

"Do Dreams come true?" and I am not talking about those dreams of better life, I am talking about those Subconscious dreams that you have once in while and after waking up forget about it. Well, Kelly's dream came true. the dream of his death as he looked at the haunting abyss that is swallowing him whole he thought about the events following up to it. One seemingly normal day Kelly and his Classmates are summoned in a whole new world to protect it from a Demon King not know the deception and mysteries hidden behind the veil and on his first expedition to a Mid-Grade Dungeon he is going to die, Kelly looked at his side and thought "Better than Dying alone". But, how would he and his partner in Death could know that their journey has truly begin now. Unbeknownst to them, stepping foot into the treacherous depths of a Mid-Grade Dungeon is only the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey. Follow Kelly on his journey as he go against Kings, Emperors, Gods and World itself and conquer his own fate, while also collecting beauties on the way. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hi, there Author here I know synopsis are little bit off... ok no excuses even I don't know what i have written. honestly I can't explain the story in synopsis there is lot going on so if you like please give it a read. it is a slow pace at the start because I have to explain many things so bear with it. i am a new writer so it'll be really helpful if you leave comments on how should I improve. I have taken inspiration from ARIFURETA:FROM COMMON PLACE TO WORLD STRONGEST, so there would be some similarities but fear not the characters, plot and even world building is different. if you read it till now thank you again and enjoy the read. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I don't have a discord channel so if you want to contact me join my telegram channel link is below: https://t.me/Rise_White_Conqurer

Nightmare_Kaushik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


As, Kelly and Sumire were having their lunch. "Well, well, what do we have here? An otaku love nest," a familiar voice suddenly pierced the air.

Upon hearing that voice, Kelly inwardly sighed, bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation to come.

'Today, now of all days I really wasn't in the mood to deal with all this nonsense.'

Kelly let out a frustrated sigh, his internal monologue reflecting his exasperation.

"What's this cat got your tongue?"

"N-n-no, we were just having lunch, Daichi-kun."

"Is that so? By the way, Kamimura, you look sleepy there. Did you stay up all night playing porno-games?"

Daichi snickers

"Ohhh! Gross! Who stays up all night to play porno-games? Really, what a creep!"

"Or maybe you didn't get enough sleep, because suddenly your left eye started throbbing."


The boys all laughed, as if they found that statement somehow hilarious, the student who first called out to Kelly was Daichi Hiyama, he is of above average height and good at both academics and sports has brown hair and eyes and is considerably handsome for his own part, ever since Kelly started this school he has it in for him without any reason and has been teasing Kelly for being an otaku on daily basis trying to show his superiority over him to impress a particular queen bee of class, the ones who were laughing wickedly next to him were Miki Yamamura , she is basically a delinquent who likes to mess with people and Reo kondo who for one doesn't look much but he is physically capable in a fight.

"Don't you think so too, Hayashi? Hey, how about you and your friends join us for lunch today?" Daichi asked expectantly.

Hayashi, after listening to the conversation and proposal, locked eyes with Kelly, keeping everyone in suspense. Then, she said something that left everyone, including Kelly, utterly shocked.

"Kamimura-kun, can I join you and Shiranami-san for lunch?"

The words hung in the air, causing Daichi to feel like the ground had been pulled from beneath him. He was too stunned to utter a single word.

"No, sorry, but we just finished our lunch" Kelly replied.

"Ohh… okay" Hayashi replied in a lackluster manner.

'I am pretty sure she saw us finish our lunch and deliberately asked that question to reject Daichi's proposal by throwing me under the bus, haaaa…, that sly fox, and after looking at the condition of the girl by my side who was so nervous to even look up, I couldn't accept that proposal in my right mind it felt like she timed it, she had no intention of eating lunch with us or Daichi.'

"You bastard, how dare you," Daichi fumed in anger, taking a step towards Kelly. However, before he could make a move, a voice from behind halted him in his tracks.

"Let it go, Hiyama. That coward isn't worth it," came a hoarse and condescending voice. It belonged to Kenji Ryutaro, a towering figure with short spiky red hair and piercing eyes. His muscular physique like a bear's and rough face added to his intimidating presence. Kenji, always seeking excuses to start a fight for his own amusement, believed violence to be the solution for every problem, though it went against the values of modern Japan. But Who cares? If no one finds out, Right!

