
The rise of the pervert primordial

What do humans want most, money, fame, power? Born an orphan, Aster saw all the other children be adopted and get into caring family, as for him, he grew in the orphanage, studied and found a job, a simple yet fulfilling life as he decided to help raise funds for the home in which he grew. Unfortunately fate seemed to play him a bad taste joke, a crazy robber, a gunshot and a bomb, why did I have to step in, when I have never cared about other people business, he wondered as his life faded away. The next thing he knew was that he was being held in the arms of the most beutiful woman he has ever seen, did he died and went to heaven, did he finally gained what he desired so much, or is he being a victim to some kind of scheme. The asnwer came to him as he was gazed by the tender eyes of that woman, the warmth of a family he longed for, during 18 years of his life, he finally got to experience it, so what could go wrong. If you were given a second chance, will you follow your desires even if they were against common sense? Follow Aster on his travel trough the multiple planets and realms as he gains the title "The Perverted Primordial" ------------------------------------ Achievement rewards: 800 power stones= 1 extra chapters (The reward chapters will be posted on the week, on a random day) ----------------------------------------------- Copyright the cover image is not mine if you are the author contact me and I will take it down. ----------------------------------------------- English is not my main language so there might be some grammar mistakes. ----------------------------------------------- Finnaly if you don't like harem and R-18 chapters this novel is not for you. (No NTR btw). ----------------------------------------------- If you like my novels please do support me by voting with your power stones, and reviewing them, also please give it a try to my other novel "Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System". ----------------------------------------------- For all those who are still reading this lets start our long journey.

Barion_Trident · Fantasy
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630 Chs

A pleasant morning

He saw his mother's beautiful silhouette, her long black hair was spread over her shoulders like a cascade, some strands reached Aster's face, so he could smell a slight fruity scent, her clothes were a bit messy but that only accentuated her charm, seeing her beatigul sleeping face made him mumble.

"When she sleeps, she looks so delicate and fragile".

Aster focused on her beautiful lips and was tempted to kiss her but finally he settled for kissing one of her cheeks, "it will be worth the wait, he told to himself".

As Aster kissed her cheek, Lilia's eyelids trembled, when she opened her eyes and saw her beloved son kiss her gently her heart felt warm, normally she is the one who wakes Aster with a kiss on the cheek, so she enjoyed the fact that this time it was the other way around.

"Hoh, it seems that my beloved son is learning to take care of me ♥", she said.

Aster's heart almost stopped when his mother caught him kissing her, he could only feign ignorance and try to change the subject.

"G-good morning, how did my beautiful mother wake up today?".

Lilia was pleased to see her son being more affectionate with her, she always saw him maintain a certain distance with her and she was worried that he secretly held a grudge against her.

But when she saw Aster being jealous while believing that she would marry Isaac, she realized that she had a special position in her son's heart, and for some reason that she didn't understand... she loved it.

Lilia nodded.

"Fufu, my beloved son should be rewarded for fulfilling his duties as a husband".

After saying that, she immediately hugged Aster and began to kiss him repeatedly on both cheeks, Aster simply closed his eyes and enjoyed this intimate moment with his mother.

Aster had begun to enjoy drinking Lilia's maternal milk and she could tell when he wanted to drink it, unconsciously Aster made certain gestures and upon seeing them Lilia simply exposed her breasts for her son.

Lilia saw her son look at her breasts followed by a certain movement of his eyes and she knew what that meant, she exposed her right breast while bringing her son's face closer to it.

"Come darling".

Aster began to gently suck on her nipple and immediately the body of his mother rewarded him with its maternal nectar, for a few minutes in the room, only the slight sounds that he made when swallowing could be heard.

Until he gently bit down on Lilia's nipple and waited for the magic to happen.

"Hnnng ♥".

A small moan escaped from Lilia's mouth, while she thought, "why is it that every time I feed him my body feels pleasure?".

It never crossed her mind that Aster was purposely making her feel pleasure, after all since she didn't want her son to end up being one of those disgusting lustful young masters, she made sure that all the books in the library that Aster had access to, did not have any sex related content outside of basic sexual relations and that their motive was "only" to procreate.

So, Lilia could only think that she felt pleasure by spoiling her son.

Too bad or we could say that luckily Lilia could not foresee that her son had the memories of his past life including various techniques and tricks to please the different erogenous areas of women which he learned during puberty.

Once Aster drank Lilia's milk to his heart's content, he reluctantly stopped sucking on that beautiful nipple and after taking a second glance to save the image in his memory he helped his mother cover herself again.

Feeling her body a little excited, Lilia decided to leave the bedroom first to prepare breakfast and cool her mind, she told Aster to wake Alice up, wash his face and teeth, and to come eat his breakfast once he finished.

When his mother left, Aster approached Alice, he was amused by her "act".

"Sis you are not convincing at all when your breath is so out of rhythm", seeing that she didn't answer nor she opened her eyes, knowing what she wanted he laid down next to her and kissed her cheek while whispering in her ears.

"You don't need to pretend, since I agreed to marry you of course I will take care of my beautiful older sister too".

Alice's face turned red as a tomato and with her eyes still closed she answered.

"G-goood morning ♥".

Unlike Lilia who enjoyed teasing him, Alice acted like a little girl in love every time he was with her, quite different from her usual aggressive and cold attitude, which in his eyes made her look very cute.

Aster kissed her cheek once more and told her to cath up with them in the dining room, then he took a change of clothes and went to wash his face and teeth, he changed his set of comfortable clothes for one suitable for training.

Alice saw her brother leaving the room and she hid her blushed face with a pillow while thinking.

"Why do I feel this tingly pleasant sensation down there every time he is close to me ♥?".

Without knowing Aster had already started to conquer his sister way long before he planned.