
The Rise of Australia

Reborn as a desendent of British Royal Family, he embarks on a path of rise and conqure.

Mr_Lajus · History
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384 Chs

Chapter 210: Russia's Dreadnought Ambition

The celebratory banquet went smoothly, and Arthur also made more friends from European royal families, including nobility from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria.

Interestingly enough, the Bulgarian royal family also originated from the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family, and their Prince Ferdinand I had a distant relationship with Queen Victoria, Arthur's grandmother.

Ferdinand I was a writer, botanist, entomologist, and philatelist. However, due to his fragile and eccentric personality, he faced criticism from his father's cousin, Queen Victoria, when he was chosen as the Prince of Bulgaria. She commented, "He is entirely unsuitable, fragile, eccentric, and weak. Such a person is not fit to be a ruler of a country, and the action of inviting him to become the Prince of Bulgaria should be stopped immediately."

In fact, Queen Victoria was not the only one to question Ferdinand. Many European royal families at the time doubted his ability to be a competent ruler.