Kenji Ryutaro, the boss of those three idiots, and the reason Kelly ignore them when they start a fight. He commanded both fear and respect in equal measure. Kelly, well aware of his own fighting skills honed by his grandfather's unconventional training, recognized the sheer power and expertise Kenji possessed. While Kelly's grandfather hadn't taught him judo, karate, or any formal martial arts, arts but as he used live with his grandfather who served in the army and who has even been through world war, his grandfather taught him the know-how of how to move his body in case of any emergency, so he is pretty confident in his skills, as his grandfather had instilled in him the raw instincts and body control required to face any threat. It was a wild and animalistic approach, but it suited Kelly's style so, he stuck with it.

However, even with his confidence, Kelly knew better than to underestimate Kenji, he would shred him to pieces, even if there were 10 of him, Kelly is not sure that he can win against Kenji, how Kelly fight seems like child play compared to him.

Kenji embraced the beast inside him, taming it with a level of mastery that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Kelly's own fighting abilities paled in comparison, making the prospect of a confrontation with Kenji akin to stepping into the territory of a predator waiting for its prey to make a fatal mistake.

Kenji Ryutaro boss of those three idiots, and the reason Kelly ignore them when they start a fight, Kelly can hold his own in a fight, he didn't know judo and karate And martial arts but as he used live with his grandfather who served in the army and who has even been through world war, his grandfather taught him the know-how of how to move his body in case of any emergency, so he is pretty confident in his skills, as his grandfather taught Kelly to rely on his instincts rather than any techniques frankly it was pretty wild and animalistic way of fighting but it suited his style so he stuck with it, but even knowing how to fight, Kelly knew if he fought Kenji he would shred him to pieces, even if there were 10 of him, Kelly is not sure that he can win against Kenji, how Kelly fight seems like child play compared to him.

Kenji for his part embraces the beast inside him and even tames that beast frankly it's a terrifying thought for Kelly to even imagine going up against him, he is like a predator waiting for his prey to make a mistake.

"Ahh, thank you Kenji"

'as I know him, he is extremely violent and selfish so, no way he would stop a fight happening in front of him, and he is not that kind, who believes in saving the weak anyway,'

As Kelly pondered over Kenji's unexpected action of stopping the fight, he couldn't help but question his initial assumptions about him. Kenji, known for his violent and selfish nature, seemed like the last person to intervene in a situation to protect the weak. Yet, unexpectedly Kenji answered him for it.

"Shut up, you pussy! I didn't do it for you," Kenji gruffly exclaimed, his gaze shifting toward the entrance of the classroom. Kelly's mind raced, connecting the dots.

'Ahhh... So, that's why he stopped them.'

"Do we have a problem here?" The voice reverberated through the classroom, capturing the attention of everyone present. A hush fell over the students, and if I wasn't mistaken, some of the girls even had hearts in their eyes. It seemed this newcomer held significant authority and respect.

"No, we don't. Isn't that right, Kamimura?" Ryutaro responded, his tone laced with mock deference.

"Yeah, that's right. No problem at all. Nothing that would require the student council to intervene," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

As the mysterious figure surveyed the scene, the atmosphere seemed to shift, to a relaxed ambiance.

The presence of the student council members in our class brought a sense of stability and reliability. Knowing that they were responsible for overseeing student activities instilled a feeling of reassurance. With their watchful eyes, they provided a sense of order and ensured that everyone followed the rules.

Even more so, in Kelly's class, where three of the student council members were their classmates. Kenji, despite his confrontational nature, seemed to understand the boundaries he couldn't cross in front of the student council. As graduation day drew near, nobody wanted to jeopardize their position or risk tarnishing their reputation. The student council members served as a pillar of authority, upholding a sense of discipline and accountability within the school.

For Kelly, the presence of the student council brought a glimmer of hope that this chaotic situation would finally be addressed and resolved. The prospect of the lunchtime ordeal coming to an end provided a glimmer of relief, fueling his anticipation to escape and rejuvenate himself.

