
The Rise Of A Porter

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. **** The novel follows the story of Arnold, a porter, who accompanies warriors and superhumans inside dangerous dungeons, which are distinguished by their colours. The porters were always mistreated by the modern human civilization and even though their job was riskier than that of warriors and superhumans, their existence was never appreciated nor were they paid well. No one knows why these dungeons started to appear all over the world. The only thing they know was the dangers that would find their way into the world if they didn't kill the monsters. But only a selected few cared about the calamity because for the rest it was all about earning money and gaining power. But nothing in this new world is constant and everything keeps changing, and this time the change would find its way towards an ordinary Porter. After stealing a scroll from the dungeon, he ran off to his home. The scroll gave him powers no one could've imagined to gain. But he wasn't alone. 9 other humans had been granted similar powers... powers of the Gods! What would Arnold do with his newfound powers? Will he kill the other 8 Paladins and rule over the world which had oppressed him for years? Or will he rise against the Gods and make them repent for their crimes? Can the strength lent by the Gods be sufficient to deal with them once and for all? Would he be able to defeat his creator? Or will he join the Gods instead? Too many questions, too little time. The decisions he would make could be the end of humanity Or would an ordinary Porter, become he world's only hope? Follow me on the journey to the power of this ordinary Porter as he becomes the Savior or the Devil. ******************* Gold tier award-winning novel of WPC#130. ******************* Warning: There might be a few grammatical errors in the early chapters, so if you are a grammar nazI then please proceed with caution. Also, the MC isn't very bright and will do a lot of stupid things from time to time. So if you like a cool and calculating MC you won't be seeing him like that until later chapters (Chapter 100 or so). I'm telling this to y'all here so you don't start yelling at me in the comments or review. All in all, I've tried to make the MC as realistic as I could. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you and enjoy reading my creation! *********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/uQzmEr8 *********************** Cover art by unknown (If anyone knows the artist then please inform me on discord: AkshatArpit#8707) (if anyone has any problems with it, then please leave a review to let me know. All rights belong to the artist)

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
565 Chs

Summoner Vs. Necromancer (2)

"Why won't they DIE!" Frustration appeared on Arnold's face.




He kept shooting at the zombies, but they kept getting up. It didn't mattered to them if they didn't had an arm, or a leg, hell, they got up even after Arnold blew their heads off... they just kept coming.

'He must have chosen the [BLACK SHAMAN] class as his main class... damn it! Why did he had to have a system as well? Looks like I'll have to call him out after all... let's hope he'll be able to copy his abilities.'

He glanced at the other side of the void where Jake was busy fighting with couple of Arnold's golem along with Kolt, while Azyriah was helping him to take care of the zombies.

Arnold had suggested this plan so that Jake would lose control over the zombies as Kolt and the golems would distract him but so far, they were failing miserably. Moreover, this wasn't the only problem that he had...


You're inside someone else's domain.

The total power of your opponent and his summons exceeds the power of you and your allies.

Your domain rights are being overridden by the <PALADIN> who activated his domain first.


'Damn it!'

The term 'overridden' meant that he couldn't call out his summons to aid him in battle and unlike Arnold's summons, these zombies couldn't be destroyed easily. The only way he could think of to kill them all in one go was to use the 'Hell fire', but it lead to another issue.

Although Arnold's summons would be able to survive the flames, he couldn't say the same about Azyriah and Kolt. Unless...

"Azyriah, you can use magic to conjure a force field right?" Arnold asked without turning to face her.

"Yeah, but how do you know that?" Azyriah was confused because no one except, Johnny, Aydan and Kolt, knew about this ability of hers. Not even Nathaniel.

"Never mind that just get close to Kolt and wait for my signal and then use your magic to cover yourself up, along with Kolt." Arnold didn't want to disclose any more of his abilities to them, they had already seen too much and hence, refrained himself from telling her about his [PROBE] ability.

"But can you handle them on your own?" She pointed towards the zombies who were rising up once again.

"Just do what I say for once, will you?" Arnold snapped at her.

Generally if someone spoke to her in this manner she'd have broken every single bone in the person's body, but since Arnold was the only one who had a vague idea about what the hell was going on in this weird place, she let it slide this time and went to do what he told her to do.


[ARCANE FLAMES] : (Active ability) The user controls the power of hellfire and can guide a sea of flames to incinerate anything in its path. This skill is only effective on organic targets.


'Organic targets... zombies maybe be dead, but they still have their bodies. Who knew watching Master Chief burn through the flood, would help me out someday like this.' Arnold smiled remembering the game he used to play a lot.

He tightened his grip on the [SPECTER] gloves. 'I hope the gloves would be able to hold on.'

"DO IT NOW!" Arnold shouted as blue flames gushed out of the palms of his hands. Like a tsunami, the zombies got drowned in the sea of flames. Arnold's summons were immune to the flames as they were made of stone and ice, and Azyriah had covered herself and Kolt with her force field so they weren't effected by the flames either. But Jake wasn't affected by Arnold's flames either. After all, one paladin couldn't harm another paladin.

"You think your flames can destroy my pawns? Don't make me laugh!" Jake laughed, "your system is nothing but a cheap copy of mine, I'll show you the difference in our power!"

Jake tried to use his domain's authority to resurrect the dead zombies from their remains, but for some reason it didn't work.

"Why the hell it isn't working!"

"It isn't because your time is up, Mr. not so cheap copy." Arnold smiled after he saw the notification which appeared on his interface.


The power of you and your allies is more than your opponent.

Your domain rights have been restored.

Opponent's authority over the domain has been revoked.


When Arnold had used the arcane flames, he hadn't expected this to happen, but he wasn't going to complain about this turn of events. No matter what class or subclasses Jake had, he wouldn't be able to take down two S ranked warriors and so many others on his own, without his summons. Arnold on the other hand could now finally call his summons out.

"[VOID] open!" Arnold gave the command, and numerous holes appeared around him and all of his summons emerged from within. Duke appeared on the battlefield to lead the 15 frost golems while Cerberus appeared along with his pack of 17 lava hounds, and Talos was leading the 12 newly built automatons. The summons quickly surrounded him but they weren't the only ones to do so.


You have obtained a new type of summon :


Total Headcount : 124

Rank A : 4

Rank B : 15

Rank C : 45

Rank D : 60

You can use [VOID] call, to call out your new summons.

<You don't have the Black Shaman Class, hence you cannot increase the amount of these summons>


'Just how many people did this as*hole killed!' Arnold thought as information about [THE DECREASED] popped up in his interface. 'Well it's not like I'm any better than him. If I had picked the Black Shaman class, I'd be doing the same thing. Moreover, does this means that I can absorb anyone's summons as long as they are in my domain?'

While Arnold was rejoicing the fact that the number of his summons had increased exponentially, Jake's face was filled with anger frustration as he saw all of his 'summons' turning against him one after another. He knew it was impossible for him to win under these circumstances.


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