
the ringmaster

The tale begins at a home a in the night, looking like from the movie "The Exorcist"

Inside the home, two priests chant 'may the power Christ compels you!' over and over to exorcise a possessed girl. The girl's bed began floating from the ground – her laughter can be heard all in the room. The girl's worried mother was downstairs, crying from seeing her little girl turn into a creature.

Speaking of the movie, A back view of a man came up, but this guy first stopped while striking his cane to the ground as he admired the house. "Hmmm, so this is where that scamp escaped to"


The mother paused her wails after hearing knocking come from her front door. She shook her hand as she went to open to meet a tall thin man wearing strange attire, a yellow tux coat (purple skull button on it) over his red sown shirt closed and a weird black top hat with legs ( also it had a purple stripe, shut eyes and the brim of it had sharp teeth – looking like it was an animal) wore grey pants, and had on red gloves. As if the thing he's wearing weird enough - he had an extremely pale head as if he's dead – this guy gave a sharp teeth grin. "Good evening madam! "

She felt afraid of this guest and began stepping back. She was about to shut the door, the man stepped in.

"Let me introduce myself," the strange man says as he spun his black cane in hand before he pierces the ground hard, a loud echo of a hard thud filled the room "Pleased to meet you. My name's John Poe! You can also call me 'Jack the Ripper!

She yelps "Eep!"

waved his hand to calm her as he explained "No -no –no, that gut's dead so He's not using that name anymore! Any way I could help your daughter! So please lead the way!"

The lady was trembling also screamed again as the eye opened and looked at her, the hat growled at her "Ah! A-alright!" she rushed to the stairs and up them.

Raising an eyebrow, John followed the mom, not n rush as her. He met with her at a closed door. I-In "H-here! " she cowardly opens the bedroom door o be greeted by the sigh of the priests holding their crosses aimed at the possessed girl, whose head was spanning as fire spewed out her eyes. The mom gasped.

John on the other hand John was delighted and had a smile across his face, like a kid in a candy store. "Oooh, fireworks!"

One of the priests shouted as he looked back "What're you doing, I said you need to keep out of here until we're finished!"

"I-I'm sorry it's just-"

She was interrupted b[y John wrapped his arm around the mother's neck "C'mon miss mom!" he rushed in with her before the slammed shut behind them, also locking.

The mother fell to her knees by being so horrified, she used beads of the rosary she was wearing to pray.

John just rolled his eyes and just stepped over to a nearby desk chair to sit and lean back on, we're all just took a pause to watch John Poe. Johnny waved his backhand at them "Don't mind me, keep going!" which result in the three giving a shrug before the event continues.

The girl began floating up and laughed as the priests splashed holy water on her. Paper started flying around her like the planet Saturn's ring.

While one priest kept throwing holy on her, the other priest was attempting to place his cross on her forehead, ignoring the fire shooting from her eyes. The priest got pushed back from by a force the girl

Letting this guy in was a waste! the mother thought as she looked over at the sight of John still leaning back on the chair and eating a chocolate bar. "Aren't you going to help?!"

Once he finished the chocolate, he crumbles up the wrapper before he tossed it over his shoulder. John leaned forward and stood. "That was a good show, but I've seen better!" he walked over to the possessed girl – she was standing on her bed.

Once John got close, the girl growled at him as he approached. There was not a sense of fear emanating from Jack the Ripper – John's face was deadpan.

She smacks his face firmly, his head began to turn a 360. The eyes of his hat open and the brim closed chomped his head. The mother screamed and the priests just stared as they froze in fear. John's body had its fists on his hips.

The body lifted the hat creature, showing head was clean cut off, shocking the others. The body shoves it's fist through the mouth and yanks sit's tongue and guts out, making the hat creature inside out, to let John's head slip off the tongue and back on his current body, only to have his head on backward. He lets the tongue go and it with inside-o guts to snap back to form the creature back to how it was.

"That wasn't nice! Scaring Abby awake like that!" John shouts as he puts his hat back on his reversed head. "Oh! Pardon me!" He grabbed his head and twists it back to how it was naturally.

"A-another Satan spawn!" one of the priests shouted as he points at both John.

"Hm? Oh no, I'm not on of Stan's kids! This one though!" Jack points at the girl.

