
The Rise of the Lazy Mage(Versatile mage FF)

Itachi Takahashi was above all others with an IQ of 250 he was an unrivaled prodigy coupled with godlike reaction speed and perception. The problem? Everything becomes boring. He spends most his free time sleeping or watching Anime and light novels including his favorite Quanzhi fashi/versatile mage. In a twist of fate he may get the adventurous life he so desired First thing I’ve literally ever written so please suggest any improvements I can make in my writing. I could not find any good quanzhi fashi/versatile mage fanfics anywhere so I decided to write my own especially with season 4 of the anime coming out. Chapters are pretty long especially later with a a few reaching 6k. I try to explain most details of the world for people who haven’t seen it, but the info dump page is a little messy and it’s better if you have watched the anime with the best option being the reading the light novel that has the most information. Expect an op mc so don’t complain if he 1 hit KO’s everything since I’m not to good at fight scenes. Mc will later go multiverse since it is quite small so that will be quite interesting. Don’t take it too seriously and I’ll update when I have the time between work school, and sports. The intro is pretty bad but I have fixed a few things and I feel like my writing has been getting better as I go on. I do not own the universe or characters of quanzhi fashi and all rights go to the creators. Btw I made a discord so post ideas or novel/fanfic recommendations https://discord.gg/hrHretR

Dato · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 29-People With Super Powers Need Super Clothes

<Venice Italy>



With his arms behind his head, Itachi slowly walked down the paved road in Venice as he watched the boats in the canal beside him pass. Nothing like a nice peaceful walk to help the mind relax.

The national team had arrived an hour ago at the city which was holding the national competition. The area was filled with many people who had come to watch the biggest magic competition that only comes every 4 years.

Looking around he also saw a few other competitors judging by their young age combined with a high tier cultivation. He hadn't told Xue'er he was arriving yet and it would be quite fun to surprise her later on.

First however, he was going to make the push for super tier tonight. For the past couple weeks he had been solely focusing on his lightning element and he could feel his Star River moving chaotically inside of him due to the influx of energy. He was ecstatic for this change because this would be quite a big leap in strength.

He wasn't all too sure what would happen though. His Heavenly seed was at the peak of spiritual seed strength with a shocking x30 multiplier, and he didn't know how the increase in power would affect it. He would have to see what would happen. All the souls inside his Lil Loach pendant increased his cultivation speed, and he couldn't even tell how strong it was now.

Considering Super tier was a bottleneck that kept most magicians out, many would be quite infuriated that Itachi didn't even need to use an expensive Galactic vein to overcome the barrier.

He continued walking down the street peacefully as he suddenly felt a few snowflakes drop on him. Children excitedly stared at the sky shocked at this while Itachi looked at the sky with a smirk on his face "I guess those idiots finally figured something out. Better go make my way over" In a flash of silver he disappeared much to the surprise of the others.





"Did you really think we would't find out about your little secret" Pan Xi one of the higher members of the Mu clan who was the guardian of the Ice bow magic weapon said with a sneer on his face staring down the white haired girl

"We knew you had one of the ice bow pieces which is why we spent so much nurturing you, but we never could have imagined you had awakened it fully in some sort of mutation. If we combine the other pieces with it the power would be unbelievable" He continued on while he slowly released his imposing Super Tier cultivation on the girl.

"Oh? Even though I limited the power you still figured it out?" Mu Ning Xue said calmly seemingly unafraid of the fact she was encircled by a few different people.

"Luckily it can be removed, so a distant side family trash like you won't waste it." said Mu Tingting seething with jealousy. Ever since she had joined the national team she had constantly been overshadowed by Mu Ning Xue, but her family hadn't done anything and they had even supported her a bit since she was technically from their clan. Now that they had discovered the fully awakened ice bow her family finally moved up to take it.

There were several city guards nearby but they had already been informed the Mu Clan was arresting a traitor, so they knew better to interfere.

"So who do you think would make better use of it" Mu Ning Xue once again calmly stated, but her clenched fists gave away her inner anger boiling inside of her.

