
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Blake thought of one plan, if none of his crew members are here they won't get hurt by the explosion right? Blake soon charged up with aura blast to make it a powerful explosion since he hadn't used it much now that his stats are better, how big and power will this explosion be?.


The sound of shattered glass were heard as Blake looked around to see mirrors all around?.. On each side were one of the elfs and his bond. Looking at Storm he saw her looking at him as i chased a rabbit? after quite a bit it return to the start for storm as if it was a endless loop, the same happened for Rock as he too stood up and searched around as he did it again and again.

But snowflakes and his bond were different they were in the same mirror while fighting a mage like figure?. His wolf was all wounded, snowflakes was there watching from afar. Who was this myserious figure? the fact that it managed to trick all of us. No matter how much Blake tried to think he couldn't come to a conclusion, but you dare hurt my pet and mess with my people?.. ha as Blake the 10ft muscular orc griped tightly on his axe as he prepared to realse a powerful slash...

As the 10ft muscular green creature slashed the mirrors all around in a 360 but it was just like the metal gate it didn't even scratch the mirrors, so blake tried to infuse aura into it to explode it from the inside

as Blake placed his plam on the mirror "aura impact" only for it to do nothing?.. As his pet wolf was struggling to stand and snowflakes watching not being able to even touch or hold her friend during the journey they been together what?... did i just hear that right.. the mage laughed? thought Blake as he squeezed his hands in a fist formation in pure angry he had never felt this useless as he felt right now.

Then it happened, 3 other mage like figures entered into each mirrors expect Blakes as one mage took out there blade and stabbed the three sleeping elfs in the heart.. as the ghost elfs disappeared. Blake refused to check his system only for a message to pop up ' system notice:three members are dead' ha.. hahaha..to think that in the midist of chaos i am useless?.. thought Blake as he saw his own bond fall to the ground as the myserious figure takes off its hoodie to reveal a human who laughed at the wounded wolf in pure joy as he took out what seems to be a short dagger and slits the throat of the wolf...

'system notice: your bond is dead'..

"huh... this can't be right ha yea it must be another fake world haha... let's explode this one so i can..." said Blake as tears dropped. His wolf who had been raised,trained,fed by him. The elfs which he had looked after who, looked up to him as a role model.. "thank you" the words that came out of storms mouth as she thanked Blake for the food the first time they met... the journey they been on together...

He trained hard to protect the ones he loved... only for him to watch them die while he did nothing...Blake could barely move, he was frozen in place in tears as he looked up in pure angry why? why did you let me raise them only for them to go thought blake as he looked up as bule light particles from all around slowly came towards the 10ft muscular green creatures red eyes with pure angry..

A huge powerful bule explosion happened as this time anything near it was destroyed along with it only leaving dust.