
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Well, fuck…

After a long hour of soothing Shizune's anger, and pushing the rest onto Yumi. Shirohi flickered out of the Senju compound, he was already late and while he knew Kushina wouldn't be too harsh, Minato would endlessly bother him for insights on random things if Kushina didn't 'protect' him from the knowledge-hungry Shinobi…

Raising his hand to knock on the door, the door flung open to reveal Kushina glaring down at him, she huffed "How long were you planning to make me wait… wait…" her eyes landed on the numerous small bruises dotting his neck, "Damn kid, seems like you had your fair share of fun," there was a teasing smile smeared across her face as she bent down and wrapped an arm around his neck, "Sooooo… who was it? No, don't tell me… was it Shizune? No, Yumi?"

Shirohi hid his embarrassment well but seeing this Kushina gasped as she playfully pushed him, "Kurenai?! Haha, You dog," there was a huge smile on her face as she 'softly' pulled him close, "How was it huh?! Heavenly?"

Shirohi sighed with a shake of his head, "Can we skip this conversation?" A small teasing pout formed on Kushina's face as she softly quipped, "I guess…" Shirohi's shoulders slumped as he heard her unconvincing tone, "Here," handing Kushina a slip of paper, she curiously looked at it as she took it, finding a sequence of circles and lines. Looking up from the paper she questioned, "What's this?"

Shirohi shook his head, "I dont know except that it's the language used in the seal matrix," lifting up his shirt he showed Kushina, her face instantly morphed into disgust seeing this Shirohi worryingly asked, "What?"

Heaving a long sigh Kushina led him to a seat, "Honestly… I don't know, it just gives me the same feeling some of the forbidden seals put off… except this seems more… vile…" she shuddered as she ran her finger across the seal matrix, "I'll begin studying 'coding' now, it will be painful I recommend you numb your senses…"

Shirohi winced at the thought… but a spike in his chakra left his body limp, this was normally only taught to talented kunoichi in case they were captured and couldn't preform the 'suicide jutsu' it's a fairly low level jutsu but has dangerous side affects if improperly preformed as it consists of building a wall of chakra across the brain stem separating the brains thoughts from the body and chakra, no 'feeling' could be felt and no genjutsu will take hold… however without the help of another you would be stuck in your mind unless you can rebuild the connection yourself.

Kushina didn't stall, a thin layer of chakra covered her finger as she closed her eyes and ran her fingers across the abundance of characters.


Yumi sat in her room, her hands cupped her stomach a soft beautiful smile blessed her lips as her hands filled her womb with chakra. If she was gonna have a baby it only deserved the best, she had drained her chakra pool once already since she had separated from Shirohi carefully streaming all of it into her 'oven' in preparation for her 'bun'. She held no doubt that she would be wrong in this, she could feel it…

Her chakra would slowly transition through the elements, she had gained enough control to be able to use them in this manner without causing harm to the little life form she was carrying. All this time dedicated solely for this, she would nurture this child to the best of her ability…She promised herself that this child would stand above all, like a god looking down on the world… everyone would be inferior to him… because she was its mother and Shirohi was its father, in her eyes the child was already a god waiting to descend and bless their lives with everlasting joy…

Oh, how proud 'she' would be…


[1 Year Later]

The wars of Shinobi had nothing to do with Shirohi, Hizuren cut off his missions due to the war and Shirohi demanding that he will not stand for them in war, something the elders were quite unhappy with but Hizuren listened to none of them. Too much had happened without his knowing, too much had gone wrong while he held this position…

Shirohi had kept Hizuren in the dark about the extent of his injuries…

Danzo hadn't resurfaced since ROOT was disbanded, he retired as an elder and entered seclusion. Hizuren left him to his own devices, he couldn't bear to see his old friend right now the more he delved into the 'Darkness' of the village the more disgusted he became… the number of children disappearing from the orphanage, the horrendous experiments Danzo sponsored with the villages funds…

How many times had charging Danzo with treason crossed Hizuren's mind, innumerable… but always at the most critical moment Hizuren would shrink away, he didn't have the guts to condemn his lifelong friend in such a manner…

Hizuren sank into his seat as he took a long drag of his pipe, slowly exhaling the smoke he muttered to himself, "I've really grown soft, I wonder if…" his eyes turned towards the window, as he looked over the village cast in the cliff's shadows by the full moon…


Yumi struggled to her feet, her stomach was large and wide, her small frame seemingly barely supporting the bump as she waddled to the next room, Tsunade had begun to worry about the pregnancy as Yumi should have been due months ago and offered to manually induce the birth but Yumi adamantly refused…

Yumi's chakra pool couldn't support the needs of the infant no more, Shirohi had to supplement the process with nearly a quarter of his chakra pool hourly, something he was surprised at the first time it happened, his chakra pool could now rival a low-jounin even with it cut in half due to the seal matrix on his stomach.

While she had partially decoded the seal, Kushina had failed in finding a way to remove it other then killing the host or killing the seal's 'master', the effects of the seal consisted of harvesting a certain chakra nature from the hosts body as soon as it was processed, and with Shirohi's mutated chakra nature's they permanently existed in his chakra pool something he only recently found out.

The nature his chakra defaulted to was an unbalanced mixture of mutated Katon and mutated Raiton, Kushina assumed that the mixture would be balanced if the seal was removed… Over the past year Shirohi had turned the seal into a 'Cursed Blessing' while it would rob him of his chakra it also put a lot of strain on his 'Chakra Pool' and 'Chakra Network', such amounts of strain from the imbalance alone would normally cripple Shinobi his age but due to the elasticity of his chakra network and the depth and tempering of his chakra pool partially due to the mutations had allowed him a sense of relief/ease(?)… All this strain could prove beneficial to his chakra pool's density and depth, the imbalance robbed him of his 'main' element forcing him to rely on his weaker side while also damaging his control…

Although he had already put in a lot of work over this past year his chakra control is not even comparable to what is was…

(A/N: Yes… it's a 'nerf' his chakra pool is cut in half and his chakra network is constantly under intense strain… in the long run this 'nerf' will be the thing that makes his overpowered… if he wasn't already… but will he be able to surpass what is in front of him?)