
The Right Moment

Everything happens in its right time, this is something Eileen believes whole heartedly. Even when life threw problems at her. Just like any girl, Eileen's had big dreams when she stepped into a new life with the love of her life. But things doesn't always goes you want or dream. Eileen already knew this but doesn't mean it didn't hurt her. After all the pain, she wondered how she will find the way to happiness again. And when that happiness came and offered it's hand to her she had to walk away. But what happens when their paths cross again? Will she walk away again? Or will she offer her hand to the one with whom her happiness lays with? Read to find out.

Malsa_Mansoor · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Two days away from work usually means more work piled up, but in my absence, Nora did a good job handling everything. She knew me better than anyone here in my department. The advertisements were ready, the photoshoot of Emily was done and so was the planning for the publishing party.

I was going through the things one last time when a knock interrupted me. I looked up from what I was doing and to the door.

"Yes Nora?" I responded and got back to what I was doing.

"Chris and Emma has left to go to the venue with the event planning team. They wanted me to let you know since you look busy, they didn't want to disrupt. And Emily is on hold. Should I pass you the call or tell her to call later?" She asked. That is when I remembered that I had made lunch plans with her.

"She must be calling to ask about lunch. Transfer the call to my machine. And tell them good luck."

"Okay and I will." Saying that she closed the door and went back to her desk. Soon I saw her give me a sign that she has transferred the call.

I picked the phone and greeted her.

"Hey. I am sorry if I am calling in a busy time, but I wanted to see if the lunch plan is still on."

I looked at the time and saw that it was 11:40. I told her yesterday that I will call by 11:30 to let her know if there is or has no change to the lunch plan. "Yes, it's still on. How about the new Italian place near this company?" I asked.

"Sounds great. How about 12?" She asked.

"Yeah. 12's great. See you. Bye."

"Yeah Bye." With that I heard the line get cut.

I put the phone down and started clearing up the table. Once I was satisfied with how everything looked, I stood up and took my bag and blazer from the hanger. Making sure that I was taking everything that I should take with me, I left the office. When leaving, I told Nora that I will be back by 1 the latest and if to call me if anything comes up. She always forgets to take her lunch which is why I specifically reminded her to eat and I want proof she ate. She eats less and that makes me worry. She looks healthy and she eats healthy but she eats less.

Before leaving to go to the restaurant, I went to the washroom and freshened up a bit. I took one final look at myself and left. Man or women, it isn't nice to make someone wait. Even if the restaurant was close by, it was a five-minute walk and if I didn't leave now, I won't make it before her. She is very punctual just like me.

I was able to reach just in time. As I went to enter, I heard someone call my name from behind and the voice was familiar. I turned around to see Emily who was half running.

"I see that I am right on time." She said as she stopped in front of me.

"Yeah. It seems so. Let's go in. It's cold." I said and turned to open the door once again.

Thankfully we were able to get a table, which was a miracle since the place was packed. We took a seat at the table the waiter had shown us. The waiter gave us the menu as soon as we got comfortable in our seats. Everything on the menu looked so good. Not spending too much time with the menu, I ordered chicken Bolognese spaghetti for me and Emily ordered chicken lasagna for herself. As for drinks, we settled for fresh orange juice.

"Can you believe that tomorrow finally the day?" I asked excitedly.

"I can't. I truly cannot believe it. Whenever D-day is close, I feel so grateful to you." She said surprising me.

"What are you talking about? This is all because you are an amazing writer. I am more grateful to you." I said truly meaning everything I said.

"Thank you very much. But if it wasn't for you, my draft would probably in the dustbin." She said with a chuckle.

"That's not true and we do not throw away drafts sent in. And it has been three years since then. It is your 4th book. I am just sad that the You, Me, Us series has come to an end." I remember feeling ecstatic when she had sent in the draft for the second book of the series just shortly after book 1 was released.

"Yeah it is sad. It's like I am saying goodbye to my baby. But I am just glad that my dream had come true. I got my book published and that's all I ever wanted." She said dreamily.

"I think you went beyond what you had dreamed and wanted. You didn't get just one book published Emily. You got 4 and you are one of UK's best-selling author. Congratulations." I felt thankful that I got to be a part of someone's dream and help her live it.

"Thank you. That means a lot."

Before I could say anything, the waiter came with our food. And goodness it looked so delicious.

As we ate, we continued the conversation. I talked to her about the event. The dress code. It was exactly how she had requested. We don't plan publishing events according to the author's request unless we think it is right.

After a wonderful lunch, I had to go back to work immediately and Emily had to go pick up her son from her tuition class. When I got back to the office, I saw that the office was almost empty except for four female staff. Where did everyone else go? I head to my office and I saw Nora reading a book.

