
The Rise Of The White Lancer

"I will engrave this sadness, hatred and resentment in my soul, because these feelings, I shall return a hundred times over". Said the man who once fought alongside the legendary Dragon species, he will rise to a higher peak in his second chance.

TheEyes_OfTheAbyss · Fantasy
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The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Yong Hayan, the mightiest Dragon Lancer had dedicated his whole life to the woman whom he fell in love with, Kim Min-Joo, the princess of the Great Haneul Empire.

After serving her for so long, he acquired the economical, mental and fisical strength to propose marriage to his lover, but his dreams shattered in a blink. When he got to Kim's location, his lover was cheating on him. His companion, and sworn brother Ryu Tae-Young had a long time affair with the princess. At first, Yong Hayan thought she was being forced to, but that thought alone was nothing but an excuse for himself.

"You grotesque pig! You dare and try marrying me? The first princess of the Great Haneul Empire? Are you crazy? Did you really think that a noble woman like me would even think about loving a lowly human scum such as yourself? GO KILL YOURSELF. I only used loving you as an excuse, I only needed your power, not your affection". Stated the princess.

Yong Hayan, had his thoughts all over the place, a shattered heart. He was born a commoner in the slums, but due to his high magical power and mana affinity, he grew to be a nobel. But the people around always thought of him as a dirty and lowly human being, a nuisance, but, none of that mattered to him, because he only needed his companions and his love to accept him. At the end of the day, he was never accepted nor loved, but used.

"You trash really thought you were an equal to us?! What a dumbass! You're not even under us, but at the bottom of the pit you garbage commoner! Kim was never your woman to begin with, as she already was mine when we partied up. You were never and never will be in the bigger picture". Said his so called companion.

"Now go rest in peace Yong Hayan, we shall bring you a peacefull death, thank you for your services. Is what you thought I'd say right?! WELL NO! You'll suffer terribly until the end, for I mixed your drink with the deadliest poison known to humankin! The magic sturcture eating poison!". Stated the princess.

This poison would devour your magical structure as if there was none to begin with, it would also rupture all type of organs in your body and make your blood boil to extremely high and deadly temperatures. A horrible experience is what Yong Hayan suffered. Through pure will power he gathered enough strength to maintain consciousness, and out of breath he shouted his last words.

"I will engrave this sadness, hatred and resentment in my soul, because these feelings, I shall return a hundred times fold! YOU BASTARDS!".

When Yong Hayan regained consciousness, he was surrounded in pure darkness, but after a little while, a small light could be seen from afar. Yong Hayan couldn't understand what was happening, however, he felt that he needed to chase that light, he felt that light as something warm in the cold darkness. He chased it as much as he could but he would never grab it. He once again felt despair and gave up. Right after, the light stopped running away from him, instead, it approached Yong Hayan, grew bigger than him, and swallowed the Dragon Lancer.

Upon being swallowed, Yong Hayan opened his eyes and saw a beautiful Elf woman right in front of him. The woman crying out of happiness said the following words: "My beautiful child, I shall name you Magnus".