"Kenji, were you bullying Kamimura? I know you don't particularly like him, but you should at least make an effort to get along with him," one of the girls who entered the classroom spoke up, approaching Kelly with a smile while reprimanding Kenji along the way.

"Good morning, Kamimura-kun!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Ah, good morning, Haruka-san," Kelly replied, a hint of surprise in his voice.

The person who had greeted Kelly was Haruka Ayase, the Vice-president of the student council. With her black hair tied loosely and almond-shaped black eyes, she had a sharp look that was softened by the kindness in her gaze. Standing at an impressive height of 176 cm, she towered over most of the other girls in the class. Her well-built physique gave her the impression of a samurai, and in many ways, it was an accurate analogy. Haruka had been training in ancient martial arts since she was young, and even Kelly would find himself challenged if he were to face her.

Kelly, for his part, was genuinely taken aback by Haruka's actions. Normally, she wouldn't have intervened or shown any concern after both Kelly and Ryutaro dismissed the incident as a misunderstanding. However, not only did she defend Kelly, but she also approached him with a friendly greeting. This unexpected display of kindness left Kelly and the rest of the class equally astonished.

"Are you okay!!! Kamimura-kun, why do look so surprised"

"Yeah, I am but are you fine Haruka-san"

'Lately, I've noticed Haruka's gaze upon me more often. At first, I brushed it off as mere coincidence, not thinking too much of it. She used to treat me like any other classmate, but over the past two months, her behavior towards me has undergone a complete transformation. I can't help but wonder if something happened to trigger this change. Rack my brain as I might, I can't come up with any plausible explanation. It's true what my grandfather used to say: "The mind of a woman works in a mysterious way."

"Me? Yes, I'm absolutely fine. Say, Kamimura-kun, are you free now?"

"Well, yes, I am, I guess."

"Then, would you like to have lunch with me"


Haruka's unexpected invitation caught Kelly off guard. He was taken aback by her sudden request. The entire class was left in a state of bewilderment, unable to comprehend the unfolding situation. Slowly, their confusion gave way to silent glares directed at Kelly, as if their eyes were sending a clear message.

'Just what is going on today? First Hayashi, and now Haruka. Why on earth are the most popular girls in school suddenly asking me to have lunch with them? I mean, with Hayashi it was somewhat understandable, but this doesn't make any sense at all. What am I supposed to do now?'

The confusion and uncertainty swirled in Kelly's mind as he tried to make sense of the unexpected turn of events.

"Now come on, Ayase. I think everyone else has already had their lunch. We're the only ones left because our meeting ran late," Agawa chimed in, smoothly coming to Kelly's rescue. As the most popular guy at school, it was no surprise that he would step in to diffuse any awkward situations. His easy charm and natural charisma made him well-liked by everyone.

"Ah, yes, sorry, Haruka-san, but I already ate," Kelly responded politely.

"Is that so? Well, next time then," Haruka replied with a hint of disappointment.

"Sorry, Kamimura, it looks like we disturbed you," Agawa apologized.

"No, not at all. Anyways, thanks for the save," Kelly whispered to Agawa.

"Oh, don't mention it," Agawa replied smoothly, in his charming voice.

Agawa Reiichi, the epitome of popularity at school, seemed to possess an almost ethereal charm. With his silky, flowing blond hair and soft features, he caught the attention of everyone around him. Standing tall at 180 cm, he exuded an aura of confidence, and his well-defined muscles hinted at his athleticism. Not only was he admired for his physical attributes, but he also possessed a kind heart and a strong sense of justice. His academic prowess was equally impressive, maintaining outstanding grades effortlessly. Hell, Even his name, had a heroic ring to it. As if all of that wasn't enough, Agawa was also the esteemed student council president. It came as no surprise that he received confessions from admirers on a daily basis, earning him the reputation of a true Casanova.

'Is it even possible for someone to be so perfect? I used to question the existence of such individuals, but after encountering Agawa, I find myself reconsidering. It's almost as if he has it all—looks, intelligence, popularity, and an unwavering sense of righteousness. It's baffling, really. How can someone possess such a combination of qualities?'

