
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Balance part 3

Murania would be dismembering Jason as the angel would be getting more and more angry as she then forced Jason to give in control unless he wants to die as Jason would start glowing light blue before launching a complete erasure beam to get rid of Murania once and for all as Murania would see this and would be launched up in the air as she would still be alive with a huge burn mark on her body as she was shocked on what just happened as She would growl in anger as the Angel just laughed at Murania who would get more annoyed before she would launch a energy slash at The Angel who would see the Slash coming at her as she would barely dodge it as her right arm would be sliced clean off as reality would be erased by the slash as The angel was just shocked at what just happened and would then sigh as she regenerated her whole arm in a instant

Murania would then drop down on the ground as the angel Charged at her and clashed with her as Murania would be surprised by this as she hadn't expect the angel to clash blades but she wasn't one to back down from a fight as she then used more strength to overpower the angel as she was shocked at the raw power of Murania as the angel was pushed back as she would fly into a wall and through it and landed in the gator pit as the alligators would try to bite her only for there teeth to break into a million pieces as the angel would let out a scream of anger as she powered up and erased the Alligators and water as she flew back at Murania at full speed and would try to pierce through her in a single strike of her energy spear who would barely avoid getting a hole right through her abdomen 

As she was in a cold sweat, the angel would barely miss, as she would then turn around quickly and go for another strike at her, but would be parried by Murania using the Excalibur, as she would then swing her sword again and knock the angel's blade in the air and would try to cut her down like she did to Iris, but she failed as the angel would blast her with a complete erasure beam again as she would be pushed back as she just groaned in pain and would look at the angel annoyed. 

"Goddamn you, you're quite fast and smart."

The angel just smiled and laughed and looked at her as she would power up further as the whole universe started shaking as reality started to shatter as Jason's hair started to move up as his hair seems to stand on end, giving it a rising, flame-like appearance. Neo saw this and put up a barrier as he looked down at them. With his cold stare, Murania would be sad to see that she's losing her brother's trust and love. She growled in anger and would charge at the angel, and performed multiple slashes who would easily dodge as she tried to strike at Murania, who would then stab the ground. Multiple energy blades stopped the slash, and Murania would then yell. 


The blades started to spin as they sent out infinite slashes everywhere. The Angel would react to this and would dodge and block all of the slashes before laughing at Murania, as the angel then cough out blood as Murania had launched a slash from her fingers. The angel would growl in anger, summon a bow, pull back the bow string, and then fire an infinite barrage of arrows at Murania, who would combine her athena shield with Zeus as she would hide behind the giant shield. As the barrage of arrows landed, Murania would hide behind the shield until she found a moment to strike, which just arrived as she would slam her shield on

The ground as she would start her counterattack, blowing away all the arrows with a huge shockwave, as she would then turn the shield back into the Excalibur as she charged at the angel, as the angel would create several runes in front of her to slow down the attack, only to realize that she fucked up badly as she tried to desummon the runes but failed as Murania had already stabbed through the runes as she let out a yell. 


She would use the runes against the angel as her Excalibur absorbed the energy of the rune blades as a large explosion would occur covering the whole barrier with smoke as Neo then opened a small hole in the barrier as the smoke would slowly rise up and out of the hole as the dust filled battlefield would then start to glow with 2 different colors a Red and yellow Glow in 2 different places as The red glow would slowly rise up before the dust was sliced away as it was Murania with a new form blade as Her Excalibur was covered in a red glowing energy blade as she would place her sword on her shoulders as The Yellow glow would glow brighter before a large burst of energy would occur removing all the remaining smoke and dust as it was the angel now fully reincarnated in Jason's body with her heavenly armour and Blade as the angel would stare at Murania and just smirked

As Murania was confused by this action, she would feel a chill run down her spine as she would see a glimpse of the future as she immediately placed her blade in front of her. As she was now clashing with the angel's blade, she was terrified by the new-found speed of the angel. As sparks flew out of their clash, she would barely be handling the angel as the angel just smiled as her blade started to glow brightly as she chanted. 

