
The rise of hero in the world of villains

What will you do when you are surrounded by crazy villains and you are the only sane person who hasn't lost his mind yet.. On this journey you will get to know how our MC will survive and rise in the society full of villains with all kinds of twisted personalities and powers or will he lose all hope & end up becoming same as other's? a villain...

darklord107 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 You CAN TRY, but I Won't die

"So, where is my Roasted Strawberry Ice Cream? hmmm.... tell me"

"You could have asked the servants for it" I said, trying to stand my ground

"So now you are telling me what to do now, since when did the weakling have any right to question me?" she said gazing down at me as if to say <go on try to refute if you can>.

"I'm sorry it slipped my mind "

I said while immediately sitting in Seiza position in front of my little sister Ava, who was standing in front of me Crossing arms across her chest.

"Slipped your mind? Hohoo, I guess I was being too soft on you for the last few days I guess. Have you forgotten the last time you failed to complete my errand right..? Should I help you jog up your memory?" She said in an emotionless voice

"I'm sorry it won't happen again"

'Even if it wasn't me who got punished last time just remembering that incident send shiver down my spine'

"Forget it, just remember there won't be a next time." "Hmph!"

I followed her with my eyes until she left the hall


'My second chance in life is not what I expected it to be. What the hell does that goddess want me to do with this? My life here is not good at all. I'm treated as a punching bag with this ability. '

When my regeneration ability manifested my family was over the moon, but they soon came to know that I could do nothing else other than regenerate myself. My physical powers were pathetic, I couldn't even defeat a child if we were to fight.

I couldn't even transfer or regenerate other person's wounds like other user similar to my abilities, which means I would be useless to others and cannot be of any value during fights or any emergency.

But this is the reason why I have a special advantage that other regeneration user don't have <full restoration> which means I can restore myself to prefect condition. Others user can also regenerate but they have limitation which I don't have. They can't be brought back from death.

Once they die it means they are dead but me, hu! hu! I cannot die basically I'm a unkillable.

You asking how do I know I cannot die? Its because this theory has been tested and proven using several methods.

It stated 6 years ago....





[6 years ago]

When I was out for one of my morning jogs I was mistakenly killed.

It occurred when I was roaming in the garden near my house where I saw two people fighting, then one of them released a fire blast which person No.2 deflected with his shield power sending it to my direction and the result....?I was blasted into oblivion, only leaving tiny bits of my body behind.

They both panicked, but after a while they just ran away. People stared gathering around after hearing the noise made by the blast. Some of them understood what had occurred, some were just chatting about how the incident occurred and some of them were just here for entertainment.

Suddenly all the commotion died down as they saw a light shining brightly.

Infront of them they saw a body materializing and saw a handsome boy standing in front of them in full glory.

Some people covered their children's eyes to not taint them and some onee-sans were watching while covering their mouth saying <Oh My! or Ara! ara!>, some were looking at the youth as if he was a big tasty piece of meat including some pervy uncles. Then they saw the youth looking around searching for something hurriedly and seems to have found it which looks like a ring then he takes some clothes from it and ran way.....



(Aaron's pov)

When I saw the fire blast coming to my direction I knew I cannot dodge it, 'Haa!!, I guess my time has come. Goodbye world' I closed my eyes and I died within seconds

" ₪₪៛៛៛៛៛*≭≭**##⇟⇟***៛៛**⇟*₪⇟₪₪⇟⇟!!!!!!!!!!!"

'The fuck!' what's this strange noise it really irritating, I can't even see anything, I don't understand what the....'


I see bright beam of light


I opened my eyes to see people around me


'What is this? I'm alive!!, how can this be possible?'

I look around to see some people looking at me strangely and that included some of uncles which gave me goosebumps and I see the reason because I was naked which was to be expected as I was blasted with fire type ability.

I need to find my storage ring so I can wear some clothes and not walk around naked.

After searching around I found it then took out some of my clothes and ran away. It was too embarrassing to stay there.

'But how can I be alive after taking that fire blast, I know that I definitely died. I haven't heard any regeneration user or any other ability user coming back from death. Am I special? '

I was giddy with excitement.

'I want to tell my father about this maybe he will value me more then hu hu'



" So you are telling me you came back from dead?"

" Yes, father"

" Hmm, then lets test it" said a man in his late thirties while moving his hand in front of him to do something

"hai?" I died again without leaving anything but some ashes behind

But this time I did not hear any voices, but just blinked and came back in perfect condition, Of course fully naked that is, so I take out my clothes from storage ring to wear.

" So you were telling the truth" Blaze said while scratching his beard

" ..." 'who in the right mind will kill his son just for test whether he was telling the truth or not'

I wanted to shout but control myself in front of my father

"Lets do some more experiments to see whether you are unkillable or not".....



I went through many experiments to see my unkillable ability is valid or not and you know what? I'm surprised to see that a person can die by these many method's but I came back every time so it proved I was unkillable...



" So what? Even if you are unkillable it won't be of any use to the family, you were a insect before and now you just an unkillable insect that's it" Blaze turn around and left the experiment lab.

'Then why the hell did I go through those experiments'

I wanted to cry but held myself in front of these people around me to keep my remaining little dignity if their was any and left the lab.





[Present time]

So yep, I'm unkillable, but I do not know whether I'm immortal or not as I grow like a normal human maybe I will stop aging after a certain age or maybe I will die like a normal human and by normal human I mean humans of this world who live around 5-6 hundred years so I don't mind it that much.

Anyway I am to useless in this world where power is everything. People don't see me as a threat but just a punching bag.

'That goddess said I have two abilities. One is regeneration but what about the other?' I thought sitting in my room

"Ufufufu, do you want to obtain your second ability?"

"Go..Goddess Eris?"