"We have a few talented young members who would make much better use of it" Pan Xi jumped in cheerfully with a sinister undertone "Too bad it removes all your cultivation along with it and taking it from your soul will be quite painful" he said as he signaled for two other Super tier Mu clan enforcers who moved forward.

"So when you take the pieces back, it removes their cultivation to fuel it. How cruel" Mu Ning Xue said with an expression of disgust as she watched the approaching members.

"What about her Ice Crystal Bow" Mu Tingting said nervously afraid of her fighting back with it.

"Don't worry, since I have control over the clans weapon so she should not be able to use it" he said holding out the other energy filled pieces of the magical weapon that he had a connection with although he had a nervous expression on his face since he didn't know how the mutation with her ice bow would affect his control.

"You sure about that?" Mu Ning Xue said her fury slowly mounting as she watched this so called protector clan that would use forbidden methods to raise up their magic weapon by stealing the cultivation of those they put the pieces in. If it wasn't for her strange mutation in it she most likely would have just become a sacrifice to fill the weapon with energy like many others in the past.

"Even if your cultivation is gone, with your looks you can find a nice man who will protect you" Mu Tingting said mockingly with some jealousy "Too bad your prodigy boyfriend died in the wilderness" she said spitefully since Itachi had officially been labeled as missing ever since that training exercise that happened a while ago.

"You better just give it up otherwise we might have to get your family involved" Pan Xi interjected grinning maliciously.

"That is the one thing you shouldn't have said" the white haired beauty said glaring at them as her hand glowed an intense blue that sent freezing temperatures surrounding her while it began to snow.

"Shit I thought you said she couldn't use it" one enforcer said angrily as he tried to push back the cold energy with his own, but he found he was actually being over powered.

"Must be the mutation resisting control" Pan Xi said panickedly as dozens of his ice chains powerfully thrown at her were deflected by the power emanating alone. "Everyone attack, even if she has the weapon, she is only a high tier mage, she won't be able to unleash it fully." he said as all the different enforcers of the clan used a variety of magic to try to subdue her.

Meanwhile a beautiful crystalline bow appeared in her hand that emanated power. "I guess I should thank you, you saved me the trouble of coming to find you" she said in a chilling tone as she aimed it towards the ground. Smoothly pulling back the string she released it into the ground. Almost instantly ice sprang out like a tsunami swallowing everything in its path. The entire bridge was swallowed by ice turning anyone in its path to an ice statue as the previously arrogant clan members found themselves unable to move completely frozen solid in ice while the surroundings snowed despite it being the middle of summer.

Her slow unhurried footsteps rang out across the ice "your lucky I don't want to cause too much international issues, otherwise I would kill you here and now. However I will be taking this" she said reaching out as the other Ice bow pieces flew into her hand. The blue glowing pieces shot into her bow as it instantly seemed to undergo a massive change.

Astonishing amounts of energy flowed into it as she felt herself and the bow both being influenced by her energy. She flew over towards the beach with wind wings before sitting down in Lotus position as she attempted to control the energy. She watched shocked as her recently achieved level 4 high tier ice element instantly began filling with energy as she felt her cultivation directly rising. The icy blue star river expanded visible to the eye while her bow became denser and denser as it flooded with powerful energy.

Amazingly, the expansion didn't seem to stop as the rampaging energy smashed into the barrier blocking her progress. Seemingly without any effort it exploded out as her ice element underwent a qualitative change inside. The Star River expanded into a star ocean as she instantly felt full of power.

Slowly opening her eyes she looked out towards the distant waves. She sent a blast of powerful ice magic that froze waves mid crash quickly spreading out a good distance into the sea seemingly using no power since her ice energy had increased tremendously. 'It seems my control and power has increased tremendously. I never thought taking the rest of the pieces would benefit myself this much. My bows power must be even more terrifying now' she thought feeling the bow covered in energy inside her soul as it seemed to be changing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a playful voice behind her "I wondered why it was snowing in the middle of the summer" She turned to see a relaxed Itachi with his hands in his pockets gazing out over the ocean. "Mo Fan" she excitedly yelled jumping into the arms of the grinning boy "Shh my names Itachi now" he said with a smirk bringing a finger up to her rosy lips.