"Grr !" She growled as the widow and the bed began to crack. Papers still orbiting around her. |Rahh!" she yells as the window and bed shatter - pieces of glass and sharp wood splinters, from the wooden bed, now took the paper's place in the orbiting- "Die!" she orders. The glass and splinters paused their orbiting and flew at all three attempting to pierce them.

The humans screamed from fright at first. "this wasn't part of the deal!" The mother shouted before shutting her eyes preparing for death, the priests squinted from fear as well.

When the feeling of pain didn't hit, the mother opened her eyes, to end up seeing herself with a piece of glass close to her eye, almost hitting "ah!" she yelled before she moved back from the shard. Once the two priests did as well. all three end up spying on John – with impaled splinters and glass shards in him and his hands are both impale in the possessed girl.

To more of their surprise the demonic girl and John were still alive "Damn you!" she cursed

"You need some punishment!" Jack the ripper shouts as he pulled his arms back as he ripped out an imp of a creature from the possessed girl as her body fell back on the broken bed, knocking her out but not for long. All of the sharp objects drop from mid-air.

The girl awakens and she was all fine – the skin was not pale and no scars, not even from where John shoved his hands into her to rip the demon out - she touched her own face, in disbelief. The other humans were amazed as well, the mother was about to run up and hug her daughter, but was halted by the imp pointing at her.

"You! All three of you, allowed me to possess the girl's body for my freedom! In exchange, I'd convince Satan to give mercy when you die! But You let this guy in!" it points it's thumb at John.

The girl grew angry at this and yelled at the three "Bullshit liars! You Locked me in here for nothing!" as she was yelling at them, John shackled and chain-leashed the imp creature before he dragged his prisoner away with him out of her room, without notice.


Back out in the damp dark street.

John was pulling the chain leash of his prisoner as he pulled out glass and splinters from his body, tossing them away "seriously, You did a number on this body, making swiss cheese out of me! It'll be a while 'til I find a new corpse replacement!" John shook his head not mentioning the multiple holes his clothing had since he knew someone who can sew. The imp couldn't speak, since John muzzled it.

John tugs the chain leash "C'mon, let's go! Bruno's hungry!"


John and his imp prisoner looked back to see the not possessed girl again, she panted her breathing from running to there.

"P-please! Where ever the place you're going, please take me!"

John shoos her away with his gloved hand "Go home, missy! Humans can't join where we're going!"

"Aren't you Human too ?!"

"Girl, look at us!" he referring to himself and the imp "Do we look human?!"

"D-demons?! A priest said you both are!"

"Impy over here is! Not me though! There isn't any known fact as to what I am! Even I don't have a clue! but fuck it all! Anyway, go back home, girly!"

"I can't go to that liar's den! Let me go with you please!" she begged while giving puppy dog eyes as she went on her knees

"Hmmm, tell you what I'll give you a taste of how it is first to see if you're sure!" John says before crouched down and placed his palm on her head.

Images of demons performing in a circus and feasting on living/screaming people and other demons flash through her head. As she held her head as she screamed.

The images stopped after John removed his hand off her, who was on her fours while panting while giving a cold sweat. "You sure you want to come along?"

"*pant- pant* was that hell?!"

"Don't be silly! That was my circus in limbo! Hell just provides the food for the entertainers I find!! You sure you want to go, girly?"

She didn't answer as she kept breathing heavily. While comparing those images with her memories, from good memories to bad. Her teeth gritted from anger.

Because she didn't answer, John got his answer "Right!" he stood and tugs the Imp's leash "C'mon then!" he spun his cane to open a portal, like Dr. Strange. Just before they enter, John halts as he felt a tug of his coat "Hm?" He looked back to see the girl was tugging his coat. "What now, girly?"

".... I still want to join you! I don't want to keep living here! No matter what I'll see there! Besides here, has people that are infuriating and it is a shame they're still around!"

John simply just stared at her first. He rolled his eyes as he agreed "Alright, but first - !" He pierced the end of his cane to her forehead, as she squinted.

Hearing something collapsing behind her, catching her attention. The girl opened her eyes as she looked back. What she saw really shocked her and gasped. What she saw was her own body on her own body "i-is that-"

"That's right, missy that's you! Where we're going human body can't come!" he explained and low mumbled a small part quickly "It could be a rare delicacy though."

"Anyway, let's head out, girly!" he pulled the Imp's chain to follow him through the portal.

She looked back at her body and the way back home, curled her lip as she turned hew head back, and shouts "My name's Elizabeth by the way!" Elizabeth runs through the portal before closed.