"Invocation of the heavenly bodies, divine punishment, heavenly judgement Prayer of the Celestial Legions" 

The angel cackled as the blade grew brighter as Murania could feel all the cells in her body to dodge or run away, but she didn't move. She stood her ground and would try to overpower the angel, only to notice the sizeable difference in their power now. As she was shocked by the sudden change of strength, a large explosion occurred in the barrier as the barrier withstood as an explosion that left a mushroom cloud as big as a continent would cover the barrier. Neo was taken aback by the destructive force of the power as the wind pressure exited the barrier, pushing everyone, even Neo, back. 

As Murania would be nowhere to be seen in the dust cloud, a bright red light would flare up as a white light would appear in the dust cloud. The angel would then be sent flying out of the barrier as the barrier broke from the force that the angel was pushed back. It was Murania who was covered in black roses as her eyes were filled with darkness, but she had half her body vaporized by the attack. As Neo looked at the damage as the barrier withstood the attack, he would be shocked as he saw cracks in the barrier before it was shattered into pieces. He would calculate the force that was needed to break the barrier and came up with the results, as he said in an excited trembling voice.

"Sh sh, she tanked an attack that could vaporize the infinite multiverses."

He would laugh in excitement as he held his face and looked at the angel who would regenerate immediately and would be to weak to resist Jason anymore as Jason took back control as his body returned to his angelic human form as He sighed and looked at Murania who would be standing up but barely as she stabbed the ground with her blade to support herself as she would breathe heavily and stared at Jason wanting to attack him but couldn't as she didn't have the energy left to even swing her blade anymore as Jason approached and would use his holy magic to heal her as she then collapsed in his arms as Jason sighed and would pick her up and would put her in the medical zone to monitor her vitals as Neo would look at the area where they fought and just sighed and would fix up the ground that was erased as he would then return to bed and would fall asleep 

[The Nightmare]

The Angel would be in Jason's consciousness as she was hugging her knees while talking to Jason about something before she stopped as Jason sighed and looked at her. The Angel could tell from Jason's expression that he was about to ask something that she wasn't ready for, but she just sighed as well and nodded her head as Jason spoke. 

"Those eyes that Murania had when she tanked the explosion and pushed You back what was the meaning of that the last time I saw those eyes it was on Neo when He was possessed by him. So answer me truthfully. Seraphina What the hell is happening to her, and why did he possess Murania of all people? So tell me what the fuck happened. I thought we killed him."

The angel just sighed and nodded as she would speak. 

"You only thought that you killed him. He used to be the rival of YAHWEH himself in his younger days when he first gave birth to himself by speaking himself into creation and with him the main gods did the same They spoke themselves to existence and then YAHWEH created the cosmology and Shiva created himself while Brahma Created the Hindu Cosmology and the rest of the God's did the same but When the time comes They Will combine there cosmology as everything starts to function the way they had imagined them to do and everything shall fall into place and the balance will finally be made by your master Neo Challenging the God's and defeating there Avatar and absorbing them and having them use their true form as he ascends to Godhood and rule with the God's" 

Jason would hear all this and would be shocked about this grand plan he sure as hell hopes that nothing can break this balance he would smile and Nod and thanked the angel before asking the angel more things about him. As the angel started to tremble in fear, she would start stuttering her words.

"He was a mighty demon lord much more mightier than those pesky Ancient demon's he was the reason God had to create the Ancient angelic beings to even combat him he killed so many ancient angels there numbers were drastically reduced from the quintillions to mere millions he has killed less of the New angels since he had been contained inside your Master until me and you merged the reason why we even managed to send him out of the window was because he didn't wanna deal with a angel in a humans body as I can boost the power of the souls around me a million times and the demon was already weakened by Lucifer beating your master badly in there first encounter but you have No idea how brutal were the mangled bodies of my brother's and sister's arms for legs wings for arms and legs for wings with there head shoved deep inside there open belly"

She would start trembling more as she went into more gruesome details about it and started crying as she remembered the blood red eyes that she had seen in the smoke and the black rose tattoo covering Murania as Jason would comfort her while she cried in his arms as the next day came to greet them Neo would Gather up his army and then look at the rest, as Jason would be there too, with Murania in the sidelines.