
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

Friend or foe [part 3]

"who am i? i am the grim reaper" Said Blake as he charged towards the man.. suddenly with great speed the man disappeared in thin air only leaving dust and appeared behind Blake as the man used his hand in a karate position and striked Blake neck..

5 hours later, Soon Blake had woken up one eye close one eye open with a bit of blurriness 'where am i' thought Blake as he stood up.. Blake was met with a campfire and 3 people around it while there was one in the distance and the sunny blue sky was now dark with tiny specks of lights around..

A women finally broke the slients and spoken...

"so then enough with that grim reaper bullshit explain who you are or die.. " Said the women in a stern tone as she looked at Blake..

"don't wana" Said Blake as he Activated Swift and made a run towards his bag.. The three Humans were suprised at this person speed but one was different..the man who knocked out Blake had quickly appeared near Blake bag with terrifying speed..

"let it be a honor that your going die from one of the great four" Said one of the man near the fire as he didn't even look bothered..

2 hours later, after Blake explained who he was adding tons of bullshit to his story the crew of humans seemed to belive him.. Of course when Blake asked who they were he was answered with a hit to the neck...

4 hours later, Blake again woke up but this time instead of a fire and people around it he was met with a blue light sky with nothing but some burnt sticks that were left over from the fire, Blake concluded they didn't care much about him so they left him alive and left.. of course in the future they would regret it..