
Chapter 3 - Siblings Bond (1)

Both the twins, Lucas and Fredirick, decided to check on their Big brother Algard and they also want to bring Anise with them but she rejected them as she said that it will be too scary to go to their big brother Algard room and that he might be angry to them if they go there which make Fredirick to be nervous too but Lucas insisted to go. Fredirick always didn't want to be apart from Lucas and always wanted to stay with him that's why he didn't have any choice but to go with Lucas into their big brother's room.

When they got there they knocked on the door but the one who answered was not their big brother but his personal butler, Balcus. Balcus smiled gently at them as he let them inside Algard's room. As they entered the room they saw their big brother sitting on the room with a blank expression as if he was thinking a deep thoughts in his head that he didn't even heard both of them entered the room.

Algard suddenly felt that someone is looking at him so he turned around and was a bit startled when he saw his two younger brothers looking at him with a curious eyes.

'When did this two came into my room?!?!'

Algard was still surprise to see both of them on his room but he didn't show it to both of them.

"Both of you have a sit."

Algard saw them standing so he quickly let them sit on the sofa but they only looked at him as they sat down on the sofa. He also sat down as he observe the two of them.

'Both of them should be on the age of 14.'

Algard and the twins just loocked eye contacts with each other as the surrounding atmosphere of the room becames awkward, no one is making any confidence start a conversation.

"Why are two here anyway? Do you two need something from me?"

Algard felt that this is becoming more awkward so he started the convesation first by asking a question so that he can't make the two uncomfortable.

"Big brother Algard, Do you know that tommorow is the competition on the Blackbell village in the Nothern continent?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

'Of course I know...That is the competition where the heroine will join and reveal her special magic ability.'

Algard was still confuse on why Lucas bring this up but he notice that Fredirick became shy and looked at him trying to make himself seems brave infront of him that made Algard laughed a little making Fredirick to be flustered a little.

"We wa-wanted to go but fa-father said that we need someone to go with us.....but.....elder brother Dmitri is busy tommorow...so-"

"So we wanted to know if you are free tommorow to join us watch the competition tommorow on the Blackbell Village!"

Fredirick became more flustered that he stuttered everything he said a little, that Lucas notice so he decided to continue it so that Fredirick can calm down a little. Algard was happy when he heard that the two wanted him to join them but he felt a little bit complicated when he thought of going there and having a chance on seeing the heroine.

Algard thought about it hard if he is going or not, he decided to refuse their request but he was caught a little off guard when both Lucas and Fredirick showed him a big puppy eyes which made him unable to refuse.

"Balcus do I have any schedule to do tommorow? like a sword practice training?"

"No at all, young master. Your sword practice trainer, sir Thomas, is busy tommorow and you have no schedule to do tommorow either.

Algard looked towards Balcus and first ask a question to make sure that he have no schedule to do tommorow so he can really make sure and guarantee that he can really make a promise to the twins to join them tommorow without any problems. Balcus reasured him that he had nothing to do tommorow that make him very glad to hear so he have no other choice but to agree.

"Fine, I'll join you two tommorow."


Both the twins, Lucas and Fredirick, becames excited and cheerful when they heard their big brother Algard said that he will join them tommorow.

"Then we will tell this good news to father and mother so that they will give us permission."

"Do what you two wanted to do, I don't mind."

Algard smiled and laughed a little when he saw the twins being excited, that made both of them cute like a cute little rabbit for him when they are like this. Algard patted both of their head while smiling brightly that made both of the twins, Lucas and Fredirick, looked at each other very confuse and very happy as well as the same time.

"Then we will get going now big brother Algard!"


The twins, Lucas and Fredirick, happily said goodbye to their big brother Algard, they smile brightly that it never banished from their face, Algard also smiled brightly towards them as he nodded as a responsed. Both the twins, Lucas and Fredirick, left Algard's room with an bright and cheerful smile on their face.

-----Lucas and Fredirick POV-----

Lucas Sora Halford and Fredirick are the third and fourth born sons of Duke Alaxender Sora Halford and Duchess Elizabeth Sora Halford. They are only 14 years old this year and they are born on the 14th day of the 7th month of the 634th year of the Irene Calendar. Even if they are both twins, they are very opposite with each other like their hair color, eye color, and even their personality.

They have a second older brother who's name is Algard Sora Halford who is three years older than them. Even they are brothers, Algard didn't even have the time to spend time with the both of them and he didn't even care about them, they didn't also see their big brother Algard very much since in their own childhood days.

