
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Scam?! What?!

The next day, Shirohi sat in the courtyard behind the Senju Manor swinging Kusagani like he had been for the past week. Inside the Manor a few jounin were enjoying tea and small talk with Tsuande, "Is this boy really worth the effort Hizuren is putting into him? I mean… without bias of course," the Shinobi awkward rubbed the back of his head as he recalled Tsunade adopting the boy, "I'll show you, follow me," Tsuande set her cup of tea down and stood up gesturing them to follow as she led them to a separate room with a window looking into the courtyard.

In the middle of the courtyard Shirohi finished his third set of 1500 swings and sat down to meditate, he had previously taken his shirt off revealing hints of scars but what pulled their attention was the singular bruise wrapping around his upper body, before any of them could speak Tsunade explained, "18,000 swings a day, 1500 for each point on the clock for the past 8 days…" one of the Shinobi muttered, "almost 150,000 swings… woah," Tsunade eyed her with a sense of pride, "He pushes himself to the limit day after day, he refuses any sort of healing to ease his pain from training. Not only that but he already has some combat experience as well as escort etiquette."

The female Shinobi got closer to the window, "I can have him first right?!" She seemed way too excited the other three stepped back "Go ahead," "All yours Habara," "Take it easy on him alright?" Habara glared at the last one "Murkai, who's the fanatic huh? HUH?!"

Murkai awkwardly chuckled while Kuzumi nudged him "To be fair, you are a training fanatic…" Murkai grumbled under his breath while the others laughed at his expense, Tsunade led them to the courtyard.

Seeing a few unfamiliar faces, Shirohi climbed to his feet. His hand tracing toward the hilt of his sword, Habara skipped over while eyeing him the boy had a fairly decent build for his age, without bulky muscles she was pleasantly surprised to see that his muscle definition was equal on both sides of his body showing that he trained each side equally. Seeing him already in a stance as she approached brought a bubbly feeling in her stomach, with a smirk she spoke "Frozen Lemon Sauce?"

Shirohi visibly relaxed as he stuck his hand out, Habara shook his hand with a smile as she gripped his hand nodding as she felt his hand grip hers equally. "Alright," a beautiful smile spread across her face as she bent low, her hand wrapping around the hilt of her katana "You ready?"

Shirohi didn't verbally respond instead he backpedalled dropping a small slip of paper as he made distance, Habara's expression morphed into a frown as she called out "Didn't take you for a cowar-" she ate her words as a bright flash robbed her of her vision, purely from instinct or some sixth sense she blocked a sword approaching her neck bounding backwards she yelled "Really?!"

As her vision came back she was met with a handful of shuriken gliding through the wind, but the shadows never lie… ducking down and jumping to the side she evaded the shuriken and the dark colored sebon hidden in their shadows, she liked the twist as sebon are usually made from light colored steel…a mocking expression formed on her face as she made a hand seal and with it the shadows at her feet began to morph before rapidly stretching towards Shirohi.

Unsure as to what the justu was, Shirohi was forced to evade it as he grabbed a handful of paper slips from his bag, tossing them into the air he backpedalled whilst thrusting out Kusagani.

Habara became confused as she blocked her eyes, the distance was way too large for that to even come close to touching her but she was mistaken as the sword elongated on a swirl of wind, using Shunshin she disappeared from the spot just as the sword passed through. Her expression was one of pure excitement as she yelled "You better not regret this!" the paper slips exploded causing dust to fill the surroundings.

A shadow spread throughout the courtyard, as it churned and morphed Shirohi got a bad feeling in his gut, leaping into the he swung his sword in a large horizontal arc his chakra circulating rapidly leaking into Kusagani as it cut a ditch across the courtyard. Sparks shot off the sword near the end of the swing as Shirohi dropped to the ground, slowly the two fell into a flurry of sparks and dust with Shirohi rapidly being pushed back, it felt just like that time… he couldn't make no ground against his opponent once again… was all that painstaking training not enough…

Tossing all the irrelevant, pitiful thoughts to the side he attempted to fall into a rhythm with her strikes never taking one head on, always letting them slide down the length of the blade if he couldn't dodge which was getting progressively harder. The large excited smile on her face only further irritated him…

Off to the side of the courtyard, Murakai spoke "He doesn't experience fighting Shinobi…" Kuzumi added "He's for the basics down though, his kenjutsu is lacking footwork and fluidity… but the fact that he can almost keep up with Habara is a good sign…" Murakai continued "I don't think I've ever seen light seals used that way," he turned to Tsuande "are those one of his own making?"

Tsunade nodded, causing Murakai to rub his chin "I'll buy them 60 Ryo a piece…" Tsunade chuckled as she shook her head "Bring that up with him, but raise the price he might refuse otherwise." Murakai nodded as he fell into deep thought, if he could get them cheap enough he could sell them to Anbu for profit… Kuzumi punched him in the arm "You got that disgusting smile again, don't tell me your trying to scam the kid…"

"Ah…ahahaha nooo of course not…" Tsunade shook her head while Kuzumi punched him again "Sure… very convincing…"