
The Rise Of The Tamer Family

After humans had expelled demons from the Alkaid World, they formed different families and sects. The Alkaid World had welcomed the age of families and sects since then. The ninth-grade family or clan would rule over a city, the eighth-grade would rule over a county, the seventh-grade would rule over a state, the sixth-grade would rule over a kingdom, and so forth. Chen Yang was transmigrated to this world with the Akido Pearl. With it, he raised a group of beasts with powerful bloodlines and even built a farm to lead the Chen family to achieve the title of the Saint Family.

Siberian Sled Dog · Eastern
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621 Chs

Array Broken, Alkaid World Despair

Translator: 549690339

Immediately after, the Array God flashed to the outside of the Array God Hall.

At the same time, saints and emperors also appeared around the Array God. They looked ahead with the Array God, and everyone was shocked.

That was because in front of them, there were many evil demon experts emitting terrifying auras. They were following behind the evil god and looking at them with cold smiles.

Seeing this, the Array God narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly,""Humph! Evil God, do you want to start the final battle?"

"Or do you have the confidence to break my formation?"

"If not, I advise you to retreat as soon as possible. Don't joke around with the lives of your clansmen!"


The Evil God laughed arrogantly. After laughing enough, the Evil God said coldly,""Array God, stop bluffing. I dare to lead my clan's experts here, which means that your turtle shell can no longer stop us!"

Then, the Evil God looked at the Abyssal Sea.