But they have a big problem today that confuse them a lot that problem is none other than their big brother Algard, who have changed his whole personality and actions today, that seems a little bit weird lately, he never cause any ruckus today like before and he never make any kinds of trouble that will make their father mad and stressful but they didn't think much to it because they didn't want to get into their big brother Algard nerves and make him angry with them.

Even if they tried to avoid their big brother Algard weird behavior today. Their father ordered that he wanted to eat a meal with the rest of the family and when they heard about this they both panicked because of this but they have no other choice but to agreed to go there.

"Good morning baby brothers!"

When they got to the dinning room, they were greeted cheerfully by their elder brother, Dmitri, and they saw their father [Duke Alexander Sora Halford], their mother [Duchess Elizabeth Sora Halford], and their two other siblings [Dmitri Sora Halford and Anise Sora Halford] sitting in the dinning table, but they didn't saw the one they are expecting for to saw and that is their older brother, Algard Sora Halford. This made both of them sigh a little bit relieved and they sat down both next to each other with their mother.

They were happy to eat a meal with the rest of the family and the dishes that both chef Hans and Jelena cooked today was so delicious so it made their day a lot more better but a few minutes they heard the door opened that made everyone on the dinning table stopped eating and turned their head to looked at the door, to their surprise they all saw Algard entering the room wearing only a very casual and simple clothes that is very different to his everyday clothes that he wore before.

Fredirick didn't pay much to his big brother arrival inside and just continued to eat the dish on his plate but he noticed that his twins brother, Lucas, is looking towards him, he turned around to his twin brother.


Fredirick whispered softly to his twin brother, Lucas, questioning to know if he needed to say something to him. So Lucas gets closer to his ear as he whisperef softly.

"Why does big brother Algard only wear simple and casual clothes today?"

".....I-I don't know."

Fredirick was surprise when he heard this question but even he didn't know and was also confuse and surprise on why his big brother wore simple and casual clothes today unlike before, he looked towards his twin brother and answer him casually but he can't help to stuttered a little.

"Good morning little brother!"

"Your late here again."

They turned back their gaze to their food and tried to ignore their big brother's arrival, when they heard their elder brother, Dmitri, greeting Algard cheerfully that they didn't pay much attention too but suddenly all parts of their body feels a chills when they heard their father's cold and serious voice that made both of them stopped eating their food.

They turned their gaze slighlty to their big brother to see him looking towards their father while standing there with a blank expression on his face and not even saying a single word that made them slightly confuse.

"Dear...Please calm down. Algard... sweetie, do not mind your father just sit down on the table."

They were only staring on their big brother and tried to observe him the whole time while also listening to their mother's sweet and symphatic voice.

The twins loved their mother a lot because their mother, Duchess Elizabeth, is a very loving parent that treat and love all of her children equally but Algard always ignore her and disrespect here that's why they dislike their big brother a little.

They just obeserve on what their big brother will do next, that they already suspected to be angry with their mother's sudden order that they know that he hated being ordered around by others that isn't their father, but they are only surprise when they saw their big brother Algard following their mother's order as he nodded his head as a response and walked towards to the empty sit next to their elder brother, Dmitri.

They stared towards their big brother, Algard, and observed every moves and actions he made but they big brother saw them and they all made eye contact with each other that startled both of them.

"Is there something wrong, Lucas and Fredirick?"

"...No..There's nothing wrong big brother Algard."

Fredirick was afraid to got into their big brother nerves and get into trouble but he didn't want his twin brother, Lucas, to get into trouble so even if he is nervous he was the one who responded first that made Lucas surprised and stunned. Fredirick looked towards his twins brother and saw him looking at him with full of appreciation in his eyes.

They were glad that Algard didn't say anything towards them and they decided to just turned their heads towards the table, they also notice that their big brother also turned his head towards the table as well. They continued eating the dish, they didn't say anything more and they also didn't looked back towards their big brother again.


"Do you have something to say to me father?"

They were now eating peacefully when they heard their father and their big brother voices so they lifted their heads to see what the commotion was all about, they looked at their father and saw him looking towards their big brother Algard more seriously and colder than before while to their surprise their big brother only stayed calm.

"The third pince and his younger brother will be coming to visits our estate next week."

"Really dad?! Nicky will be visiting!"

They listened to every words of their father and the news their father said made both of them and their little sister, Anise, a bit of surprise and excited, they are both happy and excited because they will their close friend [Nicholas (Nick) Von Ascart], who is the fourth prince of the Redvelve Kingdom and youngest brother of the third prince, Julian Von Ascart. But as both of them and Anise where are all excited about the news, they heard a loud sound that fell on the floor.


"You alright?"

Everyone turned their heads around towards the source of the sound and saw Algard with a stunned and surprise expression on his face. Their elder brother Dmitri was the first and only one person who have the courage to talk to their big brother Algard.

