
The Rise Of The Extra’s

In the aftermath of his untimely death, Veskitos Issei finds himself unexpectedly transported to a virtual game world called. What was once a mere escape for players has now become his reality, and he must navigate a treacherous path to survive in a world consumed by chaos. He realizes that the rules have drastically changed. The game's once thriving civilization has crumbled, and the land is now overrun by warring factions and ruthless players driven by their own agendas. To make matters worse, the chaos that reigns within the game has escalated, mirroring the unrest of the real world. Starting at the bottom, Issei faces numerous challenges and adversaries as he strives to rise to the top. With his newfound abilities and knowledge from his previous life, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and survival. Along the way, he encounters allies who share his goal of restoring order and peace to his new world. Issei ascent is far from easy. He must prove his worth in fierce battles, solve intricate puzzles, and outsmart cunning enemies. The choices he makes will not only shape his own destiny but also determine the fate of the virtual realm he now calls home.

IsseiVeskitos · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Volume 2 - Chapter 22 : The Victory

Tyson jumped on me with his claws and his SS+ strength, but I pushed him back with a bit of difficulty, I used my god spear to land a direct hit to his heart, but he blocked it with his claws as hard as steel.

Unfortunately, for him, those claws got a scratch thanks to my sacred spear of divine gold.

He punched me in the chest, my armor protected me from serious injury, but still I felt severe pain in my stomach and started coughing up blood.

"Ahahahah, looks like you can't control your SSS strength-" Tyson said.

I quickly swung my spear three hundred and sixty degrees and sliced off one of those claws, then used my magic to quickly weaken it and landed a major blow in the chest.

This blow shattered the air and the sky, it was filled with all my mana and using space magic that I recently started practicing and decided to go for this attack.

Dimension Slash!

While my soldiers were all on the ground from our tremendous pressure, I quickly shouted victory after seeing Tyson's dead body, mutilated, only his head remained.

[Increased EXP]

Seeing that the pressure was gone, my soldiers shouted victory and prayed my name, "KING ISSEI!!!! »

I am King Issei, ruler of this kingdom for several years now. We have seen many battles and wars over the years, but today we celebrate our greatest victory against the Demon King Tyson.

We are seated around a large table, me and my wife, as well as our most faithful soldiers. Torches illuminate the room as delicious dishes are served on the table. We have grilled meat, fresh vegetables and juicy fruits, as well as fine wines to accompany our feast.

My wife, Queen LeMou Emma, looks beautiful tonight like every days. She wears a bright red dress that shows off her eyes and her long red hair. She smiles at everyone, making sure every guest is comfortable and satisfied.

I love him more than anything. She is my companion, my adviser, and my confidant. Without her, I wouldn't be the King I am today. She is the cornerstone of our kingdom, and I am blessed to have her by my side.

As we eat, we discuss our victory over our enemies. We have defeated the invaders who threatened our country, and we are now at peace. The soldiers are happy, they fought bravely, and they are now being rewarded for their hard work.

Some of them lost friends and companions during the war. We honor their memory tonight by paying tribute to them. We talk about their memories, their achievements, and their sacrifice. They are forever etched in our hearts.

The meal is almost over, but the evening has only just begun. We have planned a dance party for all our guests. The musicians start playing lively music, and people get up to dance.

I dance with my wife, surrounded by our friends and our soldiers. We all feel united, happy and at peace. It's an unforgettable evening, an evening that will remain etched in our memory forever.

We went through many hardships to get here, but we made it. We overcame all the difficulties and we triumphed. Furthermore, we are a strong and united nation, and nothing can ever stop us.

I am King Issei, and I am proud of our victory. I am proud of my wife, our soldiers and all that we have accomplished together. Tonight, we celebrate our triumph, and we prepare for the future that awaits us.

And I, King LeMou Issei, am already proud of our future child.