"Seriously. Why are you guys talking to failure like that anyway"

The final person to join the group and address Kelly with disdain was Hiroya Tokito, the student council secretary and Agawa's closest friend. Hiroya had a disciplined haircut and a piercing gaze that exuded seriousness. Despite standing at an impressive height of 190 cm, he paled in comparison to Ryutaro's imposing physique, when, comparing these two Ryutaro was in a different league altogether, even if their body type was same Hiroya couldn't hope to defeat Ryutaro and more importantly unlike Ryutaro. Hiroya was a true musclehead, driven by a love for hard work and a penchant for hot-blooded actions. He held a strong dislike for Kelly, considering his tendency to avoid direct confrontations with Ryutaro and opting to run away from fights. Hiroya believed such behavior to be cowardly, but it stemmed from a fundamental difference in their perspectives and approaches to challenges.

'But as much as I dislike his comment, Hiroya is right. I have been avoiding Ryutaro, almost running away from him. However, there's a rule I always abide by ever since that incident: I don't pick fights I can't win. I don't gamble until I'm sure of the outcome. In the end, I'll come out on top. Well, even if I say all this, there's no way in hell I can defeat Hiroya. The difference in strength is already glaringly clear. Why are there so many strong individuals in my class? My confidence is starting to waver. Ahh, whatever.'

As Kelly remained lost in his thoughts, Hiroya glanced at him briefly before huffing disdainfully and dismissing him.

"Come on, Tokito-kun, don't say that. You never know, he might surprise you," someone interjected, trying to defend Kelly.

If looks could kill, Kelly would have died a hundred times over from the withering glares he received from the male students. They ground their teeth, growling at him, while Daichi openly displayed murderous intent. Haruka's popularity surpassed even Hayashi's, making her the most beloved girl in school. After all, Haruka was the most popular girl at school, even surpassing Hayashi. Not only was she beautiful, but she also had a good attitude and a kind heart, which further added to her appeal. Which when compared to Hayashi who was blunt and uncaring give a big boost to her. Both guys and girls admired her like a goddess. The only ones smiling in the midst of it all were Ryutaro who found the situation to be amusing and one other person, although it seemed like everyone in the class simply ignored the latter as if it were a usual occurrence.

"Well, you don't have to defend me, Haruka-san. He's right, hahahaha..." Kelly gave a wry smile to the situation and sighed internally.

As he stood up, intending to put an end to it all, he suddenly froze. A glowing white light started emitting from Agawa's feet right in front of Kelly. The rest of the students also saw the strange light and were frozen in place, their eyes fixed on the mysterious glow. Suddenly, the light formed a peculiar geometric shape. If Kelly's eyes weren't deceiving him, it looked just like a magic circle.

The magic circle continued to glow brighter and brighter, its light engulfing the entire classroom. Kelly felt a chill run down his spine as he witnessed this phenomenon, and almost instinctively, he reached out and took Sumire's hand, attempting to outrun the unfolding event. At that moment, everyone else in the classroom became unfrozen, and panic ensued. Students screamed and scattered in different directions, desperately trying to escape. As Kelly and Sumire neared the classroom's exit, a sudden push from another student caused them to lose their balance and fall to the ground.


"Shit!!!! Sumire"

And coincidentally Kelly's outstretched hand touched Agawa's feet. When, the explosion of light engulfed the classroom, and when it finally subsided, the room was left empty. Desks and chairs were scattered haphazardly, half-eaten lunches remained untouched, and debris from the chaos littered the floor. It was as if time had frozen in that moment, and the absence of people was eerie.

As the silence settled, a strange phenomenon unfolded. A condensed fire began to take shape within the classroom, flickering and dancing in the air. Simultaneously, the earth trembled with an intense earthquake that shook the entire city. Thunderclouds gathered ominously in the sky, signaling a storm of unprecedented proportions. It seemed as if the world itself was on the verge of collapse.

What was happening in that classroom was mirrored on a global scale. Minor natural disasters and calamities struck every corner of the world, as if the balance of the world was being restored. Countless lives were lost in the chaos, and yet, amidst the devastation, no one seemed aware of the events that had transpired within that seemingly ordinary classroom.