
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Without any words the huge man charged in attacking the orc, the orc then used its axe to block the speedy attack the attack pushed the orc back. The huge orc in shock of this strength had no time to think as he was being attacked quickly from both sides.

[system notice- misson defeat and kill the human king rewards 500 stat points, legendary hidden scroll]

The orc glanced at the message, soon filled with inspiration to get the huge rewards but the attacks kept coming left and right with force and speed and a attack from behind as the orc was in a disadvantage as there were more than one foe. Just when things couldn't get worse the queen chanted a simple fireball spell as the humans stepped back while the orc blocked the "simple" magic that was hella strong.

1 hour later...

The orc was tied up by some kind of metal chains from feets to arms that had enough strength to hold the orc in the air. The orc was then met with the human king "who sent you" said the huge human as some other humans came in with some " sharp tools".

"Unitl you speak you will feel the pain those that have suffered from your axe." said the human king in a fierce tone as he left the room.

The orc was constantly "tortured" for hours by a masked human, sharp blades skinned alive only to be healed back by a healing potion. "oh boy this tickles, is this a joke hahaha" laughed the orc in pure joy as it really did tickle. I had already prepared for this along time ago thought Blake, as he bought a pain-free skill when activated all pains are removed but in doing so you can't use mana.

"sir.. uhm we have a problem the orc is not even screaming or begging its laughing.."

"i guess we must get rid of it, bring me my sword and meet me at the cell" said the human king in a annoyed tone as he got up.

Soon the assiants and human king arrived at the cell only to find a dead human with many new wounds and the orc gone?. Blake had been infusing aura into the chains slowly unitl nobody there could stop him he exploded the metal chains and tortured the mask man.

To think that a human was strong enough to defeat me i have underestimated them, plan B shall now commence.