the Light.

"You're in pretty rough shape aren't you lass, here lie down." Felt said laying the girl on a bed after coming into a cellar like room just off of a city alley.

The room was a large rectangle with dirt floors and walls with the exception of one stone wall across from the entrance. There were weapons laying almost piled in one corner next to a shelf stuffed with armor which was next to the only bed. In the middle of the room was a decently sized table and past that were cabinets of dishes. Finally after that came the entrance which was made up of three stairs and a slanted trap dour made of stone. Past the dour was a great bookshelf with mementos books and other small objects that would fit on it like carvings.

"You've lost allot of blood. I don't know what kind you need but Mine definatly won't be compatible so all I can do is patch you up." She acted calm looking through cabinets and boxes gathering different things knowing exactly where everything was.

"Here, this sage honey should help with your dry through and make the air stop cutting you as you breath."

"And this writhleweed should at least stop the bleeding by constricting the blood vessels." She continued explaining her actions and talking to let the girl know what she was doing to her

"And the bandages to hold the mixture in place."

After applying the bandages the girl fell asleep on the only bed in the room. Smiling with sad eyes Felt said, "And a little bit of whisky and valerian root to knock you right out and help you rest. Sleep well, I wish that you will make it through this.

She woke up six hours later with sunshine peeking through tiny cracks where the roof met the walls.

"Ahh good, it's nice to see you didn't die on me." She said pretending to act as though she wasn't terribly worried. It's not a common trait among the races, in fact I've only seen it in one other besides yourself." She walked over to the bed with a stack of dwarven pancakes. "Just finished making them, I wasn't sure what you'd like to eat, but everyone likes these so I thought id make some up for ya." She was out of her armor wearing just the short linen shirt and soft leather pants with a long soft leather sleeve on her left arm, her hair now a complete curly mess, so much so that it looks like it was styled that way on purpose.

"Um…" the young girl was startled.

"Well eat up then I didn't save ya life so you could starve."

She did as told starting out eating the weird shortcake like dish filled with fruits. First slow, then faster.

"Don't eat it too fast or your gonna yak it back out!" Felt yelled before calming back down and rephrasing it slowly with her refined accent that spoke without a twang but combined and shortened words. "Take ya time."

"Ok master, thank you."

Felt was a little shocked at first but then made sense of it. "I think you're still confused, I'm not your master. I didn't buy you from no un I freed you."

"But… why?" She asked pausing in the middle of her meal to look up at Felt.

"To be honest with you… I never thought about it really, I'm not entirely against slavery, I understand it and why it's around, it has been for as long as I remember. Maybe I just can't stand when people elevate themselves so high up on their own pedestals that slaves are no longer people, those slaves that have been beaten, wiped, and treated wrongly for nothing… they deserve to be free a whole heck of a lot more than I do, than most people do, so when I saw you there, feathers red with blood barely being able to open your eyes, you can't be over 14 and you've endured more than most people do in their lives. I guess I think anyone who's gone through that much deserves to be free."

"I don't remember what it's like anymore." She replied looking down at the fur blanket on the bed.

"I'm new to it myself." Felt said laughing embarrassedly while scratching her head. "What do you say we try and figure it out together. "The names felt what I should call you?" she confidently stood up and held out her hand.

"I… don't know."

"Well I can't really call you that it will make me sound dumb if I say that all the time. What was your name before you became a slave."

"I never had one, I was called roach a lot, will that do?" She asked in all seriousness.

Felt laughed. "No, that's not exactly something I'd like to call anyone. Here I'll give you my old name. Owfwishsdowdinaner Fedosia Engel."

The girl had no idea what the dwarf had even said or if they were even real words. "Um… could you please say that again maybe?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it, ill just call you wish for short."

She loved her new name and overflowing with joy she shouted "Thank you!" bursting into tears

"Awe. Don't worry about it, I really wasn't using it anyway." Felt waved her hands back and forth feeling embarrassed for a while before a long silence came and Wish finished her meal.