"Ah...My apologies..."

They were shocked and surprise when they heard and saw Algard apologies and smiled calmly and gently for the first time.

'Who is this person?! This is not out big brother!!!'

'If he is really our big brother, then does mean our big brother get possessed by a good spirit?'

Both of them saw their big brother Algard looked the other way to avoid all of their gaze and they both felt that the surrounding becames awkwards so both of them looked towards back to their food.

They didn't much attention to their big brother Algard but they suddenly heard their father calling out to their big brother Algard, they both just decided not to pay attention to what they are saying and they only continued eating their food on their plates. But they heard some words that is so much surprising to them to hear and when they lifted their head they saw their father smiling that made Lucas happy and Fredirick nervous.

Their mother calmed Fredirick who seems to be now crying when he saw his father smile for the first time ever that made their father a little bit embarrassed but Lucas turned his gaze back to his food again as he just tried to ignore everyone and just continue eating.


A few minutes later after everyone finished eating. Their father, Duke Alexander, was the first person to stand up as everyone got up also after him. Their father looked towards each of the family member as the cold expression from before banished and he looked very satisfied with our meal today.

They both looked towards their big brother secrectly as they are listening to what their big brother and their father was talking about when they heard their father asking if Algard's needed something but Algard only answered he needed a lots of money that made both of them and Anise looked at him with full of disbelief.

They also noticed that their big brother Algard only ignore them as he continued looking towards their father.

After both of their father and their big brother finished talking, they all left the room quickly while both of them was still in full of disbelief on what had happened inside the dinning room today. They headed back to their room as they lay down, still thinking on what happened on the dinning room today. As they were laying down on their bed, Lucas decided to have a little walk around the estate so he bring his servant with him when he was in the garden he heard something from the servant who were talking that got his whole interest.

"Did you know tommorow is the competition on Blackbell Village?"

"Yeah, I heard that it will be awesome to watch tommorow and I heard also that the Count's son, Damian Shan Archiells, and the fourth prince, Nicholas (Nick) Von Ascart, will be going to the competition."

'Nicky will be going tommorow?'

Lucas was full of excitement as he quickly run towards back to their as his servant followed him. Lucas saw his twin brother, Fredirick reading his books again and he told him the news that he had heard by now, that made both of them excited as they quickly went to their parents office to ask for their approval but they are bothe dissapointed when they said that they can't go unless they have someone to go with them that is older than them.

Their elder brother, Dmitri, is busy tommorow with his tutor lesson so he can't go with them and their big brother, Algard, is the only person they have as a chance so they have no choice but to test their luck.

After testing their luck, they were so happy that their big brother, Algard, agreed with them and he didn't looked at them with a cold eyes but a warm and gentle eyes.

As they got back to their room, they saw Anise waiting for them at their doors waiting on what happened inside her big brother's room.

"What happened?"

"You wouldn't believe this but big brother Algard agreed with us going on the competition tommorow and not only that but he pat us in our head!"

Lucas and Fredirick cheerfully smiled as their eyes sparkles with joy while Anise felt proud to see both of his older brothers are having fun and suddenly her mood felt down because she also wants to go and spend time together with her big brother, Algard.

"You can go with us if you want."

Lucas and Fredirick saw her reaction. They quickly thought and decided to asked her if she wanted to go so that they can ask their parents if they can bring Anise tommorow with them too.


"Yeah, beside we can use this to have some fun and spend time with big brother Algard for the first time."

Anise eyes brighten with joy and smiled widely when she heard this that made the twins very happy too to see her reaction. They all headed towards their parents office so that they can tell them this good news and so that they can have a permission for tommorow.

----Back to Algard----

After the twins left his room, Algard was left there alone with Balcus and the smile on his face never left as Balcus saw this and have an odd expression on his the whole time even when the twins left the room, that Algard never did notice even now. Balcus retracted his mood and changed back his expression into his gentle, benign, and earness facade expression on his face again when he noticed that Algard stood up from his sofa.

"...You seems enjoying yourself talking to the twins, young master."

Algard turned his head towards Balcus and could see his cunning and gentle smile on his face that always irritate him and his whole mood but when he heard what Balcus said, he quickly remembered the cheerful smile of the twins that warms his heart and quickly made his mood a lot better.

'...How can I resist feeling a lot better when my younger siblings are adorable?....'

"Balcus...Can we go to the study right now?"

"Yes, young master...We can go right now if you want to."

Algard retracted his whole expression on face and quickly questioned Balcus if they can go to the study right now because it's over been two hours. Balcus answered calmly with a gentle and calm smile on his face that made Algard now a bit uncomfortable, that he tried to never let Balcus notice so he only bitterly smiled towards Balcus.