"Don't know why you have to keep using that stupid alias" she said pouting a bit as she looked up into his eyes. "It's less of an alias than you think" he said quietly before petting her silky hair. "Whatever, you should have told me you got back" she said as she looked at the bridge before smirking a bit "I guess the Mu family won't be too happy hearing what happened"

"Yeah, you turned a few of them into ice statues aren't you naughty" he said with a grin on his face as he looked over the multiple ice statues a mile away on the large bridge. A few people were already gathering over to see what had happened. It's quite strange to have a snowstorm in the middle of summer after all.

"Hmmph they are lucky I didn't kill them. They are still alive since I controlled it to not freeze them internally. They may come out with some pretty severe frostbite though" she said looking quite happy with that statement.

"You think the team will give you trouble over this?"

"Nah the group presiding over the team is unbiased. All they care about is winning, so they would easily take my side over a weaker member such as Mu Tingting Even the Mu family can do little to affect it, and they won't dare do anything major with the staff nearby. They will probably come after me after the competition though. They are not weak either although my ice element made quite the advancement, I am still not quite confident in dealing with some of the stronger members that may be higher in the super tier."

She looked up at him with a mischevious grin "I just broke through to super tier. No doubt I am probably the youngest super tier mage and its going to be quite fun to see peoples reactions at the competition. First however, I need to spent time familiarizing myself with the new magic I can use."

"Nice, I'm preparing to do so myself soon" he said much to the annoyance of his girlfriend. "So unfair!" she immediately looked him sulkily "Even though you have like six elements, you still are breaking through super tier at the same time. Oh wait, what did you awaken for high tier? I only saw you use lightning and wind in your matches." she said looking at him curiously

"It's a secret, you will have to wait and find out" he said smirking at his girlfriends indignant expression.

"Fine be all mysterious" she said annoyed but before she could say anything else, he grabbed her shoulder seriously "I'm not going to stay hiding much longer, I'm going to show myself soon and see how the Holy Court reacts. If they target me I will have no other choice than to fight them"

"Are you saying you can go head to head with them?" she said looking at him with shock. She knew his demonization was really strong, but the leader of the Holy Court was labeled as the strongest forbidden mage in the world.

"If I go all out, I should be able to fight him and maybe even win" he said seriously

She nervously looked at him "Are you sure? You could just keep living like this. Also you look pretty cute with blond hair" she said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I would rather quit living undercover although this nice vacation wasn't too bad" he remarked

"Lets go get something to eat, and we can catch up" the two walked to a place to get some local Italian cuisine. Itachi spent the rest of the day hanging out with her since the competition.

Walking back next to her he turned to her curiously "You broke through to Super Tier so when are you going to awaken your next element?"

"Well, I'm at least going to wait after the competition" Walking a few more steps Itachi was startled when he was blocked off from her by two burly men who looked like body guards while a young man with brown hair curly hair and a luxurious outfit stopped in front of Mu Ning xue

He immediately spoke up " You must be Mu Ning Xue of the Chinese national team. There is no word that I can use to describe your beauty…" the handsome man with brown-blond hair began. He directly expressed his affection in a polite way. "I'm sorry, I was just too excited to see you in person, so excited that I totally forgot to introduce myself. I am Beny Gustin from Spain." Immediately several nearby girls started freaking out.

"Beny, he's from the royal family of Spain. It's Prince Beny!" a white girl with a ponytail blushed. She was so excited, as if she had just seen a celebrity she admired the most.

"Oh my, it's really him! He's so handsome, even more handsome than how he looks in the photos!" another girl screamed.

The European girls were extremely excited. It was like they were about to rush toward Prince Beny in the next second, but they lost their courage when they saw the huge bodyguards standing beside Prince Beny.

Beny turned to the girls, smiling gently and politely. He was glad that the girls had helped to reveal his identity.

