
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The fall out part 2

As he would hold his chest as he would sigh and would then let go as he kept walking doing his daily 1000 laps around the lake as he would then finish with his laps and would go to the school as Rose was teaching her class as Dave was teaching his own class as Ray would just smile and keep exploring the school and would check on the teachers as he would then go out of the school and would close his eyes and smile as he kept walking before crashing into someone as he would fall down as he opened his eyes as it was a farmer with black hair and golden eyes as the farmer would look at Ray as there eyes met as Ray would felt his heart beat fast as The farmer would bow down as he would apologize to Ray as Ray would say nothing as he spaced out before being brought back to reality as the farmer would get up and run away as Ray would notice he had forgotten his cart

That was carrying pumpkins and watermelons as Ray would try to tell him to stop only for the farmer to disappear as he was brought back to reality as he just chuckled and would look at the tag as he would then move the cart to the address on the tag as he was led to a fruit shop as he would then deliver the cart as the shop keeper would look annoyed and afraid as Ray would ask what had happened

Ray: "What's wrong? Why do you look so annoyed and afraid ?"

He said as he tilted his head in confusion as the shop keeper would then speak

????: "My Lord, I'm just annoyed at the fact that boy had you deliver this! Please Do not bring harm to him; He probably didn't mean it!"

The shop keeper spoke and bowed down as Ray would be taken aback. He just sighed and smiled as he kneeled down to the shopkeeper's level and would offer him a hand as he had a gentle smile on his face

Ray: "Here, take my hand and get up I will not punish him, But I do want to know about his whereabouts Do not worry I mean no harm to you, him or both your families I just want to return the cart to him, so May I know about it ?"

The shop keeper would look at him and nod as he couldn't disobey the prince, as he would tell him the address

Gianni: "But you can wait since I'll be going there at night and I can guide you there."

The guards would come up to the shop keeper in anger as Ray would hold his hand up, indicating for them to back down as Ray would nod

Ray: "Very well, I shall wait for you, Mr.?"

He would look at him, as The shop keeper would be surprised that he was asking him his name

Gianni: "O, oh, I'm Gianni Gianni Amato."

Gianni spoke as ray would smile and nod as Gianni grabbed his hand as they both got up together. Ray would then pat Gianni, dusting off the dirt on his shirt

Ray: "I'm Ray Ray Garcia Nice to meet you, Mr. Gianni."

Gianni: "Oh, It's nice to meet you, Lord Ray!"

They both would shake hands with a smile on there face as Ray would then walk away as the guards would follow him as Ray would go back to the school as he would see that Dave and Rose would be sitting on bench alone together watching over the kids in recess as he would immediately do a 360 and walk away, leaving them alone to talk with each other as he would go around the kingdom helping out the civilians and making there life much more comfortable as before he knew it, night had fallen so he would go to Gianni's shop

Ray: "Good evening, Mr. Gianni."

He would say this in a gentle tone as he would slowly walk towards Gianni, who would be trying to sneak away. Gianni would look back in fear, and he would then put on a fake smile

Gianni: "Good evening, Lord Ray."

He would say in a shaky tone as he would think about all the ways he could escape, as he would leave all his packaging and try to run as the Guards would just let him as they were more disappointed in him as Ray would be confused before he took one step and appeared in front of Gianni, who would bump into him as Gianni would be surprised and would slowly back away as he would cover his head awaiting his certain death

or so he thought

Gianni: "H h huh ? I'm still alive ?"

Ray: "Well, of course you are Why would I even kill you ?"

Gianni: "Well, I tried to run away from you despite promising that I'd take you back to the village that the boy who lost his cart was from."

Ray: "Do not be silly I will never do such a thing I am a ruler, not a tyrant who will kill people for making a mistake Plus, Why were you even running away from me ? I mean no harm to you, your village or any villages When I became king, I took an oath to protect everyone with my life."

Ray would say, as Gianni would be left shocked, as he would look into rays sincere eyes, as he could tell that he wasn't lying to gain his favor He was telling the truth; he wanted to protect everyone. Gianni would nod as Ray would lift him up, and they would shake hands as Ray would again dust Gianni off as they would return to the stalls and put the Remaining pumpkins on the cart. Ray helped him put the pumpkins on the cart and asked the Knights for there help, as they would help them put the pumpkins on the cart. Gianni would then lead them to the village, where Ray helped by pushing the cart along. The guards would try to ask Ray to let them push the cart, only for there requests to be shot down immediately.

Guard 1: "But sir, you're royalty; you shouldn't be putting the wor-"

Ray: Silence Arthur I do not want to hear your bickering about being royalty so what if I am? It's my pleasure to help my people You should focus on conserving energy for your wife at home. She's been visiting me daily to ask me about your health and when you return home, are you going to keep burdening me by lying to your wife that you're working extra time to get paid more for a vacation to the Earth Kingdom?

Arthur: "B, but sir! You can't; it's a secret!"

