
The Rise Of The Extra’s

In the aftermath of his untimely death, Veskitos Issei finds himself unexpectedly transported to a virtual game world called. What was once a mere escape for players has now become his reality, and he must navigate a treacherous path to survive in a world consumed by chaos. He realizes that the rules have drastically changed. The game's once thriving civilization has crumbled, and the land is now overrun by warring factions and ruthless players driven by their own agendas. To make matters worse, the chaos that reigns within the game has escalated, mirroring the unrest of the real world. Starting at the bottom, Issei faces numerous challenges and adversaries as he strives to rise to the top. With his newfound abilities and knowledge from his previous life, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and survival. Along the way, he encounters allies who share his goal of restoring order and peace to his new world. Issei ascent is far from easy. He must prove his worth in fierce battles, solve intricate puzzles, and outsmart cunning enemies. The choices he makes will not only shape his own destiny but also determine the fate of the virtual realm he now calls home.

IsseiVeskitos · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Volume 2 - Chapter 20 : The beginning after the war

Volume 2 - Cinq year later.

Arriving in front of Emma's parents, I wasn't surprised, both look like photoshop superstars, Emma's dad is six feet tall and has long red hair a nice man build and face very masculine which gives a cold air like Emma at the beginning of our meeting.

Emma's mother looks like a slightly older copy of Emma, she can pretend to be her older sister!

I quickly greeted the two with boldness.

"Greetings, my King and Queen, I am Elizabeth-Veskitos Issei your future son-in-law"

The King looked at me with cold eyes and I looked at him with fierce eyes then we both started laughing.

"Ahahahah, welcome son-in-law, we'll see tonight if you really deserve this title. »

"And your daughter's hand ahaha"


Then, Emma's mother calmed Emma's father and introduced them "Hello, Issei I'm Elizabeth LeMou and this is Gerbalt LeMou" said Elizabeth.

She pointed to Arthur and Tiffany asking them to introduce themselves.

"My warmest regards, we are friends of Issei and your daughter. »

"Go take a shower, we'll show you your room and give you new clothes and also you'll have dinner with us" said Gerbalt

"No problem father-in-law"

Time passed and a year passed, me and Gerbalt became inseparable, between drinking alcohol, smoking together, playing golf and more..

I also got close to Emma's mother, Elizabeth.

And after a year my marriage to Emma is getting closer, we both turned 18 and we are just waiting for that.

"When can I finally marry stepfather Emma?!" " I said

"Ahahaha, don't worry handsome son, you just need to learn how to be a king." »

"We're in one of your last classes, don't worry just listen to me and learn."

The term nobility can designate a quality which can be moral and which, in the second case, can be held in a personal capacity or even dynastic, revocable or hereditary.

"Moral nobility" is neither a social order, nor a caste, nor a prerogative, but a form of philanthropic responsibility, a virtuous and generous behavior, which any man of any condition can adopt according to his vocation and his education: Grégoire of Nazianzus divides it into "three genera".

The first is to strive to be and act as God is supposed to expect of us, the second is to purify ourselves by resisting the possible corruption of our human nature, the third is to cultivate and share the gifts and knowledge we have.

Gilles-André de La Rocque writes in his Treatise on Nobility that nobility does not give rights but many duties, including disinterested behavior in human or social activities, without seeking either individual profit, lucre, or usury, nor prostitution, whether in the civil service, justice, the armed forces, the administration, the liberal arts...

As for dignity, "honor", it comes above all from the defense of collective values, and not from interest, expense or defiance, and it is antithetical to a utilitarian or venal attitude.

From the point of view of social, historical and political sciences, the notion of "nobility" generally refers to an often endogamous aristocratic caste, and then designates the condition of a distinct and hierarchical social group enjoying specific privileges. In most cultures, the nobility goes back, not as lineages, but as a fighting caste, to "Indo-European tripartite functions" (warrior, religious and economic)

And we are the highest ranked kings and if you rule our kingdom well you can even become emperor.

All right ? says Gerbalt while I record with my system phone

"Yes, father-in-law, I understood everything. »

"Okay, repeat everything now." »

"No problem, you already know I have an unfathomable memory anyway. »

" Effectively. »

I rehearsed the video in my head and just repeated everything he said to me in the video.

"The term nobility can designate a quality which can be moral and which, in the second case, can be held in a personal capacity or else dynastic, revocable or hereditary.

"Moral nobility" is neither a social order, nor a caste, nor a prerogative, but a form of philanthropic responsibility, a virtuous and generous behavior, which any man of any condition can adopt according to his vocation and his education: Grégoire of Nazianzus divides it into "three genera".

The first is to strive to be and act as God is supposed to expect of us, the second is to purify ourselves by resisting the possible corruption of our human nature, the third is to cultivate and share the gifts and knowledge we have.