Meanwhile Itachi looked at the two body guards blocking his way "Excuse me" he said politely trying to move past the two. They immediately moved to block him off greatly annoying him "I saaaaaaaaid excuse me" he said once again giving these overgrown fools one last chance to move out of the way before he crippled them or worse gave Kayda an early dinner.

"Stop wasting your time, we'll let you pass once the prince is done with his conversation" the man on the left gruffly said

*Sigh and I try so hard to peaceful "So you have chosen death?" he turned staring at the buff man

"Wait wha-" that was all he got out before Itachih grabbed his arm and flung him into the canal slamming him hard into the water. Immediately his little friend got round house kicked into a wall before he was picked up and thrown after his friend into the canal.

He then walked calmly up to Prince Benny who seemed to care little for his bodyguards demise "No need to be so rough" he said still not thinking this guy would dare do anything to him "I was just having a conversation with this beautiful lady over here. No need to be so aggressive" he said winking at the white haired beauty and she instantly knew he was fucked.

"Sorry for my boyfriends future actions, he is a bit overprotective" said Xue'er smirking slightly as she knew what was coming

"Oh it's fin- Wait What Are You Doing?" he shouted panicked as Itachi gripped his shoulder tightly grinning at him evilly. "You Like Spanish señor? I Can Speak Spanish Too amigo, Bebe Agua Tu Pendejo!!!" he said throwing him into the canal while the prissily dressed man screamed as he flew through the air crashing noisily into the water hard face first.

"Magnificient!" Itachi loudly exclaimed "The way he landed flat on the surface of the water. What an exquisite Belly flop. Lets confer with the judges" he said turning to face Xue'er mumbling gibberish while she giggled at his stupidness. "It's a ten out of ten!!!!" "What an amazing performance from Prince Benny. Now for his next act, he will use his 'strong' body to swim through electricity filled water" he said as a familiar crackling sound filled the air as Itachi's entire hand was covered in purple lightning arcing between his fingers.

Struggling not to laugh she grabbed his arm "We'll have to save that for later, not really in the mood right now to deal with the issues that come along with murdering a foreign prince. Definitely going on the bucket list in the future though" she stated rolling her eyes as they walked off. Itachi found it quite comedic as multiple fan girls jumped in to save the prince with one rugged chick who looked like a ripped body builder shouting "I call giving him mouth to mouth"

Itachi spent some more time with her before they both separated going to their separate hotels they were staying.



Puh! Puh! ARGHGHHGGH "How dare that filthy pig put her disgusting lips onto my mouth shouting a coughing Prince Benny who had just been brought home.

"Laura, who was that terrible man who threw me into that dirty canal?"

"He seemed to be competing in the competition sir" the girl standing nearby said respectfully

"Hmm he better hope he doesn't go against the Spanish team because it would be a shame if he was 'accidentaly' crippled he said grinning evilly as he imagined all the brutal things he would get his team to do to him.

<Meanwhile back at Itachi's room>

He returned to his room where he immediately sat on his bed calming his mind. He slowly emerged himself into his mindscape as he focused on his pulsing purple energy inside his Lightning Star River that was filled to the max with lightning energy. He moved the focusing with all his strength he controlled the energy to smash into the barrier as sweat started to stream down his forehead.

Something strange was happening inside his minscape. The pure Heavenly seed next to the element seemed to be melting away as it flowed through merging with the rampaging energy. Itachi felt a strong surge as he felt the barrier crack as his entire body trembled. Immediately it exploded out as Itachi's already powerful body felt full of power.

His Star River evolved into a Star Ocean and he felt a strange feeling overcome him. He felt like he had infinite control over his element. Raising his finger he made the tiniest spark appear that would do nothing more than a static electricity shock. Suddenly he erupted it in power as his entire body was covered by an intense purple glow as he found himself surrounded by lightning quickly burning off his clothes as the floor beneath him started to crumble "oops better not do that here" he said disappearing in a silver flash.

As his space element grew stronger he could teleport farther and farther. He could teleport over 100 miles in one go and he could keep jumping. It was insane how fast he could travel. After a few jumps he immediately appeared on top of the Alps.

