
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Rewind part 3

They then traveled 950 years ahead, as the world was no longer swallowed by water and there were only small traces of the Leviathan existing, such as the giant dents on the mountains and the fall of humanity but no one except Noah knew about these things everything was going according to God's plan as The ark then reached the shores/land As they witnessed some traces of fishes in the mountains, they were fossilized by time, as no human or creature was beyond time itself as the laws of the earth were different from other planets and structures

as the Ark then slowly made its way to land as it was then abandoned by Noah as the animals immediately went into the wild as Jason saw the damage done as Ray would then notice a tug on his soul as He would fall on his knees gasping for air as Urieru exited the Ark and stared at the exact spot where the 4 of them were floating as Jason immediately took notice and was confused he had his invisible barrier put up as Urieru kept staring before pointing to Ray and then pointing to himself as Jason was ready to take out Urieru there and then 

But then Noah called out for Urieru. He was startled by the sudden call, and he would nod and follow Noah out the ark as Jason was confused on what just happened and why it happened 

Jason: "What the hell.... Can he see us? does he have those eyes?"

He would think to himself as the Cherubim pulled Jason inside his consciousness and gave him a nod. Jason was horrified at the discovery, and he then prepared to fire an arrow but was stopped as Aisha smacked him awake. Matthew would be holding Ray and patting his back as he loosens up his clothing to help him breathe better

Matthew: "There you go, buddy, breathe for me!"

Ray would then start coughing as Jason just stared in horror as he noticed he had blocked the air from entering his barrier. He would then allow air to pass by as Ray would gasp for air and start coughing more as Matthew just rubbed his back, hoping to make him feel better, as Aisha stared at Jason in anger

Aisha: "You almost got the King killed! You should be executed but none of us can kill you, especially with that angel inside you so You better apologize to The King and not repeat this sh*t again, you understand !?"

Jason: "I understand. I'm sorry, Ray I didn't mean for this to happen."

Ray would just give him a thumbs up as he then watched the world that was destroyed by the flood growing in front of him as they would forward time to the point they were now at The Era after the great flood. They then exited the barrier and would then camouflage themselves amongst the Civilians 

as Ray would go and buy Bread with Matthew, who was basically the richest man there is in this time period, as Ray would notice a shift in the energy as all 4 of them felt it. They immediately dropped whatever they were doing and would charge straight towards the Energy level as Ray saw His great-great-great grandfather, Urieru As he then looked down, it was His great-great grandfather, or Urieru's son. 

Urieru: "I knew you would come to meet me again, Stranger So many years passed since I saw you may you enlighten me on your Information?"

Ray would fall silent as Jason would notice this So he did see him, as Jason would then stand in front of Ray and cough 

Jason: "His name Is Raphael I'm Jason. The girl is Aisha The other guy is Matthew. Nice too meet you."

Urieru: "I'm Urieru but you already know that, right, Raphael Jason Aisha Mathew?"

Jason would feel Uneasy as Ray would hide behind Jason as they all could feel the evil energy emanating from Urieru. They could all feel the evil energy emanating from Urieru. They then felt an even greater evil energy from the newborn baby, as Jason was going to kill them both but decided against it. He would then smile and nod as they would go around as the people there still had the evil, but before they could make a conclusion, they heard the voice of Noah talking to someone, as it were his son. They would then grab onto Jason, who would time travel further into the future as YAHWEH ordered Jason to stop and land in this time period. 

and Noah as they then noticed the kingdom, as they explored the kingdoms, they would feel the evil presence but also a holy presence. They then visited the holy presence, where they saw Noah's great-great grandson and Urieru's great-great grandson, Who was now the King 

????: "Ezekiel, I have a favor to ask of you."

Ezekiel: "Speak and you shall receive Lord Isamu."

Isamu: "Well, then I'd like you to communicate with god and ask him what we can do for his forgiveness."

Ezekiel: "Very well, I shall do that."

Isamu would nod as He rode away as The 4 of them approached Ezekiel and looked at him 

Jason: "So you're the legendary Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel: Indeed, do you require something ?"

Jason: "No, I do not I just wanted to see you create the book and talk to God."