Algard followed Balcus towards the study as he saw his older brother, Dmitri, coming out of his room holding a lot of tower of paper works on both of his hand, he felt bad as he stopped Balcus and went towards his older brother.

"Let me help you."

"Ah...Little brother Algard..Thanks."

Algard picked up all of the stack tower of paper works from his older brother, Dmitri, hands that made Dmitri glad and grateful towards Algard.

"You sure you want to bring this?"

"Yeah, so where am I going to bring this to?"

"You can bring this to the study."

"That's great, I'm heading there right now."

Dmitri only felt a little bad for letting his little brother get his work done but Algard only reasured him that's its fine and he also going to head to the library that made Dmitri a little bit relived that he is not troubling his little brother, Algard. Dmitri let out a full of sigh of relived as they both part on their different ways.

Balcus saw this and was full of disbelief of seeing Algard helping Dmitri and even now carrying this full of stack tower of paper works to the library without hesistating a bit. Algard didn't think that this stack tower of paper works is heavy because he always carry large paper works on his past life that's why it felt like he was like lifting a bag of feathers inside.

Algard didn't pay much attention towards Balcus reaction and just continue to follow Balcus towards the study so that he can start to make his plan for his future and also so he can deliver this stack tower of paper works to the study on where his older brother, Dmitri, requested him to do.

After following behind Balcus and walking about many minutes, Algard and Balcus arrived on the entrace door of the study. Algard take out a long deep breath as Balcus opened the door of the study. When they got inside, they saw Noah standing there smiling brightly when he saw both of Balcus and Algard entering the study but he was so surprised to see Algard carrying a stack tower of paper works on both his hands

"Young master. Why are you carrying this heavy stuff?!"

"Just some stack of paper works and don't worry this not heavy at all."

Noah ran towards Algard when he saw him with those stack tower of paper works as he tried to help Algard on carrying those paper works but to his surprise Algard only refused and said that it is not heavy at all.

Noah only looked at Algard with full of disbelief and turned his head towards Balcus to see his responsed but Balcus only showed that he is feeling the same way as he does. Balcus sat down on one of the chair inside the study and decided to wait until Algard finished reading in the study.

Algard put all of the paper works on the table and walked towards each of the different book sections to find the book that he is searching for but he was only in trouble because there is much different book here that it would take him so much time to find it. Noah saw Algard troubled expression so he went towards Algard to help him what he was having trouble with.

"Do you need some help, young master Algard?"

"Ah!..Sorry Noah, you scared me a little."

"It's fine... It's my fault anyway sorry for scaring you, young master Algard."

Algard was so busy that he didn't notice Noah heading towards him that's why he was a little bit surprised that he screamed a little when he turned around and saw Noah near him. Algard sincerely apologies immediately to Noah for screaming when he saw him but Noah only said it's his fault for scaring him and apologies towards Algard.

"What is troubling you, young master Algard?"

"I'm having a lot of trouble on finding some book I'm looking for because of the large numbers of book here in each bookshelfs."

"What book are you looking for exactly, young master?"

"Does this study have a book that contains about the currency of the money, the different noble and military knighthood ranking and titles, and also the different magic abilities and how they are awakened?"

"Mmm...Oh yeah, we have that kind of book. Please wait for me and let me find it for you, young master."

"Oh! Wait..Please make sure to bring me some papers and some pen...I need it for somethings."

"Sure no problem, young master."


Noah smiled and left to find the book that Algard was looking for. Algard sat down and felt bored when he heard a loud sound that came from outside, Algard went towards the window and saw a bunch of military knight practicing riding their own aircraft and some are practicing using their own battle robots. Algard was intertained when he saw this and smiled widely with full of satisfaction.

'I almost forgot that this world is not all about magic and swordmanship but this world also have aircraft, battle robots, and also some different advance gadgets and technologies.'

'I always wanted to have and ride one of those.'

Algard frowed when he remembered that he alwayd dreamed of having one of those aircraft and battle robots on his past life when he first saw those while playing the game.

'Wait...maybe I can pursue father on letting me enroll on the noble military knighthood academy instead of the noble magic and swordmanship academy.'

Algard thought about it hard and he smiled cunningly when he quickly realized that he can do that so that he can ride one of those aircrafts and battle robots in the future.

A few minutes later, Noah came back holding some books with some papers and pen when he saw Algard looking at the windows towards the military knights training just outside the study with full of interest and intertainment flashing on both of his eyes.

"Do you want to join the noble military knighthood academy, young master?"

