
The Awakened Juggernaut of purgatory

'I'm not going to have it my way!' A million beam of bright blinding light dispersed from this red ball of divine destruction waiting eagerly for it's freedom. The light coming from it was more crimson than the overstretching skies of hell; more crimson than the reddest garden of roses that exists in this unjust firmament; more crimson than the flames of the juggernaut dragon that rules over the purgatory. This blinding red had every single drop of my passion, every single drop of his will to protect his one and only friend. As this ball radiated his blazing frustration, the earth trembled, the birds stopped flying and the skies stood witness to his judgement.

The crimson ball shrank for a split second and then BAAM! It released a beam of destruction that swept through the bricks,grasses, the empty entity in front of him and everything else, everything else in his peripheral vision. His heart overflowed with a heavenly feeling of fulfilment as he tasted the triumph of my revenge.

"We will make a promise of a revolution in the midst if this all consuming darkness. I am watching as the flower of evil sprouted from my love for you."

(Before that)

"You brat! You can't lift a single bag?!"Shouted the slave owner behind the 13 years old Cranel Drakoni. He gathered all his strength and started lashing a whip at him with full force.

"Forgive me! Forgive me!" Cried Drakoni as he endured the continuous hits from the slave trader.

"How dare you ask for forgiveness!" Cried the heartless slave trader only to hit him even harder and harder. Bruise marks became as vivid as the daylight that were shining over them.

He didn't stop there though. He held Drakoni by the collar, lifting him up in the air and punching so hard that it was a miracle his teeth wasn't falling off .

He punched and punched and launched at him again and again until his eyes were swollen purple. Bright red blood flew out of his face as he endured the lashing of this monster who still wasn't satisfied with mere punches.

Then he took up his magical pole and started hitting him in the legs with full force. Drakoni tried to cover his legs with his arms but that wasn't nearly enough to save him. Tears were falling out of his face as he fell helpless in front of the countless other slaves who were trembling with fear and anxiety at this horrendous sight.

A child was enjoying the fresh air from the balcony of stone bricks as a ray of sun fell on his. He lowered his neck and as soon as Drakoni's frightening shrieks reached his ears, he darted away quickly from the crime scene. Drakoni's legs were bounded with magical chains that track down it's target when it flees, not to mention these are harder to break than ordinary. They also had slave crests that ended their lives if they even fancied the thought of escaping.

After torturing him for another minute or two, the slave trader finally stopped.

"I am letting you go for today, but the next time you drop a sack in the street, I promise to kill you right then and there" A transport gryphon wheezed over the slaves and Drakoni as he said that.

The shadow of the gryphon just passed them beside the cobblestone road as Drakoni sluttered in desperation:,"I promise I won't do it again. I promise I promise." while crying. His whole body was stinging and shaking from the utter pain and his lungs were bursting open when he pushed air out of his mouth to voice his apology.

"And you lot, don't you dare to slack off in your work or else you know what I will do"

Drakoni's scar filled body wasn't in a place to move but he didn't have a single moment to stop. He immediately stood up and immediately picked up the sack in his back and started moving in the way of slave market.

They went through the paved cobblestone streets of Demetrus right towards the slave market.

The streets were brimming with people walking here and there. There were all sorts of people in all sorts of attire. As expected of the capital of Cicily kingdom.

They reached the marketplace.

The slave trader shouted:" Hey smith get ya r stock"

The oaken door of the weaponry opened and an old man probably in his 60s came out and said:"Ahh today you guys are quick. That's nice. That's nice"

The weapon smith started counting his silver and gold coins as the slave trader shouted:

"Hey scums, drop the bags there." Pointing at what is most probably the storehouse of the weaponry inside the store. Drakoni and another slave went there and put the sacks there.

Just as they were coming out of there the smith gave 1 gold coin and 86 silver coin to the slave trader. The slave trader's face got filled with a wicked smile at the shining coins.

"Thank you for coming quickly, I needed these immediately for his majesty's new arsenal for the new demon hunter squad they are forming. But that damn crimsteel ore supplier is late. It's just so annoying. Just see one day that idiot is going to get me in huge trouble."

"You said it. But I will always be there on