
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


Ginkamen's eyes shot open, he snapped to his feet… his mask was gone, his body bare except for the bandages covering his torso and wrapping down his legs. The echoes of pain washed through his body causing him to grimace, the feeling of a spiked hand piercing through his body wasn't a memory he wished to have, the feeling of his chakra being ripped from his body overshadowed that pain though… the loss he felt couldn't be described with words…

Depressing sparks began to light up before dying out devoured by light grey flames, Ginkamen frowned as he watched he shouldn't have neglected his Katon as much as he had… while it wasn't untrained he wasn't nearly as proficient in it as his Raiton… he noticed the change is his chakra it felt tainted, like an infection had set in…

He sat down to meditate, if the others had learned of his identity there was nothing he could do. While it was slightly upsetting, 'Ginkamen' was created to hide behind a mask, to keep others safe when he was weak… he was still weak but not nearly as weak as he used to be…

After checking his 'Chakra Pool' and 'Chakra Network' he realized that he wasn't in danger due to the change and that it wasn't something he could reverse, it was a latent mutation revealing itself. He would only be able to find out later whether this mutation was a good or bad one…


Kurotsuki leaped in joy as white lightning raced through his veins, that idiotic child didn't understand what he had, as the density of lightning increased his speed increased… Kurotsuki used the 'blessing' like he was born with it, how many of the 'blessed' had he trained in his lifetime… 50? 100? 200? He had lost count over the years but he never forgot his envy for the blessing they held… to be loved by the goddess of the moon was something he had wished for since childhood, his whole life he had been looked down upon by others because he wasn't blessed despite being born from two of the strongest 'blessed' in the clan…

However now… now everything had changed, all those who looked down upon him were dead, no longer were the Tensuki's under the Raikage's thumb… with his new blessing he would make sure that the Tensuki he would build would be the strongest beings on the planet… they would be gods looking down on all the inferior beings, mocking them as they begged for forgiveness…

He couldn't wait for his rise to the top…


Kikuyu held the remains of Ginkamen's mask, when they picked him up it had crumbled into metal shards… for some reason she had picked them up, she played with them in her hand as she thought about him…

She didn't realize he was so young, he didn't look older than her younger brother who was still a Genin… she had recognized him, most would too… the Senju Princess's adopted son, Shirohi Tensuki… She looked up and as she felt his chakra stir she muttered to herself, "He's awake…"

There were a lot of questions she wanted to ask him, but she couldn't find the confidence to ask them as she remembered what she saw in Hyakudō… that wasn't a boy in that room, no human could have chakra like that…


During his meditation Kikuyu knocked on the wall, there were no doors so the only thing that separated rooms was two layers of thick hide, "Come in," breaking his meditation he watched as a few people entered the room. Kikuyu at the front watched him with hidden interest while Hikomori and Yamai were trying to hide their shock… no matter how many times they see it, it's hard to see Ginka- Shirohi as a kid…

"How are you feeling?" Kikuyu sat down close as she poked various spots around his body, Shirohi eyed her for a moment before deciding to ignore the poking, "I'm fine, we should hurry up and finish this… I'd like to return to my family and make sure my injuries don't have any hidden side effects."

Hikomori nodded deeply, "That would probably be for the best however, do you know what this handprint is from?" Shirohi's expression turned complicated, "I don't… but it seems to have a seal matrix hidden within…'' Hikomori rubbed his chin in thought while Yamai leaned against the wall staring at Shirohi.

Feeling killing intent hidden in his gaze Shirohi narrowed his eyes, his voice sharp "Yamai, do you wish to die for insubordination?"

Yamai let out a stifled chuckle as he waved his hand, "Nah, I was just checking something…" Shirohi flickered from his spot, his small hands gripping Yamai's neck as he slammed Yamai into the wall, "What do you think I'm just some random kid without my mask?! Do you think I couldn't kill you before the others could even react? Or maybe you're upset that your plans didn't work out how you thought…" Staring into Yamai's eyes for any reaction, Shirohi clicked his tongue as he released Yamai, "Get back to work…"

Rubbing his neck Yamai gave a soft "Hai," before leaving the room with Hikomori leaving Kikuyu behind, "Ginka—… Shirohi-" Shirohi waved to cut her off, "I'm not in the mood to be answering questions, so you have to accept my apology and get back to work. Currently the only thing on my mind is getting back to my family if you don't mind…"

Kikuyu seemed a little startled but softly nodded with a small awkward smile, "Very well… hope you get better!" Finishing her words with a wide smile she waved as she lifted the hide before disappearing behind it. Shirohi let out a sigh as he fell back onto the bed, he spent his time staring at the ceiling trying to piece together the fragmented memories from that night.