Ezekiel would just smile and nod as he would get up and walk around. The Kingdom respected Ezekiel and greeted him but they weren't friendly towards each other as they were always giving each other backhanded compliment. Ezekiel would then keep walking as The scene shifted To Isamu with his son

Isamu: "Akumu Wake up and go to your training quarters and start learning about the world, as you will be the next king."

Akumu: "Yes, father..."

Akumu would wake up from his nap and walk away as he went to his training quarters, where he was training with a man named

Akumu: "Alfred Why are you holding back?"

Alfred: "Forgive me, sire, But I do not want to make it to hard for you." 

Akumu: "Alfred Zorda you better give it your all!"

Alfred would just sigh and nod as they clashed blades Only for Akumu to be overpowered as Akumu would try to land a barrage of slashes at Alfred, only for Alfred to easily block all of the hits without even sweating as Alfred would land a hit with his wooden sword on Akumu's neck as Akumu would let out a painful groan as Alfred helped him up and dusted him off as Akumu would push him away and walk away

As he then went to the basement and would start training alone there, he would trip and crash into a wall as he would accidentally press a rock that opened a sliding door. As he would fall into the other room and look around, confused, he was in a temple. The air was cold and dusty, and he would look around before stepping forward as several torches ignited as the light eminating from them revealed the path ahead. As he would try to go back, he would see the door was sealed shut. He banged on the wall door and even tried breaking it, but nothing happened. He would look around as blood arrows pointed him forward. This wasn't a good idea but he has no other choice This room is

sealed shut but there was oxygen in this room somehow he wouldn't question as he just sighed and moved forward as he activated more torches that ignited the path forward as he would look around he would see The picture of the Garden of Eden Moses splitting the sea as he then noticed an angel statue. He was confused before stepping on a pressure plate as everything went bright. Akumu shielded his eyes as the whole room Was now all white, with lights glowing brightly. He looked in awe and saw 10 angelic statues on his right and 10 on his left He then looked closer; these weren't angels; these were seraphim's with a bright yellow chain that leads to a door 

Akumu: "Hell no, I am not going there. That is not something I want mess around with; I'm out of here."

He would turn back as he saw a giant shadow of a Knight He would be confused as he blinked as the knight changed forms into a shadowed angel. Akumu would be even more confused as he blinked again as the figure slowly took on the form of a demon. Akumu would slowly back away while staring at figure as he reached the metal door. He chuckled and tried to keep his eyes open but would fail as he blinked as he fell down on the ground and died as his head rolled on the floor as blood spewed out of his throat. The demonic figure slowly walked towards the dead body and would possess the body as he regenerated his head. He would then open the black gate, as the demon would be pushed back by 

Akumu, as he would groan in pain and look at the painting In front of him was a Giant Sea dragon bound by golden chains, which were slowly cracking as the angels started to crack. He then noticed the painting of the same beast that Urieru saw but he didn't recognize it He then noticed the war in Heaven, as Neo was now In there as well, casting the rebellion down alongside the army of angels As he saw the beast tied in chains, he would think about it as he then saw the words that were spelled out 

"Project Annihilation"

He would be confused with this as he looked around more for more clues He saw the 4 statues on each side that had chained up the beast, with the chains almost broken. He compared it to the Giant dragon; they were both about to be broken

Akumu: "Oh, someone needs to do some renovations down here and fix the walls."

He then looked for a way out and found a lever As he pulled the lever, the gate back to the castle opened as he ran through the door, and from then on, he would always come down there and translate the words as the scene shifted to main cast, who were meditating alongside Ezekiel, As Ezekiel just smiled and so did the others, as their minds and hearts were cleared of any evil or intrusive thoughts as they would get up and thank Ezekiel and would wander this time period as a few years passed by, the book was done. 

Onto the King, who would read it daily but would question it 

Isamu: "Why does it talk about these weird structures ? but no matter, These are the words of God and we shall follow them through."

Years passed by as the book was read to the masses, while Akumu always sneaked down to the basement to the place as he would translate more words of the Unknown language, the words that Urieru could not speak as he kept writing down the translations and stored them in his drawer and slowly stuck them together to make a message saying 

"Kill Ezekiel, son Of Noah, blessed by Yahweh."