
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

emenys or allys?

After, awhile blake went back up the way he came to find garge sleeping on the leaf rug with some sharp sticks beside him and leaves that surrounded the cave.

"hey garge wake up man lets head back" said Blake as he picked up the leaves and took it into his storage room same for the sharp sticks and leaf rug.

"uh ok.. sir" said garge in a half awoke tone as he went to find his weapon.

The two orcs headed back to the village,

On the way back blake took a look at his stats and inventory.



agility- 19

knowledge- 10

mana- 10

stat points-100)


34 leafs-

1 leaf rug-

13 sharp sticks-


"hehe im quite rich" mumbled blake.

blake had alot of stat points, but he still couldn't decide what to put them on so he decided to save them for now.

After getting back towards the village, The entrance was surrounded by huge orcs with scars, weapons. Some even looked to be 8ft?..

"hey garge it looks like the village elder is talking to that big orc there, got any clue?" said Blake in a curious tone, with his gaurd up ready to strike at any moment.

Garge stood there frozen in place slient scared...

Then one of the big orc came closer towards the two orcs..

"hey who are you" said a 8ft tall orc in a deep voice, as the orc took out his weapon which looks to be a metal hammer.

"hand me your weapons" said the orc once again but with his body in a fighting stance..

Garge who looked scared as heck, gave the weapon to him?...

"just do it.." uttered garge in a soft tone as he handed his weapon to the big orc.

"nah, don't wana" said Blake as he also got into a fighting stance with his axe..

As the two orcs looked at eachother about to attack at any moment, then came the orc who was talking to the elder, this orc was different from the rest. Its aura was very thick all around his body its glaze was very sharp, it was what looks to be 10 ft tall??..

"hey whats the problem" said the 10ft orc as it got into a defense position..