
The Rise Of The Villainess Mafia!

[Mature Content] Arun, Aisha's husband in her fourth life kills her as he couldn't trust her. Aisha again travels back in time for the fifth time, three weeks before her father announces her marriage. After her drastic failure in surviving through her treacherous four lives. Now, she craves revenge. However, a certain someone crosses her revengeful path. Aditya Raichand, Arun, her ex-husband's elder brother. She had no idea if Aditya was a friend or a foe for in all her other lives he only played the role of a side character who dies every time. Soon, everything starts to get out of Aisha's hand. How will she handle it all? Will she be able to take revenge in the uncertain future, she is unaware of? Expert 1: "I know that your stepmother wants your stepbrother to inherit the family. " " You—" " That's why I'm telling you. Marry me. " Aditya pulled his book back out of Aisha's hand. He opened the book and then started reading a random page. "I like you. Marry me. " Aisha said. "Good joke. " " It's not. Marry me. " " Shut up! " " Marry me. " " Can you please stop saying that? " Annoyed, Aditya yelled attracting everyone's attention. " Marry—" Immediately, Aditya covered her mouth and took a dangerous step of looking into her eyes. Again finding the same warmth he had found days ago. ' Why does my heart race when I look into your eyes, Aisha? ' Before he could derive an answer. Aisha pulled Aditya's hand off her mouth and screamed. " MARRY ME!! ADITYA RAICHAND." Letting everyone who had been wondering her reason for arrival know her reason. Excerpt 2: "I am after all a mafia's daughter and am about to marry the most feared mafia the world has ever seen, I have to be ruthless. " Aisha said pointing her gun at her rapist. " I didn't do it. " He screamed. " Not in this life surely, but you did do it to me in my second. You deserve death. You a**hole. " And she pulled the trigger. Bang!!

Evara_Freya · Fantasy
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92 Chs


The face that endlessly emitted a poker expression for almost all the time Aisha had spoken, loosened up a little and smiled. This smile was different. Aisha had never seen this one before.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Aisha was relieved that he didn't get angry, after all, what she did was a pure gamble.

"Money. Give me sixty percent of the shares of this poison business. After all, I am the one who is the biggest contributor to this business. I had to go through all those suffering for you and I get nothing? That's not fair. "

" I made you what you are now. "

" And I hate it. " She yelled, scrapping out most of the threads from the stole around her.

" You shall get no share. " He declared.

Aisha was filled with rage when Dhananjay refused to fulfill her wishes. She wanted to scream and shout and whine and throw things at him in anger. Everything that she went through because of this man in front of her. Who calls himself her father. Who ruined her life but still couldn't accept her one condition.

'If only I could kill this old man right now!!! But—but then he won't suffer. I must make him suffer like he made me.'

" Oh! Well, that's heartbreaking. Fine, then I shall take my leave. " She said after suppressing her anger.

Before Aisha could escape the secret room Dhananjay pulled her back in. Aisha didn't have any expectation of actually running out of here. Running away from her merciless father. That sounded like a joke to her!

Aisha pulled her hand out of Dhananjay's grasp while breaking a bone or two, of her wrist in the process. But it didn't hurt at all. This kind of pain is nothing in front of everything she has gone through.

Aisha rushed to the table where her blood is normally extracted and picked up the knife that his father used to tear her skin with and saw her crying and screaming in pain.

Aisha pulled the stole off her body. "Either you give me what I want, or I shall die." Hesitantly, she pointed the knife near her throat, using her shaky hands that could barely grip the knife properly.

" Do you want to lose the fruit that you grew with so much hard work? Father?" she said, putting pressure on the word 'Father'. She used her other hand to tighten the grip and inserted the pointy surface of the knife inside leading to a few drops of bloodshed.

'I have died once at the hands of this man, how painful will it be if I died again? '

" You can't do that. You can't even cut your skin. " Dananjay said confidently. He was sure his timid daughter had no strength or willpower whatsoever.

It seemed to Aisha that he couldn't see the blood that was already out so she pressed the knife harder inside the neck and it started piercing her neck to the deepest. The amount of blood flow increased catching Dhananjay's eyes.

'It doesn't hurt at all. After all, I have lost that feeling of being hurt and pain after getting thrown back into the well in my first life. My heart didn't ache from then on whenever Father cut my skin in my next life.'

Dhananjay rushed to Aisha and pulled the knife out of her hand then picked a test tube to collect the blood that was flowing out of the wound.

"Your blood is precious. How dare you waste it?" He glared at her.

Aisha covered her eyes and forehead using her palm. She laughed in astonishment. How low can a person fall in the madness of greed and power, making Aisha feel very hindered and confused but overpowered by anger?

"You really do value your creation. At least there is something you value" She pushed him away from her. Even though he almost lost his balance and was about to have a good bang on his head from the wall behind him, he didn't let go of the test tube.

And how fortunate of him! He didn't even get hurt. Evil doesn't die so easily, forget about getting hurt. He cared for that test tube more preciously than he ever cared for his son.

"I can't give you that much share. I can give you five million every time you give me your blood."



"Even though you have done this to me. I am the one storing this poison inside me. If I die, even after collecting every drop of my blood or ripping apart every part of my body, it won't be enough to satisfy your hungry customers, and developing Neel into a blood slave would take another ten years. Why do you want to waste your time and money?"

" Fine." He sighed and was surprised at how much Aisha had suddenly become strong.

" Also, I need the freedom to get out of this cursed house."

Thank you for reading!!

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