
The Rise and Fall of an Angel

Rise and Fall is the story of best friends Jungkook and Jimin, who were separated when they were younger due to unforeseen circumstances. After several years, they meet again in an abandoned building on the city's outskirts. What does destiny have in store for them that it permitted them to meet again?

jhennehlly · Celebrities
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The rain was pouring hard outside when Jungkook was standing by the window. He stared blankly at the far horizon as torrents of rain slid down the glass. He was pulled out of his reverie when his phone suddenly rang. With one last look at the gloomy horizon, he turned around and went to pick up his phone from the table.

His brows furrowed as he stared at his phone screen with dismay. He took a deep breath and slowly breathed it out before answering the call.

"Yes, sir?"

"... Affirmative."

"I'll be there tonight, then."

"Okay, sir. Bye."

He placed his phone on top of the table and went to stand by the window. He noticed that the rain had stopped pouring and that the sky had started to clear for a bit. He then turned around and went to his bathroom to take a bath.

He lit some scented candles before removing his clothes and stepping into the bathtub with warm water. Jungkook then closed his eyes as he relaxed his exhausted body and indulged in aromatherapy.

As he was relaxing and was about to drift to sleep, an image of a friendly, angelic face suddenly flashed on his mind. He sat up with a start and tried to remember the angelic face that he saw. His mind was working overtime, trying to pull any significant memory out of his subconscious. And then there it was.


Jungkook smiled smugly as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Why would I remember him right now? Now of all times?"

He then wiped his smug smile out of his face, closed his eyes, and went back to indulging in aromatherapy and his relaxing, warm bath.

After about an hour of soaking up, he washed his body with soap and warm water. And as he was absentmindedly washing up, he kept thinking about Jimin.

"Jimin... Jiminie..."

He smiled as his lips uttered Jimin's name. Jungkook liked how Jimin's name played on his lips. For him, it felt like he was tasting something really pleasant and sweet.

He turned the shower off and proceeded to wipe his body with a towel. Then he went to his room and put on a tracksuit and white sneakers. He brushed up his hair and placed an earring on his left ear before picking up his phone and leaving his flat.

His mind was occupied while he was walking on the streets, but he was still well aware of his surroundings. He noticed that two men started following him when he passed the dark and narrow street, two blocks from the building where his flat was situated.

He was well aware that they were goons. The ones that target lone citizens walking around town. As soon as he noticed them, he was already devising a plan to lure them and make them regret that they followed him.

He walked normally and turned to the left, into a dark and narrow alley. Sure enough, the two men followed him.

The alley was a dead end. Just what Jungkook wanted. He then stopped in his tracks and turned to face the two suspicious men. One of them smiled smugly as the other one started to move toward Jungkook while brandishing a knife.

Jungkook looked at the two men to assess the situation. Then one of the two men spoke.

"Are you lost, little boy? Hahaha! Would you like us to take you to your mommy?", the man holding the knife mocked.

"You look like a little bunny! Haha! So confused and lost!", said the mand who was smiling smugly.

Jungkook did not speak or move. He just waited until the man holding the knife lunged at him. Jungkook was ready. He blocked the knife with his right arm then he used his hand to knock the knife out of the man's hand. The man was taken aback, and Jungkook used this chance to execute a roundhouse kick directed to the man's chest.

The man was knocked down and Jungkook turned to the other man. The other criminal was shocked and turned on his heel to run. But before he was able to do so, Jungkook already did a flying side kick directed to the man's head.

As both criminals were knocked down, Jungkook picked up the knife and noticed a chain wrapped around the hilt. And right at the end of the hilt, a small feather pendant was hanging freely. He carefully removed the chain and the pendant from the knife's hilt and then he threw the knife in the dumpster as he walked away from the unconscious figures on the pavement.

He placed the chain and the pendant in his pocket and resumed walking.

"Tsk! I guess small-time criminals are out and about again." Jungkook said, clearly displeased with what happened.

He then resumed his journey, navigating the city streets expertly. After a few more minutes of walking, he finally reached the office of his boss. He looked up at the tall building and sighed.

"What does he want this time?", he muttered irritably as he walked towards the elevator which would take him to his boss' place.