"So… What do you want to do first? I've heard so much about the world but I've hardly explored any of it."

"You mean you want me to choose?" Wish responded shocked again.

"Yea of course, unless you'd rather just kind of rest and heal more, I really only have experience treating myself I don't really know how to go off of how other people feel." She said laughing to try and hide that she was embarrassed again.

"No I'm fine, I heal fast. If there was something you wanted to do."

"That's great!" she said not questioning the supernatural healing at all. "Let's see… I know! The tavern! I've never been to one before, wait." She paused for a while coming down from her excitement. "How old are you?"

"Well that's uh, that's actually a good question, I think I'm about 15 or 16 now." She said finally warming up to the dwarf stringing together complete sentences and relaxing herself a little more.

"Yea I suppose that makes sense, in this town you have to be at least 14 to enter a tavern by yourself or too drink so let's just hope they don't ask what age you are. Oh and you should probably cover up those wings of yours, I doubt anyone would mistake you for a demon sense there half white, but it still isn't exactly normal to have wings."

Half white? She thought looking at them. I didn't even notice that my feathers, were changing colors.

Felt gave her a cloak and she tucked her wings in tight, even strapping them down with a leather harness so they wouldn't stick out.

"Ooooh You look so fierce with the cloak." Felt gasped. "I know what would make it even better, a sword, here, she threw a sword at her "try it out." It had a long thin straight blade with a sharp point, a jade stone as the pommel and manta ray skin around a circular handle with a very small cross guard.

"Actually That one looks really fragile… I would only use that against monsters like goblins and lower leveled demons, you know things without armor." She reached out to take it back but Wish held it tight pulling it away fast.

"You like that one? I suppose I don't blame you, but then if your gonna keep it you should take this one too." She said handing a thick rectangular blade to the girl, it's pretty heavy. That'll bash your way through armor, and it holds an edge well enough to cut something afterwards. Of course it's double edged anyway so just in case you might want to use one end for bashing and the other for cutting."

"Don't worry about any of this either I figure that sense were both runaways we should look out for each other, just have my back when I need you ight."

"Ok." She replied simply, not knowing what to say as she had never been given anything before much less had someone claim to be similar to her in any way.

"You have that harness on which is good, and I gave you some of the extra cloths I had that were too big for me, so now all you need is some armor."

"My skin is." Wish started before being quickly interrupting.

"Your skin may be hard but that doesn't mean you should leave it unprotected you could still get really hurt, and what about the parts that aren't hard hu. That Stoney skin doesn't cover your whole body. I can tell that by looking at your face." She said having the final say of the mater.

"Here! I thought I had something you could use." Felt puled some armor down from a shelf next to the corner where the weapons were leaning against the wall.

"What is that?" Wish asked unsure if it was really armor.

"It's not much but it's something, these are wooden plates laced together with leather straps and reinforced with steel plating. I don't have much but it's enough I think. I don't have anything else that will fit you, you're pretty tall for a girl. Otherwise I suppose I have some tall boots if they fit your feet."

She ended up with the special plated armor tied around her right shoulder and two larger ones covering her upper legs hanging from her waist as well as a belt thick enough to cover the whole waist made that she tied her scabbards to also made of steel reinforced wood plates tied with leather.

"Right then, all set."

"What about your armor?" Wish asked confused once again.

"Well it's highly unlikely we will run into anything that dangerous, besides we are in town, just going to the tavern for a meal. I'm making you where that because now everyone will think your some sort of battle hardened ace, next time you'll be able to leave all your gear here too but you have to make a good first impression, especially in a place like this. You don't want people thinking you're an easy target, you want them to think your untouchable."

They left the small underground room into the alley way where they heard some fighting.

"You think you can say things like that you little runt!" A large man with black cloths and leather armbraces was beating a much smaller man throwing him against a wall.

