
Chapter 1 : Pretty Boy

"Arthur! Wake up!"

A familiar voice rang in my head. My little sister's face appeared in front of me, her big brown eyes blinked at my dazed ones. "It's your first day of school, you're going to be late! Do you want to look bad?"

I groaned. "What time is it?" Sitting up, I rubbed my half-open eyes and yawned. Glancing at the alarm clock by my bed, I grumbled and was about to fall back asleep again, when my brain finally realized that...

"What!? It's 8:00?!"

I jumped out of bed and sprinted past Alexis over to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and quickly brushed my teeth. Taking a quick glance at the mirror, I admired my soft complexion and tussled copper hair. A pair of bright, amethyst eyes looked back at me. "Hey handsome," I whispered. Pausing for a moment to straighten my hair as much as possible, I burst back into action, loosely putting my school uniform on.

"Have a good day at school Alexis! Take care of the house while I'm gone!" I hollered as I sprinted down the creaky wooden staircase.

I grabbed my smart phone before closing the front door behind me. I can't believe this shit! It's the first day at a new school and I'm already late for the Welcome Ceremony. Fuck! I jumped onto my bike and started pedaling to school as fast as I could.

The importance of this school to me was unexplainable, but I'll try anyways. After studying for two years at an expensive tutoring academy, I had managed to pass the entrance exam for this school. When I was about to become a freshman, I took the test for the first time. That day, I left the building in tears. It bewildered me to know that I was accepted. Gondrapen High School was the top school in the whole world. To be accepted is like a dream come true.

After asking around a bit, I finally got to the auditorium, where the Welcome Ceremony was being held. The interior part of the auditorium was grand. There were countless rows of seats, and there was even a second floor area, which was reserved for the higher ups and older students. I couldn't help but gasp, as I admired the enormous stage. There were large, velvet curtains, lining the ceiling of the stage, as well as the sides, ready to open and close at the controller's command.

I squinted at the stage, and managed to make out the tiny figure of a woman. I had to squint because of the vast distance between me and the stage——roughly Not knowing what to do or where to sit, I leaned against the back wall and made myself comfortable. I was not going to go through another embarrassing conversation with someone. While I was slowly dozing off, a guy who was probably older than I was, bumped into me while he was exiting the auditorium.

"Watch it punk."

He eyed me, expecting me to apologize. A moment passed, and he smiled. It was one of those smiles that made your gut want to puke.

"You must be new here! Nice meeting ya newbie!" He roughly threw his arm around my shoulders, and he pulled me to him.

"Cut it out." I said, pushing him away.

He smirked. "Looks like the newbie has some guts after all!" He called out to his buddies, who had been failing him the whole time. "Let's teach him a lesson." They swarmed around me and grabbed my limbs.

"Hey! What are you doing? Help!" I tried calling out to the other people in the audience, but none of them heard me. Those who did, looked the other way, without even giving me a sympathetic glance. They are all cruel, no one cares about you. The voice rang in my head again, and I clenched my teeth to force the tears back in. Shut up! I don't need your nonsense right now!

The gang shoved me out of the auditorium and threw me to the ground. It was soft grass, but the impact made my head spin.

"You're gonna pay for this." I said calmly, trying to act cool and composed, despite the painful headache still lingering.

"So you think you're tough, huh?" Their leader began to slowly walk towards me, his fist raised, ready for a fight. His muscles could be seen through his

"There is a rule saying that fighting isn't allowed on school grounds."

A young girl about my age stepped out of the auditorium and made her way towards me. This girl was drop dead gorgeous. Probably the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my entire life. She made top models look like trash dolls. She had long, dark, raven hair, and blood-red ruby eyes. She was dressed in full uniform; a clean, white, buttoned up shirt, and a gray, plaid skirt. A matching tie was set neatly in her collar. Everything about her screamed perfection. As she approached the gang of guys surrounding me, I was surprised to see that they all moved out of the way to let her pass. There was a sense of oppression and dominance in the air.

"Who are you?"

The words had slipped out before I had time to consider them. They came out like poison. When she raised an eyebrow at me, she seemed to relax a bit. Smiling, she crouched down beside me.

"I'm not going to hurt you. So there's no need to act so hostile." she said, giggling. I still wasn't sure who this girl was, and that made me uneasy. "What's your name pretty boy?" she said teasingly.

"Arthur." I blurted out. I was still thinking about who the hell this girl was. She gave me an affectionate smile and stood up.

"Jeffrey. I'll let you off the hook this time. Now get going, unless you want me to make an example of you in front of the whole school." She glanced at the closed auditorium doors. "Don't let me catch you doing this again. You know the consequences." she said calmly to the boy who had bumped into me at first. Apparently, he seemed to be the leader of the gang, and was afraid of this mysterious girl.

"It was nice meeting you Arthur, I hope we can meet again under the right circumstances."

When she turned to leave, I opened my mouth to ask, "What's your name?"

As if reading my mind, she looked over her shoulder to say, "You'll find out who I am soon. I guarantee it."

The peculiar girl slipped through the doors of the Science Hall, leaving me full of doubt. The guys surrounding me slowly dispatched, all while shooting me looks of hatred and disgust. Before I knew it, I was left I stood up and took a deep breath, trying to process everything that had just happened.