
The Rise of Azurath

A queen on a doomed planet kills herself to spite the world. She awakens from death itself in a strange place filled with weird creatures. She is attacked suddenly and kills a creature unexpectedly, wondering how she can move so fast. After killing the creatures, she hears a loud ding and a voice telling her,"You have leveled up". When she looks through weird windows with different information, she finds out she is in a place called a dungeon. What is going on and what happened to her? Is she even in the same world!!! (Author's Note) I will drop 4 to 6 chapters a week starting on Monday's. I just don't write on Friday or Sunday

Shane_Dalton · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Avendrial

I felt something shaking me slightly. I was so warm, and this pillow is so soft. I feel the hands shaking me again, and my eyes open, and I see a boob. Ah, that's right, no longer a virgin. I lift my head slowly off of Lily's other boob and look at her.

"I would love nothing more for you to stay, Aria, but you should probably get up to go, it's already 7:30, and I know you want some breakfast." I blinked at her with my bleary eyes and yawned. Lily smirks and says, "And you probably shouldn't show off your fangs, being that your race shouldn't have them." My mouth clamps shut and I look at her a bit panicked. She just closes the distance and kisses me.

"I don't care what you are, Aria. You are super hot and cute. Next time we do this though, try not to drink as much blood, hm." I look at her confused, until I notice all the bite marks on her neck. I look down her body and notice not only did I bite her on the neck, but her breasts and pussy had a few puncture marks. I blush deeply.

"It's okay Aria, no harm done. It felt amazing. Especially on my pus-, hn." Lily can't say anymore because my fingers are on her lips, with me blushing even harder. "I get it. Please stop speaking," I say to her covering my face with my hands. She just laughs at me, smacking my ass playfully. "Aria, if you want to do it again before you leave, I'll glady cum in your mouth again." I just look at her, and shake my head. 'Well, I've got a little longer,' I think to myself, my hand already rubbing her pussy a bit.

Well, shit, after having our fun for a few hours, I ended up almost being late. In the center of town there is a huge arch like structure. A blue like substantial energy thingy was In between the the structure. I guess this is how I'm getting to Avendrial, or it's my only guess at this point. There is also a person standing in front of the thing, so I just walk to where I see her. It's the same person from the talk with Jerome.

"Ah, there you are Arianna. I came myself this time, since I have nothing else to do today. How are you?" I bow to her slightly, "I'm okay, Lady Jade. By the way, you can just call me Aria." Lady Jade smiles slightly, "Of course, Aria. Then just call me Jade. Now, since introductions are out of the way, follow me through the portal. We have a long day ahead of us."

I smile back to her, replying, "Okay, Jade, I'm ready. She nods in reply, and walks to the blue stuff, which must be the portal. She walks through, and I follow. When I step into the portal, I feel a slight pressure around my body, and I get super dizzy. I close my eyes and try to clear the disorientation from my head. When I open my eyes, I freeze.

"In all all that's holy..." I whisper. In front of me, a huge golden structure is in front of me. Jade is looking at me with a grin, probably understanding my shock. I mean, it's a freaking castle for gods sake. Jade speaks to me, still grinning with those delectable lips, "Welcome to Avendrial, Aria. This building is where our queen resides, Queen Rochelle's palace." I just shake my head wondering, 'What in the hell have I got myself into.'

Jade walks to me, and she grabs my hand. "Let's go, we have to get you to your new place. School isn't until next month after all." I just follow helplessly, looking at her ass as we walk. I can't help but lick my lips a bit. I wonder why I'm always horny? And why do I keep looking at all of the women around here like they are something to eat...

I shrug to myself, I'll look at my stats later. I still haven't looked at my new level up rewards or anything. Guess I've had to much on my mind.

Eventually we make it to a rich looking place. I've seen a lot of buildings, and this city seems to be bustling with activity. In this place though, all I see are huge houses.

We finally get to one specifically, and Jade unlocks the door. Jade looks at me and passes me the key, saying, "This is your new home for awhile. I had furniture moved in this morning. There are different things like a tv, fridge, microwave, oven, and many other appliances. The beds here are also nice, and I think you will enjoy yourself. Come, let me show you the bedroom." We start to go up some stairs, and I can't help but wander to myself, what the hell is she talking about? What is a tv? A fridge? Guess I'll ask her later.

She opens a door down the hall, after passing a crap ton of doors. How many rooms are there? We walk in the door and she turns suddenly, looking at me seriously. "Aria, this is one of the mansions provided by the crown. I got it for you because of your talent. The fact you are level 12 is unheard of at your age. People don't start leveling up until age 15, when they start at one of the academies. You are going to the magic academy, and you will have tutors for all of the professions. Martial arts and weapon fighting is also included. This house has 21 bedrooms, and 10 bathrooms. There are 2 kitchen areas, and there is also another floor underground with a heated pool and jacuzzi. We are on the top floor in the master bedroom. There is also a workout room in the next room. So, what do you think?"

I just stare at her, dumbfounded. I shake my head, and voice my question, "Isn't this a little much? I mean, I'm not that special." Jade just smiles, walks forward, and wraps her hands around my waist. "Aria, you are extremely special, and the fact that you are 10 levels higher than your age group is amazing."

"The queen actually requested this for you herself. Especially after we found out you were abandoned, and that you have no family. The queen actually requested your presence for tomorrow. She will explain everything to you."

I just get even more confused. What confuses me the most is why is she holding my waist like I'm her lover. I try to say something, but she cuts me off mid speech kissing me deeply. I feel like im in a trance, kissing her back. She pulls back, looking at me. "Aria, I want to give you a gift. Come, let me show you what I mean." Jade pulls me to the huge bed, and she pushes me down on it. She takes her shirt of, and starts to lay on me.

Again she smiles at me, then she is kissing me. After a few minutes, I notice we are both completely naked. She pulls back and looks me in the eye before going down on me. Her face is hovering above my pussy, and all of a sudden she puts her whole mouth on me. I arch my back and can't help but scream as I cum in her mouth.

After a minute of her lapping all of my juices, she looks up at me with a happy grin. "I'm just getting started darling, I'm just getting started," Jade said, with a sexy smirk. 'Holy shit, why do I keep having sex, and this is only the second day of my freedom, with a second woman. 'Oh well, I'm just going to enjoy myself,' I think, screaming in pleasure once again. Seriously though, I wonder if this is what she meant when she said today would be busy...

Another chapter, and I long wait I'm sure. I'm in the middle of moving again, so sorry for the late chapter. Don't know when I'll drop another chapter, but it'll be within a week. Hope y'all like this one, it's still basically the prologue to the beginning of academy life for Aria, and she will meet a lot of people. And if anyone is wanders why people will fall into bed with the MC, there is a good reason that will unveil itself after a few more chapters, but she will only be with one in the end

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