
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

The unconscious human.

For three days the human has been laying on the grassy floor as insects would come crawling on this human body or rabbits/deers would smell the lifeless body they all had the same question, was it dead?.

Far in the distances metal clanging branchs breaking and the leaves crunching, Soon the sound got closer to what appears a batch of metal armour humans as atleast a group of five. Three humans looked similar as they had a sword and metal armour on the outside as chain was inside. Two humans looked similar, they had a wand near there waist while they wore a long robe and a hoodie covering there face and hair.

The group of five had finally came closer to the body that layed on the grassy floor, The five humans observed the human body, on the front side it didn't have any life threatening wounds as there were no blood either. The five humans were cautious as they didn't know if this was a trap set up by a werewolf.

"hey, prepare a attack spell I'll check the human pulse attack it if it trys anything" Said one of the armoured man as he droped his iron sharp sword and went towards the human.

four days later...

The human wakes up on what seems to be a bed, as the human looked around he was met with a large room while there were more beds on the side as some were empty some had humans laying on it.

'where am i' thought Blake as he stood up and stretched his arms and legs as all his belongings were no where to be seen. Blake looked around the room for any sharp things he could use as a weapon, he found a sharp metal object as a door on the front side opened. Quickly Blake used swift and grabed the object as he ran towards the door in a matter of seconds as he is met with a human?...

As the human walked through the door as he hadn't notice the hidden figure on the side, Blake quickly closed the door and got behind the women as the sharp metal object was near her throat.

"don't move if you wana live." Said Blake in a serious tone.