
The Rioter

After the finals of selection of the strongest hero of the year, the result of which was delayed because one of the two finalists had lost her control, a very powerful and dangerous group of villains decided to kill Linda. A young girl who had become the world's strongest hero for three consecutive years before this final. But this year, the situation for her was very different from previous years. ———————————————————————————————- “This is just a summary of the first volume. The story is so big that I cannot summarize it in a few lines.”

Hiro_Esmith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Red Moon

"We are called Red Moon!"

Suddenly, another black hole opened behind Linda, but this time it didn't pull her in, but rather someone came out.

A message of danger was sent throughout her body. She could feel ... that a dagger was coming towards her with the intention of cutting off her head.

Without trying to understand who was behind her and what was happening behind her, she quickly lowered her head. The purple blade of the dagger was very curved and formed something like a semi-circle, which was a perfect weapon for cutting the head. However, the only thing that could interrupt it was a few strands of blue hair.

Linda walked away from the stranger and went back to the closet and the small refrigerator. Meanwhile, she was able to connect the blade of her sword to her own sword. She pointed her steel sword, which had a blue diamond in the middle of its handle, towards the stranger who suddenly entered the room. That person was a girl with short black hair and purple eyes. She had two sickle-shaped weapons in her hands. With her tall stature, she was standing in front of Linda and staring into her eyes.

"I didn't think you would need me so soon," said the newly arrived girl.

As if the young boy did not like what she said. He said to her with a soulless look: "Veronica acted on her own. I didn't tell her. "

The newly arrived girl lowered her voice and put her hand on her chest: "Oh... my honey!"

In the meantime, Linda's eyes were staring with fear at that girl's sharp and weapon-winning curves. Suddenly, the young boy's voice caught her attention: "I advise you to stop fighting. It's not necessary for someone to die. We can solve it through negotiation."

Linda chuckled and said, "If you wanted something from me, you wouldn't have tried twice to kill me."

The room was quiet for a few moments. Linda looked at the young boy's face with fear and anger, and sometimes she looked at the newly arrived girl. Suddenly, the tension began. Linda immediately ran to the door of the room. The young boy took out a gun from the back pocket of his pants and pointed it at him and shot. Because of the silencer, the shot was not heard. That's why Linda didn't understand how a bullet hit her arm. A sharp and sudden pain entered her body, but she continued on her way. A few seconds after the bullet hit, that girl who had strange weapons kicked Linda hard in the stomach. Now, except for the bullet pain in her right hand, she had terrible pain and weakness in her whole body.

Linda swung her sword, despite the bleeding on her right hand, barely able to strike back at the newly arrived girl's kick. But she seems very professional. She used the sickle-like weapon in her left hand as a shield and blocked the sword. Linda's steel sword was stuck inside the delicate and winning curve of that weapon. The young girl took this opportunity and changed the direction of the sword down. Then she smiled mysteriously and raised her other hand to deliver the final blow.

Suddenly the door opened. The door hit Linda directly and stood between her and the new girl like a wall. The girl's final blow hit the door and because it was so strong, her weapon got stuck in the door.

The one who opened the door was a guard who was sitting in the hall. He also had a gun in his hand and was ready to shoot. Although he was holding his hand under the gun as a support, his hands were shaking because of his fear.

"What the hell are you doing?. Raise your hands right now."


The young boy pointed his gun at the guard. Even though the girl was almost in front of his range, he still shot. Before he could pull the trigger, the door suddenly slammed shut. Linda tapped the door with her foot to close it. The boy's reaction was slow, and even as the door was closing, he fired twice. This time the door appeared as a wall between the guard and the stranger boy. The bullets hit the door.

"Hey..." The newly arrived girl looked at the boy with a complaining and angry face.

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. When she was distracted, Linda got up and kicked her hard in the stomach. Then Linda quickly opened the door and left the room. The guard was still standing at the door. His mouth was open and he was panting out of fear. When the door opened quickly, he got more scared and prepared himself to shoot. But when he saw Linda coming out of the room with messy hair and a bleeding hand, he lowered his gun. Linda closed the door and leaned against it. Her eyes fell on the frightened face of the guard and she said: "I don't know how to say it, but thank you!" She was also surprised how she managed to survive the room with three enemies inside.

Then, with a strong determination, she would walk into the hall and inform everyone in a loud voice: "Get up from your sweet sleep, you stupids. The hospital has been attacked. Come out."

The doors were opened in all the rooms. The silence and peace of the hospital suddenly disappeared. Many heroes came out of their rooms, some of them were injured. Even the nurses and doctors had come there from the lower hall. In a few minutes, the hall on the second floor was very crowded.

Inside Linda's room, the young girl fell on her knees due to the pain in her abdomen. The young boy was standing over her and asking her how she was: "Laura, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think... it hit a sensitive spot!"

The boy smiled and said jokingly, "I can deeply understand you."

she laughed. A little later, she slowly got up from the ground. Suddenly, she took the boy's jacket collar in his hand and said in an angry tone, "You almost shot me then."

"I'm sorry, I had to shoot him, or he would have."

A few moments later, a loud voice was heard from the hall: "Why are you hiding? Come out, you bastards!"

Laura let go of the boy's collar and said, "Now what should we do?"

"As I expected, he can sense danger very well," the young boy replied as he adjusted his collar. He sighed and then continued, "It's better to get help from the others. We have to kill Linda as soon as possible."

The young boy was going out of the room when suddenly Veronica grabbed his sleeve and stopped him from leaving.

"What's wrong, Veronica?"

