
family lou

In one of the 100 subcontinents is the origin of humans a common race.

During the war many people lost, there were even moments when they were close to destruction, even almost annihilated.

The humans, although they did not win the war, but during the dark era they also survived the prehistoric era during which large aquatic beasts arose due to the large number of corpses that fell into the ocean, cutting off all communication and trade thus ending the war.

After the prehistoric era begins an era of relatively quiet.

In the terran subcontinent where there are several kingdoms, a single empire, in addition to religions.

In a kingdom called the red fountain, which is a treasure that the ancestors of the royal family used to stand for almost thousands of years and this kingdom is coastal it has been prosperous for a few hundred years without being affected and in a county that has existed for about 450 years since the ancestor of the Lou family came to open up badlands.

In this marine area hides a great secret that the first ancestor calculated for 50 years to open wastelands and then during his last years of life which were 100 years to explore and obtain, but only brought two children that he only had.

the eldest was called lou gerih

and the second and last of his sons lou xuan

That the ancestor was a genius after reaching the age of 50 he was only on the spiritual level that he can only live up to 250 years.

who knew he was going to die spending 50 years looking for that ruins and spent another 50 years refining a mental treasure that looked like a radar and had attacks for the soul after his descendants found the ruins they could obtain what is inside.

and so his descendants also spent their lives digging up the ruins and searching for the door.

having only one child each.

that lou gerih and lou xuan left enough in the treasure box for their descendants to be able to reach the blood realm.

Ancestor Lou spent his last years of life eliminating aquatic beasts.

lou gerih had a son with the third daughter of the lord of the city and that son is called lou pei

lou xuan had a son with the second strongest family that is the qi family that his ancestor also friends of his ancestor who was his second daughter of the qi family giving himself a son with the name lou wong

the ancestor of the lou family died after considering himself a genius at 50 years and another 50 years looking for the area where the ruins probably existed in addition to another 50 years refining the treasure of rank 4 and his last years of life that are 100 years killing beasts aquatic.

He had his two children at the age of 100, dying in the year that his family turned 150, which is the age of his children who were in the kingdom of blood and they lived 50 years after they died.

Any questions ask, as I told you it is my first time I make a novel I hope you indicate my mistakes and also I realized how difficult it is to complete a page of only 500 words so I decided that one week a page of 500 words, I hope that in shop.

Thank you

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