Arthur would sigh and groan in defeat and just nod

Arthur: "Fine, fine I'll visit her more often so You won't be bothered much."

Ray: Thank you now, Then how much further, Mr. Gianni?

Gianni: "Oh, you do not need to worry much, My lord; it's right around the corner."

Ray: "Alright then By the way, I have to ask, how's the business?"

Gianni: "It's doing well My lord by your grace and your command that I get to set up shop in your mighty Kingdom despite me being an Amato."

Ray: "Nonsense If someone wanted to set up shop in my kingdom, they can; it doesn't matter who's descendant they are. If you are trying to set up shop and sell your goods, do as you please I do not care as long as you don't bring harm to the people of the kingdom. You can even try to assassinate me; I wouldn't care much All I ask is that you not try to harm the people of my kingdom. It's all I ask."

They would fall silent as they would then reach the village, where Gianni would break the silence

Gianni: "We're here now, my lord; my house is near the edges of the forest."

Ray: "Oh? You're not the leader of your tribe? That's interesting, Well, alright, then lead us to it, Mr. Gianni We shall follow behind you."

Gianni would just nod as he would guide Ray and his 2 soldiers to his house in the edges of the forest As they reached Ray, he would leave the cart outside and go in the house

Ray: "Wow, this house seems cozy, Mr. Gianni."

Gianni: "Thank you, Lord Ray."

Ray would just smile and nod, as Gianni's wife would be shocked and would call Gianni to the kitchen to have a little chat


Beatrice: "Honey, what the hell! You didn't inform us that the King was going to be joining us for dinner! It's already bad enough that Sergio bumped into him and lost the cart !"

Gianni: "Honey, Calm down; he's not here to cause harm; he's only here to return the cart that Sergio lost


Beatrice: "How do you know he's not like his father ? You do know his father killed your father and Sergio's grandfather."

Gianni: "He didn't kill me when I tried to escape."

Beatrice: "Yes, yes, yes, just because he didn't kill you first, you think he's a good guy Think about it, Gianni! He's got the same weapons as his father and he looks like him too."

Gianni: "Beatrice, he's guest; please just let him join us for dinner and if he tries to kill any of you, I'll be there to protect you, alright?"

Beatrice would just sigh in annoyance and would just nod as Ray would overhear this conversation as he thought about the hate for his father, the one who killed his mother, as his eyes were glowing bright red before he just sighed as they would go back to normal as Gianni would enter the dining room and would set up the table

As the food was being served, Sergio arrived, as Ray would take quick notice of the man in front of him as his eyes turned blue, and he would examine Sergio's soul, as he would be a bit confused about something he saw but would just shrug and smile

Ray: "Good evening I believe we've met before near the markets I'm Ray and I've never gotten your name. Who might you be ?"

Sergio would be horrified at the sight of the King He would try to escape but would then see his parents in the Kitchen talking so he had to stay. He would sigh and sit down at the table as Ray would just smile

Ray: "I introduced myself Can you introduce yourself ? It's only fair for you to introduce yourself after I did myself, don't think ?"

Sergio would just sigh in annoyance and nod as he took a deep breath

Sergio: "My name is Sergio Beauregard I'm the Son of Gianni Amato and Beatrice Beauregard."

Ray: "Fascinating name Sergio meaning servant and Beauregard meaning beautiful glaze Truly a beautiful name for a beautiful man such as you

Ray would just smile while looking at Sergio, who would be confused about this, as it would be awkward for a minute before Ray broke the silence

Ray: "Forgive me for the sudden compliment. It's just you look extremely good! And I just wanted to compliment on your looks and dressing sense You even dress better than most Royal's."

Ray would giggle, and Sergio would be even more creeped out as Ray thought about how to start a conversation with him before he was interrupted by Sergio

Sergio: "Who the fuck do you think you are playing buddy buddy with someone you're going to kill, huh? If you're going to kill a man, look him in the eyes and do it. So if you're here to kill my family, I will kill you."

Ray: "Kill your family ? Why would I-?"

Sergio: "Shut the hell up! You're just the same; you hide behind malicious intent and a gentle smile, My grandfather Antonio Was killed by your father in this very house and table. He had his throat slit by your father. What makes you think You're not like him?"

Sergio would grab Ray by his hair and slam his head through the table. Ray would be impressed by the strength of Sergio, and he would sigh

Ray: "You hate him, right ? so Do I think he killed my mother in cold blood when I was just a kid but my aunt keeps defending him; he pulled the wool over her eyes and I want revenge but I'm not strong enough not yet."

Ray would speak as he would let out a burst of energy that would push Sergio too the ground as Ray would take his head out of the table and look at Sergio

Ray: "Now, are we done about this topic? I am nothing like him and will never be like him so Please let's just enjoy the food."

Sergio would get up, as he would be quiet, dust of his clothes and Nod

Sergio: "You have a point."

All 6 of them would then eat dinner as the Guards cracked jokes and made them laugh but as soon as the food was done, they would stay for a minute before saying there farewells as they went back to the Castle