
The Rise Of A Porter

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. **** The novel follows the story of Arnold, a porter, who accompanies warriors and superhumans inside dangerous dungeons, which are distinguished by their colours. The porters were always mistreated by the modern human civilization and even though their job was riskier than that of warriors and superhumans, their existence was never appreciated nor were they paid well. No one knows why these dungeons started to appear all over the world. The only thing they know was the dangers that would find their way into the world if they didn't kill the monsters. But only a selected few cared about the calamity because for the rest it was all about earning money and gaining power. But nothing in this new world is constant and everything keeps changing, and this time the change would find its way towards an ordinary Porter. After stealing a scroll from the dungeon, he ran off to his home. The scroll gave him powers no one could've imagined to gain. But he wasn't alone. 9 other humans had been granted similar powers... powers of the Gods! What would Arnold do with his newfound powers? Will he kill the other 8 Paladins and rule over the world which had oppressed him for years? Or will he rise against the Gods and make them repent for their crimes? Can the strength lent by the Gods be sufficient to deal with them once and for all? Would he be able to defeat his creator? Or will he join the Gods instead? Too many questions, too little time. The decisions he would make could be the end of humanity Or would an ordinary Porter, become he world's only hope? Follow me on the journey to the power of this ordinary Porter as he becomes the Savior or the Devil. ******************* Gold tier award-winning novel of WPC#130. ******************* Warning: There might be a few grammatical errors in the early chapters, so if you are a grammar nazI then please proceed with caution. Also, the MC isn't very bright and will do a lot of stupid things from time to time. So if you like a cool and calculating MC you won't be seeing him like that until later chapters (Chapter 100 or so). I'm telling this to y'all here so you don't start yelling at me in the comments or review. All in all, I've tried to make the MC as realistic as I could. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you and enjoy reading my creation! *********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/uQzmEr8 *********************** Cover art by unknown (If anyone knows the artist then please inform me on discord: AkshatArpit#8707) (if anyone has any problems with it, then please leave a review to let me know. All rights belong to the artist)

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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565 Chs

Inhuman [War arc (2)]

"Why haven't those idiots called yet!?" The President of the guild was getting more desperate as every moment passed.

"You don't need to worry sir, they are professionals." Jake replied in his calm and emotionless voice.

Jake's reply didn't calm the president, he was already imagining the worst case scenario. The assassins regularly called him to give the report of their plan. Last time they called him when they were about to attack the targets. This report was given to him 5 hours ago and after that they went completely silent. Furthermore, they always called him with a different number thus he had no way of contacting them unless they contacted him first.

He had already paid a substantial price to recruit them, so he knew they would fulfill his request. According to Jake, they were a group of professional killers, who have yet to fail. But still he had a weird feeling that he couldn't shake off.

"What about the police? Have they uncovered something?" The President asked Jake.

"They are on their way." Jake replied.

"Something is wrong... I can feel it." The President mumbled and leaned back into his chair. "Something is definitely wrong. Call everyone to assemble at the guild. Every warrior, researcher, hell summon the porters too!"

"Sir, rest assured. Nothing will be able to harm you, while you're inside the guild." Jake tried his best to calm down his President, but he was having none of it. In the end then the President was just a mortal who feared for his life. Jake had never seen his boss in such a state.

Even though the President was worried about the attack, Jake couldn't think about a single scenario in which someone would figure out and link the dungeon incident to the guild. Even if the assassins failed to do the job, they wouldn't be able to disclose any information because they knew nothing.

As long as the pay was good, the assassins won't even care if someone paid them to assassinate the world leaders themselves. The only loophole he could think of was, Seville, the Guild Master/President of the Black Knights. Seville informed them about the dungeon, the party members as well as the security detail they needed to know in order to make their plan and execute it successfully.

Seville told him that the family would never be suspicious of his actions, but Jake had already known that Seville was just flexing. While they were out drinking and finalising the plan, Jake had slipped the agency's¹ newest invention in Seville's drink. It was nanomites, a small but powerful device which, when activated, can increase their size and block the arteries of the heart stopping the blood flow in the body, thus stimulating an cardiac arrest and in case someone tried to perform autopsy on the dead body, the nanomites would explode. Furthermore, he just needed to press a button to do so. The range on this thing was pretty impressive too, he could activate it as long as the target was within a radius of 150 km.

He had planned on activating it once the assassins report in and informed them about their success, but since they were taking so long, he decided to activate it as a fail-safe. He pressed the button thinking, he had taken care of all the loopholes but what he didn't know was, Seville was being held in cell made with a special beast crystal which bounced any incoming signal. Seville was placed in the cell, because of a little odd chance that if the conspirators were tracking him, they won't be able to know his location. But unknown to anyone, placing him in the cell ended up saying his life.

"Just call everyone in!" The President ordered Jake again.

"It's already been taken care of sir. All 259 warriors affiliated with the guild have been summoned." Jake replied, "Right now we have 18 A ranked, 48 B ranked, 69 C ranked and 120 D ranked warriors among our ranks. Not to mention the 4 S and S+ ranked warriors including of you, the VP, myself and that guy."

Jake pointed a finger at the man who was standing near the door. He was the first successful specimen of the inhuman project... it was Bob.

But his appearance had completely changed. He looked more like a monster than a human, most of his body parts had been replaced by the body parts of various monsters and beasts, which increased his power and potential this making him a S ranked being. He was wearing a white robe to cover up his inhuman body.

"Don't worry Mr. President. As long as I'm alive no one would be able to touch you." Bob said in an unconcerned voice. All he could think of were ways to smash Arnold. "If that ba*tard shows up, I'll personally take care of him."

The President quickly nodded twice or thrice and immediately turned away. He should've been thankful to Bob, but whenever he looked at him, his face got filled with disgust. When he had asked the leader for help, he never thought he'd actually send someone S ranked.

He thought that it was a gesture from the leader to appreciate his worth. However, in reality, the leader just wanted to test the combat efficiency of the new specimen and nothing else. If Bob was successful in his mission then he could say that the inhuman project was successful. If not then Bob will have to go through more modifications and pain until he gets successful.

Even after becoming so much stronger, Bob couldn't dare to move against the leader. Because his body was filled with nanomites and the leader had the trigger to activate it. The moment the leader thought something was up, all he needed to do was to press the button and that'll be it for him. Till he figured out a way to take care of the nanomites inside his body, he had to remain as an ideal pet to the leader.

The President got up from his seat and opened the safe which was hidden below the desk, and took out the two swords which were hidden inside it.

"Yes. This should be enough."


1. Here agency refers to the Troy industries, the fake company ran by the mysterious leader.

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