"Hey." I got her attention.

"Oh hey. Welcome back. How was lunch?" She asked and closed the book she was reading.

"It was great. Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They all went to the venue. The event planning team was lacking staff so they asked for more peoples and Rachel called and said to send staff from here. I did call you but the call didn't go through." She explained.

"Oh, I see. That's alright. Rachel is the boss. So, it is just the girls who stayed back?" I asked.

"Yeah. They wanted to go dress shopping for tomorrow's event that's why they stayed back." She explained again.

"That's a great idea. Let's go dress shopping." I suggested.

"You mean like everyone? All of us?" She asked looking confused.

"Yeah. Why? Don't want to go shopping with me?" I asked. We girls use to go shopping with each other for this kind of event...before I got promoted.

"No no. I would love to go shopping with you but not everything is the same."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I am not even supposed to be telling you this, but you are our supervisor. I am comfortable with you because I work close to you and we are friends. But it's not the same when it comes to them. It's just us girl at moments like this, so we lunching and shopping for events together and even though it is just us girls again, we are not in the same positions about as you. I am always okay with hanging out with you, but they are not so comfortable." She explained.

Hearing all that made me think for a minute. She is right. Most of the peoples in the company joined way before me. Even Nora joined before me. But I am the one who got promoted and I don't feel guilty for it but I understood.

"I understood what you mean. And it's going to change. We are going to go shopping and we are going to have lots of fun. Come on." Leaving her to get her stuff, I went to talk to the others.

I saw hesitation but they agreed and as I told Nora, we had lots of fun. We shopped for the longest time and we had an early dinner before going our separate ways.

It was only 8 pm when I reached home. It was good four hours before I can come home usually. I sent the maid home and spent the rest of the night just me and my daughter. She was so happy to see me home early and so was I.

When morning came for the next day, I felt extremely anxious. It wasn't because I thought something could go wrong with the event. It was something else. I just didn't know what. Since today was the day of the event, we are to go straight to the venue. The event starts at 7 and I and Nora have to be there three hours early, just to check up on everything. It was 3 pm when I started getting ready. The whole time Alina sat on my bed, looking at me get ready. It is rare for her when she sees her mommy getting ready. I did my hair before starting with my makeup. I am not a makeup girl but since today is a special day, I put on a little bit of makeup, excluding the foundation. A little bit of pink blush, and eye shadow along with Mascara and eyeliner.

"Alina?" I called out to her.

"Yes Mommy."

"Pink or red?" I asked.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds and kept on thinking.

"Pink." She answered excitedly.

"Thanks darling." I put on the pink lipstick. I was surprised when she saw pink since she loves red. But pink is the right color. It will suit the dress and the blush and eye shadow I put on.

Once I was done with my makeup, it was time to wear the dress. It has been so long since I got dressed up the way I am today.

"How about you go to stay outside dear? Mommy wants to give you a surprise." I suggested to her.

"Okay!" She agreed excitedly and ran out of the room. I couldn't help but laugh at her cute behavior.

I closed the door before taking the gown from the bag. Thankfully it wasn't heavy. It looked heavy but it wasn't heavy. With a bit of difficulty, I put on the gown. It had zip and it wasn't easy zipping it up all by myself. I took a look at myself and saw someone so different staring back. Maybe its the dress. But I looked pretty. Happy, I went to open the door so that Alina can see me. She has been excited to see me in the dress since she saw the big dress bag laying on the bed this morning.

When I opened the door she was standing right in front of the door.

"Have you been standing there this whole time?" I asked.

She didn't say anything and stared at me with her big eyes.

"So... how does mommy look?" I asked.

"Mommy is a pwincess." She said dreamily. The way she said "princess" was so adorable. She still can't say "R" properly.

"Hehe. Thank you darling. But you are always Mommy's princess." I leaned down and gave a kiss on her cheeks.

I went back inside to the room to take my heels and purse. The maid must be on her way now and as soon as she comes, I have to leave. Just as I had put on my heels and was putting some things in my purse, I heard the doorbell ring. That must be the maid. But why would she ring the bell? Taking one last look at the mirror, I left the room to go open the door with Alina behind me. I heard the bell ring for a second time. Quickly I opened the door letting her in.

"How come you used the bell today?" I asked. She has a spare key to this apartment.

"I forgot the key at home. I didn't realize until just now." She explained.

"I see. But that means you will have to stay till I come. Would that be okay with you?" I asked. I let her leave when I am on my way back since she can lock the door when she leaves.

"That's okay. But when will you back? If you don't mind me asking." She asked.

"I will try to be home by 12." I let her know.

