
The Rise of the White Lotus

COMPLETED The downfall of the infamous white lotus, Lexi Yang led her to the only escape she knew -- SUICIDE. Born with a golden spoon, having all the privileges being the young miss of the prestigious Yang family, Lexi Yang was the type of person that whatever she wants, she gets. However, fate must have challenged her the moment she fell in love with the domineering CEO of Liu Empire. Alas, just like in every romance novel, Morris Liu fell for another woman who's kind, fragile, and gentle. Due to her intense desire to gain Morris Liu's love, she has done extreme vicious deeds. But in the end, everything backfired on her. Now, on her death moment, just as her vision went to a pitch-black abyss, a cute minion voice was heard. "Chuchururu~! CONGRATULATIONS! Your viciousness score surpassed the preliminary test! To receive full access to the 'otome love system', here's the initiation main task -- make your ex-fiance's best friend fall in love with you!" ----- For spoilers, questions, novel discussion, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/tdSWbQK Catch me on discord: BAJJ#2931 Buy this pleb a Kofi -- ko-fi.com/authorbajj

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Tease a man, you'd get in trouble

"God!" Ethan Lu grumbled through his gritted teeth and crashed his upper body back on bed. 

"Let her be, let her be -- I'm asleep, didn't see anything. She'll go back to bed on her own… yes, on her own." Ethan Lu covered his whole body and head with a duvet as he calm himself down. He believed that he doesn't need to approach the naked woman walking around in his presidential suite, and take her back to the master's bedroom. He added,

"She's a grown woman with two able feets. She managed to walk out, she'll get back in… right, right." 

"Tsk tsk tsk, I highly doubt that chu~" Churu shook her head as she sat on the couch armrest and could hear Ethan's consolidated words. But, based on her observation, Ethan's torture wasn't done yet.