The smaller man eventually fell to his knees having the wind knocked out of him. "Had enough already." the large man stood taunting him while the other two watched from behind a stack of crates.

"Should we help him?" Wish asked feeling sorry for the one that was getting battered."

"No just watch… I see fights like this all the time here, and sometimes there's a twist, don't worry though, if things get out of hand we will step in." Felt was smiling expectantly waiting for something.

The small man stood up and laughed wiping the blood from his mouth "Come on I thought you said you were strong, everyone knows strong men don't put others down, they pick them up first for maximum effect." He said sarcastically teasing the man that was pummeling him.

The large man picked him up and threw him on his back. "You know I was going to let you go with just a beating, but now I'm going to need your money."

"Awe." He tried to speak coughing a few times while breathing heavy. "I see your aware that money talks." He stood up and stumbled back into the wall again

"Just hand it over."

"Well unfortunately all my money ever says is goodbye..." He said turning his pockets inside out brushing the dust off laughing a little bit.

"Then maybe I'll just have to put you IN the ground!" he was now furious and blind with rage

"While I appreciate the offer." He said ducking the first fist. "That's the last thing I need" he said laughing to himself at his own joke receiving another punch before the two girls came out to help him.

"Stop!" Felt yelled.

"Right and a few little girls are going to stop me?"

"uhh. Felt! I think maybe we should have thought this through better!" Wish said stuttering. Growing scared

"Oh come on I've seen this guy through a punch it looks like the only thing he can hit is rock bottom." She said making fun of the man easily more than twice her size.

The giant brute punched the small man putting him on the ground again and walked over too Felt and Wish. "You're going to regret saying that you street rat." He said as he got closer walking confidently before throwing the first punch missing entirely as Felt ducked under his arm and then continued dodging many more attacks while holding both her hands behind her back.

"I used to always think it was a woman's job to make fun of men like you so as to teach you something, but you seem to be the do it yourself type." She smiled before redirecting the following punch and using the momentum to flip him over her shoulders throwing him to the ground.

"I've always wondered if that move would work on someone twice my size, maybe intelligence is the limiting factor." She said twirling around kicking him in the head and knocking him out.

The small man finished brushing off the dust and walked over to them. "I'm sorry for my mess bothering you two fine ladies, thank you very much for taking care of him." He said with a smile wiping blood off of his face.

"Its fine, I actually would have intervened sooner but I wanted to see how you'd handle yourself." Felt replied.

"Oh? And did I please you then? Or must I return home with the disappointment of shaming myself before you." He said continuing his gentlemanly talk that surprised Wish after hearing the way he addressed the brute.

Felt chuckled covering her mouth. "It was quite entertaining I must say. Everyone around here says live fast die young but your one of the few who seems like ya actually intend to follow through with that."

"Fantastic! I'm glad I didn't disappoint you well. Eh… as I'm short on coin however I don't suppose you lovely young ladies would know of anywhere I could find work?"

"Well… not really were both pretty new here ourselves, we were going to check out the tavern though." Felt replied.

"Just make sure to stay away from farmers." Wish said silently the others catching her words just barely with their sharp hearing.

"Interesting, I'll be sure to take that advice, say sense we are going in the same direction how about we travel together?" He subtly asked.

"Sounds ok to me, my names Felt this is Wish, she's a… she's a little shy." Felt said trying to look out for her.

"It's perfectly fine the shy ones are often very wise. I am called Sear, Pleased to make your acquaintance." He said bowing. before brushing back his short brown hair.

He wore a long leather coat designed for fashion more than protection, with two large pockets in the front.

Felt opened the large mans coat and grabed all of the monny and walets on the inside that amounted up to a tiddy sum. "Looks like our bruiser was a theif, we should turn these into the gaurds, theyl know what to do with them." She said puting them all in her pants pockets and satchel.

They went to the gaurds and got a reward for turning in the wallets as well as one for catching the large man as he was still unconciouse when the gaurds arived in the alley, and with there newfound wealth they set off for the tavern.