
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

Prison cell

As the armed guards lead the orcs from behind down the stairs while blake followed behind, after a few minutes of walking they were finally met with a large/dark room with torches all around and prison cells from both sides.

One by one the orcs entered a cell per, as Blake hid behind a wall while splashing another potion. After some hours the gaurds finally left seeing everything secured as blake observed the cells and all around...

Unitl blake was sure the gaurds were gone and his invisibility ran out of time he finally spoke.

"huh.. hey look it's a orc!" said one of the orcs in the cell as they got closer to the bars to veiw the 7ft orc..

"fools, don't belive what you see its probably a elf in disguie, DIDENT YOU FOOLS LEARN NOTHING FROM WHAT HAPPENED" shouted a orc in the back of the cell not quite viewable by the dim lights...

The orcs started to remember what happened to them and how they even ended up getting caught, yes orcs were meatheads but even they still had a heart for their own kind wether it been a stranger if it's in need they would offer but that lead to them being fooled and ambushed by the elfs..

"ha, so did you orcs get fooled by a disguie aswell?" said Blake in a empathetic tone as he took out his axe and used aura to strengthen it..

"i reckon you don't get revenge but who am i to speak" said Blake as he one by one sliced all the bars letting the orcs free.

After all the bars were sliced open the orcs were in shocked of why a mere 7ft orc in disguie would do this.

"if you trust me enough come over here so i can take those cuffs off you if ya want that is." said Blake in a clam tone as he standed there waiting for atleast one orc too come..

After a few stares at the 7ft orc they finally gave in and went towards him to get these cuffs off.

Blake took a dager out of his hand made pocket and added aura too it and carfuly cutted the cuffs one by one, then there was just one orc left that hadn't even left the cell yet..

"suit your self but, you would rather be under a elf then be freed by your own kind wow i must admit truly beautiful loyalty" said Blake in a sarcastic tone as he headed towards the stairs as the other orcs just stood them as if they were waiting for someone..

"fine" said the orc in the cell as he got out the green muscular figure was now more noticeable.. huh... a 20ft.. orc.... since blake was from abit of distance away he never got to view the first orc fully... but even he was shocked this orc aura that surrounded him was very powerful even blake felt abit of fear...

Blake then preceded to cut off the cuffs only to be attacked right after from the orc big thick hand and arm with crazy speed but even that wasn't enough for blake not to see it as he reacted with a one arm block not even moving a bit leaving all the other orcs around shocked..

"just so you know your all on your own after this since i can't afford to spend anymore time here.." said Blake in a clam but vicious tone as he didn't like how he was attacked by the orc he helped as he then walked towards the stairs out of sight to be seen by the rest of the orcs...

After the orcs, took a moment to gather there thoughts they then followed the 20ft orc as he went up the stairs...

After blake splashed another invisibility potion he then went around to explore this buliding, As he entered the door the elf king entered he was suprised by a huge golden statue of what looks to be a oldman elf with a crown.. and a stairway leading up...

After an hour of exploring blake didn't spot the elf king or the famliy of his only some gaurds, so blake went to find the exit out as he believed he had enough exploring inside of there..

It was beautiful, the skys were dark the lights were out absolutely beautiful view but as he remembered what the elf king did all that amazement went into mere disgust, since blake decided to head out and make camp abit from the elfs kingdom as he had enough exploring..

My Bond! thought blake as he quickly rushed back to the spot where he left his bond only to find its cute self sleeping under a leaf..

"hey get up bud were going camp out somewhere abit far.." said Blake in a friendly tone as he walked the other way from the kingdom to make a camp and come explore some more the next morning.