He immersed himself in his newly gained power as he felt himself control each and every new star right away easily. He wondered where his Heavenly seed had gone, but as he controlled his moves, he found he could raise and lower the strength at his will. Summoning out a weak lightning whip for novice tier, he used the least amount of power as he could as it almost looked like a string instead of a powerful whip. Suddenly he infused a great amount of power into it as it soon grew over a hundred meters long a few meters wide as it glowed with power. Experimenting a bit he swung it through the air completely obliterating an entire forrest with little effort "Holy Shit, this is overpowered. It seems like the max power increase is even more than a Heavenly seed.

He could control every part of it and he felt the possibilities were endless. He didn't even need to draw a starpath to bring it out and it felt like it was a part of him. Once again he cloaked his entire body in Lightning as he felt his clothes disappear along with it "Gonna have to fix that" he thought since covering himself in electricity wouldn't be that badass if he came out naked. Concentrating on his back he concentrated the energy attempting to do something. Closing his eyes he imagined a pair of beautiful lightning wings as he slowly shaped the lightning on his back to fit his needs.

It was quite difficult creating his own magic despite his control and he spent over an hour getting the finer details down. Finally he stared at his finished product laughing to himself "Maybe I can combine it with wing wings later. I can even make fire wing and try to combine it with that too" he thought zealously imagining all the possibilities he could explore in the future.

Feeling the poweful wings behind him he shot out in a flash of electricity the land disappearing behind him a loud sonic boom shook the land as he roughly estimated he was going mach 25 with an average speed of 5 miles a second. Flying around he sped through the mountains at one point coming across a Commander rank Wyvern that he barreled through leaving a clear hole through its chest while Itachi was moving too fast to even get blood on him. "This is fucking amazing. I wonder if I make it even faster, I can fly to the moon and back since he wasn't really using air to propel himself. A jet engine would be a much better comparison rather than a bird using the force of the wind to propel itself.

He stopped briefly moving to his next course of action. Now, I need to make a my Super Tier attack move. While there is the Divine Lightning trap star pattern which is the common one, more powerful Super Tier Mages would make their own using the stars to make something unique and much more powerful.

"I think I know what I should do" he said smiling as he spent the next two hours experimenting with his now 2401 stars in his lightning element. Slowly he pieced together what appeared to be an lightning filled warhead missile that glowed dangerously as it filled with more and more power. Lightning flashed all over the sky as this monstrosity of an attack hovered in the clouds. 'Better bring it to its lowest level of power' he thought. He lowered it to the lowest power level, yet it didn't look much less frightening as it hovered dangerously in the air.

Bringing his arm down his collosal missile slammed into the ground causing a destructive earthquake as the bottled up electrical power exploded out flooding over the surroundings. Like an explosion the point of impact on the ground was immediately smashed apart as it shot deep into the rocky land exploding out with such ferocity that it sent a spiderweb of cracks from the base of the mountain to the peak. Shockingly most of the mountain seemed to crumbled with huge portions falling off from its peak as the over 5000 meter tall mountain sent thousands of giant boulders crashing down while the surrounding wildlife desperately ran away from the destruction.

"Well that went well" spoke Itachi staring at the carnage caused by him holding back his newly made Super Tier attack. 'Now I know what to use if I ever need to single handily fight a country' he thought Imagining what a full powered missile would due to a city or a certain castle he thought remembering a certain annoying Spanish Prince 'Wait I'm not a terrorist! What would it do to an Emperor ranked monster. Yes yes that's it. I meant that.🤞🏻

Well anyway, tests went pretty well. I would say. I should probably experiment with more things I can do in the future since my control has increased a great amount. 'I bet if I control it enough I can recreate an EMP. Itachi was brought out of his thoughts as he sensed an approaching magic signature. Feeling the use of wind magic he turned to face a girl flying toward him with wind wings who looked at him with the strangest look "Why... are You Naked?"

4200 words 4:20 am I guess it just lines up like that. I’m tired and I’m going to bed so comment any suggestions and Good Night

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