
The Rightful Heir

Screams filled the air both women and children alike, the smell of blood was so think it practically choked you. No one asked for this war, but it was a necessary evil. Teeth ripped at flesh as Michael clawed his way passed guards and servants down the halls of the Cross house. Walls that were once colorful and bright were now covered in their own packs blood. There was a buzzing in Michaels head, someone was trying to communicate with him, opening the bond he heard Ari's voice in his mind. 'So many people are dyeing, innocent people...' ________ A young man was lied too for years, and has no idea who he really is. He tries to reclaim what was once his family's, and his fated mate is the daughter of a man who murdered people for his own gain, and suppressed his father, leaving him the sole heir to the largest pack in the world. A young women with the likeness of a past life, returns to haunt her father. She knows nothing, and finds out her mates family origin. Will she stay and be with him or with someone else take her as his own by force. This book is broken up into parts

Casper_lve · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Bonus Chapter Matt

I was young, very young for being as high of a position as Delta. I went to school with Lorenzo, Paul, and Claira when we were kids, we all got along really well. Well Claira and Lorenzo most of all, but we were all good friends. Claira had always been nice to me, she was kind, sweet and understanding. She would always put others before herself, and never had a mean word to say, at least not out loud.

I honestly didn't know why I had this pull toward her but ever since we saved her in the broken down house from those rogues, I felt the need to be with her. To just be near her, like this pull deep down in my gut that told me to protect her, but it wasn't her scent that attract me, it was her presence. Her body...just her, felt different and alluring to me.

*Flash Back*

It was hot, and it smelt like sour milk, I heard her scream as we rammed the door. When we broke in, there she was laying on the bed not moving, her neck covered in her own blood, you could smell it.