It was clear from her green eyes that she was worried and anxious. She reached into her jacket pocket and took out a small notebook with a blue pen.

Laura said nervously, "What the hell are you doing? Adler, tell him we don't have time."

Suddenly, the young boy took the notebook and pen from him. Then he put his hand on her shoulder and said in a calm and kind tone, "Hey Veronica... don't worry. Nothing happens. Do you trust me?"

She nodded her head up and down in approval.

" that's good."

At this time, Linda's voice was heard again from the middle of the hall: "Come out, you cowards."

After a few moments, all three of them came into the hall. Adler said loudly: "Are we cowards or are you?" Why did you gather some weak and trash heroes around you? To make them your own shield? So what happened to all the claims you had, the strongest hero in the world?"

Linda's eyes were full of anger and rage.

"don't say bullshit. I... I will never shield anyone from myself."

"So why don't you come alone and fight with us? If we want to think logically, the only person who has the conditions to fight here is only you. Do you want, for example, the old man who is forced to walk with a cane to fight instead of you, or for example, the man who is standing there with a broken left hand?"

Adler was managing the space that Linda had created to his advantage. He says things to pressure Linda.

Then he stared at her with a very serious face and said, "Or do you want to be the only one who defeats Red Moon?"

The heroes inside the hall started talking to each other. One of them, who was a man with glasses and was wearing hospital clothes, said loudly, "That's right, they are Red Moon. I saw their picture on the news this morning. "The organization gives 10 million preds to deliver each of them."

The heroes could only watch. No one said anything or took a step. Adler chuckled and said, "That's right. None of you can fight us. I can give you the right, you're afraid of death, I'm afraid too. Because it's is not known where I will go after this world, because it's not known what terrible things will happen to my family after my death. Your death has nothing but comfort for you and hardship for those you love."

He paused for a while to understand his words. During this time, Linda did not know what to say. She was not as good a speaker as Adler. That's why she held her sword tightly and prepared herself for any surprise attack from both enemies and heroes.

"So let me introduce..."

"Don't listen to him. You have amazing powers. If you all attack together, you will definitely defeat them!"

An old man with a cane in his hand and standing in front of the door of his room, which was in the middle of the hall, did not let Adler finish his words.

Adler sighed and then asked the old man, "Why don't you fight alongside them?" Come and fight alongside them, that way their numbers will increase!"

The old man said with a surprised face: "I...I have a broken leg. I can't walk."

"Oh… so you wanted to excite them so that they might be able to defeat us. I can imagine that when one of us wants to kill you, you beg and cry not to kill you. What did you assume people's lives?

The old man came a few steps forward and said in an angry tone: "I lived a lifetime with honor..."

"Why don't you use your honor here? Come on, show how honorable you are. If you can punch me, then you have proven your honor to everyone."

The old man was pressed. It was placed between two paths that he made himself. In the end, he decided to choose honor. He walked towards Adler with the cane he had under his arm. He was walking with difficulty and dragging his broken leg on the ground. Suddenly, he heard a thin and familiar voice: "Mr. Shang... Please, don't do this."

It was Helen's voice coming from the stairwell. He looked at her and Linda with startled and worried eyes, "Linda? Why don't you do something? You can kill them all alone, can't you?

"Finish it my girl, you don't have to worry about me. I am still a hero." As Mr. Shang took slow steps and approached Adler, he said this.

Finally, however he could, he brought himself close to him. He was looking at his black eyes and his completely serious face. He fisted his hand and was ready to strike. After a few moments, cold steam rose from his fist. His hand started to freeze and became as hard as ice. As he was about to strike, he suddenly felt as if he was empty under his feet. Adler kicked his cane, causing Mr. Shang to lose his balance. The old man fell at his feet and writhed in pain. He was holding his broken leg with his hand and was moaning.

"Well... this is honor."

Helen's voice rose again and she ran towards him. Suddenly Linda shouted, "Helen, no. Don't go ahead."

At this time, Adler said: "No problem. Take this honorable man from here."

Hesitantly, Helen slowly approached the old man. He was still moaning and writhing in pain. Helen tried to calm him down by talking, but Mr. Shang did not listen at all. Then she put her hand on his broken leg. Suddenly, a faint light including white and green light appeared. These lights had attracted Adler's attention. He looked carefully at what she was doing. After a few moments, Helen said, "It's over, Mr. Shang, you'll feel better now."

The old man's pain eased; But he was still on the ground. "Can you walk?" Helen asked.

He hid his face from Helen, but from the shaking of his head, she understood that he could stand on his feet. Helen helped him up from the floor, then carried him into his room. Meanwhile, Mr. Shang kept his head down so that no one could see his eyes.

"Okay, let's get back to the point. I want to introduce you another way. It is you who must choose. Veronica…"

Veronica took a few steps forward and then held her palm directly to the ceiling and above the heads of Linda and the others. Suddenly, a big black hole opened above them. You shower a lot of bills on their heads. All of them were watching the rain of new banknotes with amazed eyes and confused minds. It was at this time that Adler shot his last shot at their souls: "Two hundred million preds, for someone who will hand over Linda to me. Whether alive or dead!"


Author's note: For your better understanding and imagination, dear friends, at the end of each chapter, a series of additional information about the characters and the story will be told.

-Pred: The official currency of the country is Epard. Each prad is equal to 4 dollars.

-Heroes Medical Center: This hospital is only for heroes approved by CHM. If the heroes are injured or have problems using their powers, they will be moved here. Also, the initial tests for installing the power controller nut will be done here.