Gilles-André de La Rocque writes in his Treatise on Nobility that nobility gives no rights but many duties, including disinterested behavior in human or social activities, without seeking individual profit, lucre, or usury, nor prostitution, whether in public office, justice, armed forces, administration, liberal arts…"

"You only amaze me, it looks like you were made to be a noble." »

"Ahahaha, I would do anything for Emma. »

" I hope so. Son-in-law. »

"Today is an important day, don't forget it, it's the wedding. Said Arthur.

"Yes I'm not stressing at all" I said, shaking slightly

"Don't worry, ahaha, you'll be fine bro." »

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, but Tiffany is expecting a child."

"Ohhh, I'm so happy" I said with a big smile

"Come on now that you're ready go ahead, you never know happiness is only fleeting" he said with a slightly suspicious smile, but I didn't pay attention

It's now been cinq years since I trained, while Arthur redoubled his efforts and moved up to rank B- but I still have the confidence to beat him.

"We should arrange a friendly battle after the wedding and of course the honeymoon." "I said.

"No problem, prepare to get your ass kicked"

"Besides, Madame Rachel's body was found torn apart."

"Yes.. I saw the news, may she rest in peace." »

"Go to your wedding" he said pushing me lightly

The hall contains at least thousands of nobles and heroes and mercenaries.

The room smells of luxury, everything is in marble with a touch of high-tech that makes the room futuristic but old as in antiquity with the marbles and the pillars.

I am more stressed at all, I am even very happy, today is the best day of my life.

I left with Arthur as a man of honor.

And for Emma, it's Tiffany.

Arrived in front of Emma, I smiled at her nervously, and she smiled back.

Over the past year, she has changed a lot, her face has become more mature, her skin smoother, no blemishes could be seen.

Then the priest spoke, but he is not just any priest, he is the supreme high priest of the church.

"Do you have anything to say before we start the wedding, Mr. Issei?" »



"Emma, before meeting you, I was scared by this dangerous world, I never thought that one day thanks to you and our friends and my parents-in-law, I could live so many moments of happiness, I love you dearly all my heart, Emma. I said in all sincerity with the biggest smile possible on my face, which made Emma's heart flutter.

"Issei, since the death of my big brother I have withdrawn into myself, but you were the one who protected me at the risk of his life when we did not even know each other, you were always there to make me laugh and smile, you have filled my dark and cold and dark world with light, I love you Issei." She said, crying with joy.

I also started crying because I can't suck all this happiness away.

The priest began to speak again.

"Elizabeth-Veskitos Issei will you take LeMou Emma's hand and never swear to part and love each other till death?" »


"LeMou Emma." do you want to take the hand of Elizabeth-Veskitos Issei and swear never to part and to love each other until death? »

"LeMou Emma, do you want to take the hand of Elizabeth-Veskitos Issei and never wear to part and to love each other until death?"

"Yes! Until my death."

"Very well LeMou Issei kiss your wife. »

I took her in my arms and kissed her hard with my tongue before stopping and holding her hand.

One warm, balmy summer evening, Issei had booked a small table at a romantic seaside restaurant to celebrate their second anniversary. He had reserved a seat by the window, so they could enjoy the view of the ocean.

When Emma arrived, she looked stunning in a light and flowy summer dress. Issei was struck by her beauty, and he gave her a bouquet of wild flowers he had picked up on the beach. Lucie smiled and kissed Issei on the mouth before sitting down at the table.

Their dinner started with fresh oysters and glasses of sparkling white wine. They discussed their projects for the kingdom's, their dreams, and their love for each other. They laughed and marveled at the beauty of the ocean.

After dinner, Issei drove Emma to the beach. He had prepared a picnic with cheese, fruit and red wine. They spread a blanket on the warm sand and huddled together looking at the stars.

As the night wore on, Issei pulled a guitar out of his backpack. He started playing a song he had written for Lucie. Soft notes filled the air and Emma closed her eyes to savor the melody.

Issei started to sing. His voice was soft and hoarse, filled with emotion. The lyrics of the song were beautiful and spoke of his love for Emma.

She smiled, tears in her eyes, touched by the lyrics.

When the song ended, Antoine put down his guitar and took Lucie's hand. He looked into her eyes and started talking.

"Emma, you are the light of my life. Ever since I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. You are beautiful, smart, talented, and loving. Love more than anything in the world, and I want to spend my life making you happy." Said Issei

"My love.. I love you too" said Emma.

They kissed passionately, losing themselves.

On the way, all the citizens saluted their king and queen.

It was very satisfying to watch, I was always at the bottom of the social ladder in my old life and now I am King.

Then I remembered that I forgot to say something important to Emma.