"Ah...Noah..Yeah I've been thinking of joining but i don't know if father will let me enroll there instead of the magic and swordmanship academy."

"I'm sure Duke Alexander and Duchess Elizabeth will let you enroll on any academy you want, maybe you just need to tell them."

"Yeah maybe your right."

"Oh..I almost forgot. This is the book you are looking for and some papers and pen that you requested, young master."

"Thank you for this Noah."

"No problem, young master. If you need my help you can find me on the counter of the study."

Algard nodded as a responsed and gently smiled towards Noah, still grateful on finding the book. When Noah left Algard on the table all alone and Algard quickly examined and read each of the pages of the book.

----Book Information----

[This world is a world filled with magic, swordmanship, guns, gadgets, and some advance technologies that made this world much more advance on terms of strong resources.

This world have different rank and titles base on their choices in life, if they wanted to be a military knight, magician, adventurer, noble, and a knight.

Military knighthood and Knighthood are different with each other in terms of ranks and titles but they are different on the tools and equipment they used in battles and trainings. Military knighthood uses guns, swords, aircrafts, and battle robots in battle while Knighthood uses only swords and horses.

[Military Knighthood, Knighthood, and Magician Ranks and Title can be seen on their badge attached to their clothes but Military Knighthood and Knighthood Ranks and Titles, it can also be seen on the color of their clothes that they wear.]

Military Knighthood Ranks and Title:



▪︎Private 2nd Class

▪︎Private 1st Class

▪︎Lance Corporal



▪︎Staff Sergeant

▪︎Gunnery Surgeant

▪︎Master Sergeant

▪︎Sergeant Major

▪︎Regimenal Sergeant Major


▪︎2nd Class Lieutenant

▪︎1st Class Lieutenant



▪︎Lieutenant Colonel


▪︎Brigadier General

▪︎Major General

▪︎Lieutenant General


▪︎Global General

▪︎Grand Commander


▪︎General Commander

▪︎General Grand Commander

Knighthood Ranks and Titles:

▪︎Swordsman Rook

▪︎Swordsman 2nd Class

▪︎Swordsman 1st Class

▪︎Swordsman Master Class

▪︎Warrior Junior

▪︎Warrior Senior

▪︎Grand Warrior Junior

▪︎Grand Warrior Senior

▪︎Grand Warrior Master

▪︎Elder Grand Master Warrior

▪︎Alistor Warrior

▪︎Grand Alistor Warrior

▪︎Ascendric Warrior

▪︎Ascendric Technician Warrior

▪︎Colonel Warrior

▪︎General Warrior

▪︎Commander Warrior

▪︎General Commander Warrior

▪︎General Grand Warrior

Adventurer Ranks and Titles:

▪︎F-Class [Grey]

▪︎E-Class [Black]

▪︎D-Class [Brown]

▪︎C-Class [Orange]

▪︎B-Class [Violet]

▪︎A-Class [Silver]

▪︎S-Class [Gold]

▪︎SS-Class [Diamond]

▪︎SSS-Class [Platinum]

▪︎Great Adventurer

▪︎Legendary Adventurer

[Adventurers ranks and titles can be seen base on their adventure card color]

Magician Ranks and Titles:







▪︎Oracle Master


▪︎Grand Archmage

▪︎Great Grand Archmage

Noble Ranks and Titles:









[Noble ranks and titles are much more easier to remember than the ranks and titles of Military knighthood, Knighthood, Magician, and Adventurer. Here in this world each part of the continents have different King and Queen and Duke and Duchess while there is only one Emperor and Empress in each Kingdom of the world. The title Emperor and Empress are the most highest ranks and titles in the whole Nobility and the title Baron and Baroness is the most lowest ranks and titles in the whole Nobility.]

[The currency of the money sometimes changed everytime a new Emperor or Empress reign or rule in each kingdom.]

Today Coins Currency

▪︎10,000 copper coins = 1 silver/iron coins

▪︎100,000 silver/iron coins = 1 gold/gallon coins

▪︎1,000,000 gold coins = 1 diamond coins

▪︎10,000,000 diamond coins = 1 platinum coins ]

Algard read through all the pages but he was also so dissapointed when he didn't find anything all about magic and just found some of the different ranks and titles that everyone can get base on their choicen position. Algard wrote all of the book important information on the paper so that he can try to remember all of this in his room.

While Algard was busy reading and writing. Balcus walked towards him and he seems to be in hurry, Algard looked towards Balcus direction and was surprise and little bit confused to see him be in a hurry.

"Young master!"

"Why are in such a hurry?"


"What happened?"

"Young master, the Duke and the Duchess wanted to see you in their office today."


Next chapter