
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

V-Card ‘Robbery’

After talking with Shizune for a while, Shirohi became serious, startling Kurenai as he whispered, "Where's mom? I was injur-" Shizune's expression morphed into anger as she shoved Shirohi into the compound, "Why didn't you say that in the first place?! Are you stupid?! Hurry, who knows if there are lingering issues… those medinin from the village are useless," Shirohi became awkward as Shizune went on a tangent, Kurenai used this chance to lock her arm with Shirohi's, a small yet pleased smile smeared across her face as they pulled him along.

When he sent her a questioning look she just smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, they were nearly the same height and Shizune was too focused on other things to notice. Shirohi didn't try to shake her off, he knew eventually he would have to act on the CRA if he didn't want it forced upon Tsunade, and it was better this way if they were close to him originally it would make the process that much easier…

Talking along the way to the manor, Shirohi found Tsunade sitting outside with Nomi enjoying a glass of what seemed to be tea. The moment she saw him an indescribable feeling washed through her body was quickly snuffed out as worry overtook her, she could tell that he was hurting she couldn't tell why or how but she could just feel it, "What's wrong?" Shizune's head snapped towards Shirohi sending him a threatening look, he always tried to hide his injuries from her like she didn't always end up fixing him up.

"I don't know, but I know it's connected to this," raising his shirt to reveal the blood red handprint, Tsuande scowled while Nomi gasped the sight was similar to writhing flesh. It looked like his skin was cut away leaving the bloodied flesh behind, Tsunade turned towards Shizune "Bring Kushina here, Kurenai go get Yumi she should still be sleeping," both girls nodded and flickered off, Tsunade continued "Come here I'll check your condition," Shirohi hung his head he knew that he was going to be on the receiving end of a lecture once Yumi showed up, spiking his chakra in a specific manner he waited.

After a few minutes a masked Shinobi appeared in front of Shirohi, sitting in between Tsunade's legs with his shirt off legs crossed he pointed towards his shirt, "The reports in the shirt, just bring it to Hizuren he'll know what to do," the Shinobi grunted but picked up the shirt and left, Tsuande giggled as she ran her chakra through Shirohi's pathways, "I don't think you'll make good Hokage material, with nearly every Shinobi in Konoha envying you or wishing for your death."

Shirohi shrugged, "I never wished to be the Hokage, too much bullshit—" Tsunade forcibly smacked the back of his head as she chided, "Language," Shirohi mumbled under his breath before continuing, "I simply wish to grow stronger, and continue pleasing the Moon Goddess as many of the Tensuki have before me…"

Tsunade teased, "You and your little goddess, at this rate she'll be the only woman in your eyes…" Shirohi didn't dare utter a word in fear that it would later be used against him, he had grown used to her teasing but the poor girls that he showed the slightest attention wouldn't be spared.

Nomi scooted closer to Shirohi, "So how do you picture your goddess?" Shirohi didn't hesitate in his answer, "Kind and caring, it has been said that she had watched over this world since the beginning of civilization, that with her descent she brought chakra and that wars were fought for her beauty… The sage of six paths is believed to be a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess and one of the first to fully harness chakra…" Shirohi droned on about the many things he read in the 'Tensuki Manual' even mentioning how the Tensuki came to be… "My clan was saved by the Moon Goddess under the Full Moon, after years of experimentation the Moon Goddess pitied them and bestowed blessings among them, at first they saw these blessings as curses as they poisoned their host, but the true blessing would only be seen in later generations…"

Nomi intently listened, she loved hearing stories from Shirohi about his travels or his past, something he rarely brought up… as he continued praising his goddess Tsuande felt something bubbling up inside of his only for it to be sucked in through the seal causing a backlash to assault her as her chakra was dragged in, feeling a prickling pain in his 'Chakra Pool' Shirohi snapped to his feet twisting around to cup Tsunade's face as she swayed, "You alright? I felt the backlash… what happened?"

Tsunade took a deep breath and circulated her chakra for a few rotations, "I don't know, I don't believe it was the seal… but whatever it was… was terrifyingly strong…"


The courtyard was solemn as Shirohi sat in the middle of the area, he had heard news that Murakai and Habara had died in the war with Kumo. His eyes scanned the battered ground from the years of training, a sad sigh left his lips as he fell back staring into the stars. The moon was hidden tonight, it's graceful light nowhere to be seen as memories of training with Murakai, Habara, and Kuzumi flashed through his mind. Climbing to his feet he turned his head to look at Yumi who was watching from a distance, she was dressing in a silk gown that fluttered in the wind, her hair was up in two small buns on either side of her head, "Hey…" taking small steps Yumi greeted Shirohi "Hello~"

Her voice was smooth and sultry as she neared him, darkness surrounded them as the soft wind ruffled the leaves, her slender fingers traced his jawline, "Welcome back," her smile couldn't be described as to sent chills down Shirohi's back, goosebumps rose across his skin as she gripped his shirt pulling him closer she whispered into his ear, "Your not getting away this time…"

Pushing him down Yumi slipped off her gown, revealing her blooming chest wrapped tightly with cloth, as she climbed on top of him Shirohi softly spoke "Are you sure?"

Lightly hitting his chest she muttered, "Stupid…" before she sealed his lips one hand caressing his face while the other snaked into his pants…


Tsunade and Nomi had an awkward expression as they sat on the terrace, they had originally came out to enjoy a warm drink in the cold breeze but as they looked down they saw two figures lying in the courtyard, the sounds of flesh slapping flesh and pleasure rung out through the surroundings, "Let's go back in," Nomi gave a soft giggle as she replied "I'll make sure Shizune doesn't go looking for him, she'll be heartbroken if she saw them like this."


As the sun rose in the east casting light over the courtyard, dried splattered of blood can be seen around two youths covered with a thin blanket the two stirred awake as the sun's light cast over them, Shirohi groaned as he sat up if someone saw him now they would see small round bruises spotted around his neck and chest, his back was littered with deep 'claw' marks.

His whole body was sore, he didn't expect something like that could become such an intense workout, he looked around and found the stones around them cracked and littered with unknown dried fluids, then his eyes landed on Yumi who seemed to be still enjoying last nights blissful activities her hand was still wrapped around his member making small deft movements, feeling him sit up Yumi whined, "*Mouu~*, Lay back down, it's cold and you're warm…"

"I can't, I have to meet Kushina today since she couldn't come by yesterday," hearing his words Yumi pouted as her eyes slowly opened, only for her to wince as bright light assaulted her tired eyes hurriedly covering her eyes she felt a thick liquid smear across her face from her hand, with her body stiffening she peeked through her finger to find Shirohi barely holding in a laugh, softly frowning she pulled her sticky hand away from her face sticking a finger into her mouth, her frown morphing into a small content smile.

Pulling the finger from her mouth with a soft 'pop' she smiled wildly as she whispered loud enough for Shirohi to hear, "Mhm, wonderful…" Shirohi could only stare at her with an incredulous expression as his heart palpitated. He didn't know what to think of the situation in front of him, her face glistening from the mixture of light and bodily fluid, her radiant smile… "*ahem*" both were startled at the cough, as they looked up they found Shizune menacingly standing over them, the light casting a shadow over her face…