"Emma, did I tell you I was from another world?" »

"Yeah, you said that to me the last time you were drunk with my dad." Say Emma

"Ahh..Mhh I should have told you sooner. »

" It does not matter, do not worry. »

"And I told you that I have a legendary artifact linked to my spirit maybe our child will inherit some of it ahaha." »

"Yeah, you said the exact same thing to me the second to last time you got drunk with my dad." said Emma laughing

"I know all your secrets ahaha" said Emma

"Yes indeed ahaha" I said with a smile before gently cupping her head and kissing her.

"We've been together for five years now. You carry my child and you made me happy, I must protect our kingdom as King. I said and turned to go to the first big battle against the demons.

I quickly looked at my status window.

"Status Window"

[Name: LeMou Issei]

[Race: Gaasyendietha (15% Awakened)]

[Strengths S-]

[Dexterity: A-]

[Agility: C-]

[Mana: D]

[Draconian Energy: B]

[Stamina: God]

[Charm: SS]

[Rank: B+]


- Mastery of the Higher Elements (SSS)

- Supreme Mana Control (EX)

- Supreme Player Body (S)


- Heart of the Gaasyendietha (EX)

- Breath of the Gaasyendietha (EX)

- Eyes on God Gaasyendietha (EX)

[Martial Arts Manual]

- Leviathan Dance (B)

"My stats are really out of proportion, I've trained poorly for the past two years but this war is an opportunity for me to gain the trust of my citizens and increase my strength quickly. »

I headed to the room of my right arm and best friend Arthur.

Arriving at his room, I quickly opened the door and saw him say goodbye to his beloved and put on his war armor and sword, Arthur is now an A rank, although I'm still stronger that him, it's not by far like before, he had a baby he called Melio and his baby at two years old.

Seeing me, he looked at me with a serious look and said, "My King, I am ready to lead Troop Number Two." »

"Alright Arthur, let's go now." " I said

Arthur follows me and neither of us has opened our mouths, the atmosphere is too tense because of the war.

I climbed the pedestal and saw my 400,000 soldiers staring at me, I quickly made my speech.

"Today is a special day, DEMONS HAVE ATTACKED OUR VILLAGES, ATTACKING OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND THEY THINK WE WILL DO NOTHING? We are going to win this war and end the demons once and for all with my divine sword given as a gift by the Goddess, I am sure I can defeat those pesky demons and with you as our faithful soldiers we are going to kill them all! FOR OUR GODDESS! I shouted raising my demon slaying divine sword and everyone raised their swords

"WE WILL KILL THEM ALL!" shouted Arthur





In the distance, we can see the demons sitting on monsters approaching the capital at ominous paces but me, Arthur and my 400,000 soldiers are not afraid.

We're out and ready to face those pesky demons.

The fourth great world war is about to begin.

Then, I heard a demon sound outside, the battle will start again.

Ten days passed,

In a world populated by evil demons and magical creatures, a war was raging. The humans were fighting for their survival against the demons who had invaded their land and were trying to enslave them. It was a difficult battle, as the demons were fierce opponents, with incredible magical powers and superhuman physical abilities.

This is where Issei comes in, a fearless and brave warrior with a sacred spear that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family, the LeMou family.

This spear was able to hurt demons in a special way, draining their life energy and inflicting massive damage.

Issei had learned to master the spear since those 16 years, and he had become a formidable warrior who had participated in many battles against demons.

The day of the great battle was approaching, and Issei was preparing to face the enemy. He orders his soldiers to follow him and lead the attack against the demons and drive them out of the land of Eya.

Issei knew the battle would be difficult, but he was determined to defend his people and defeat the demons once and for all.

The night before the battle, Issei trained with his spear. He focused on every move, every kick, every parry, using all the skills he had learned over the years. He was in great shape, physically and mentally, ready to face the demons with confidence, especially with his GOD rank stamina.

The next morning, Issei and his fellow warriors assembled at the vanguard of the army. Ready to face the demons. Issei had left his family, his friends, and all his loved ones behind, knowing that this battle was the most important of his life. He was ready to die if necessary, but he was also ready to defeat demons and protect his people.

Finally, the charge order was given by Issei and Arthur, and the human army rushed towards the demons.

Issei was in the front line, spear in hand and commanding tens of thousands of soldiers in divine gold armor handed down from king to king, ready to face them. The demons answered the call, rushing towards the humans, their claws sharp and their magic powers deadly.

Issei knew victory depended on his sacred spear. He had coated her with his most powerful spells, creating an aura of light around her that burned demons whenever she struck them. He danced, spinning his spear in a spiral, striking the demons from all sides, creating a bulwark of light that repelled their assaults.

The fight raged on, humans and demons clashing in an epic battle that seemed to never end.

And finally the fight began.