"Okay. I don't mind staying till then. By the way you look very beautiful Mame."

"Thank you very much Alice. How are you now?" I asked to make sure she is well.

"I am feeling great. Thank you for asking."

"That's good to hear. I am glad. I should get going then. Be sure to put Alina to bed by 8 as always. And if anything happens, you call me immediately. I know I say this every day but, take care of her." I said to her.

"I will. Don't worry. You go and enjoy the event." She said assuring me. And I believe her. She has been the maid and Alina's caretaker since I started going to work.

"Okay then." I bend down so that I am at the same level as Alina.

"Mommy is going to go now. Be good and mommy loves you." I hugged her.

"Alina loves you too." She kissed me on my cheek. I gave a kiss on her forehead and stood up.

"Bye honey. And bye Alina. Call me if anything happens okay?" I said again.

"I will. Bye. Alina, say by to Mommy." They both waved at me. Waving them back I left.

It was four sharp when I entered the venue. And goodness it looked breathtaking. I saw our event planning team is busy. I went to the leader of the team to ask about the preparations and good news, everything was done and they were just making some final touches. I suggested they go home to get ready once they are done.

Letting them do their job, I went to look for Nora. It was easy to find her.

"When did you come?" I asked reaching her. She was looking gorgeous in her dress and hijab.

"Around 20 minutes ago. How about you?" She asked.

"A couple of minutes ago. By the way you look gorgeous." I complimented her look.

"Same goes to you. You look like a princess." I couldn't help but chuckle at her compliment.

"Thank you. That's what my daughter said too." "Is everything ready?" I asked looking around.

"Yes. Everything is set. The only thing missing is our guest and our author."

"Hehehe. That's good then. Tell the staff working to go home and get ready. They have to be back 30 minutes before the event starts. I have already suggested they leave once they are done, but you go check one more time and if they are done, send them home." I said. Even though I am just the marketing head, Rachel always puts me in charge of everything related to Emily's book publishing. She says since I discovered her, I should be responsible for her.

Around 15 minutes later, everyone left, leaving just me and my PA. I went through the agenda of the event and took a look at the catering setup. Everything looked good. Then why do I still feel anxious?

As clock strike seven, the guest started coming and soon the once empty hall filled up. But one person was missing. Emily still hasn't come. Where is she? She is not someone who ever gets late.

Worried, I was about to call her when Nora who was standing next to me showed Emily walk in with her husband and they both looked lovely together.

Relieved, I went to her and welcomed them in. I complimented saying how gorgeous she was looking and how handsome he was looking. I walked her and her husband around, introducing them to important peoples. What stopped our mingling was the sound of a glass clicking. We all looked at the stage from where the sound was coming. Rachel was the one clicking her glass.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming to celebrate this special day. Today we are celebrating the publishing of the fourth and final book of You, Me, Us series by Emily Mathews, one of UK's best selling authors. Please welcome on stage the author herself, Emily Mathews." As Rachel called her on stage, the sound of everyone's clapping filled the room.

I nudged her to go on. Nervously she went forward and onto the stage. When Rachel stepped aside giving Emily the mic.

Trying her best to hide her nervousness, she started talking. "Hey everyone. Thank you so much for coming to be a part of my special day. It has been three years since I published book one of this series. I still remember the day I got a call telling me that they want to publish my story. At first, I thought someone was playing a big joke and I even yelled saying not to play such a terrible joke hehe. I am just lucky that they didn't hang up on me due to my rude behavior. I will be forever grateful to them for giving me a chance to make my dream come true and extend it. But there is one specific person I owe all of this to, Eileen. The marketing head of the company. She was the one who discovered me and opened the door to the chance. If I may, I would like her to be on stage with me?" She looked at Rachel asking her. When Rachel gave a nod, Emily called my name making me go up on stage which I happily did even though I don't like being in the center of attention.

Up on stage, I stood next to her. She took the mic from the stand and turned to me.

"Eileen, I am genuinely thankful for what you have done for me. You loved my draft from all the many other great stories that might have been in that pile, you didn't leave it back but you took it out and made everyone read them and made it possible for me to get that call I had almost given my hope upon. You worked hard to make sure that my book was a success. And today, you and the whole team that made tonight possible, thank you so much. Now I can say, I had my fairy tale party just like Jennie did." She said referring to the main character of the series.

My vision had gotten blurry listening to her words. I asked for the mic from her so that I can say some words to her.

"It was my third year since I joined Millennial Publishers. I was having a terrible day that and I still believe that finding that pile of drafts and choosing your draft was meant to be. I fell in love with your writing and your story immediately and I knew that I could know just leave it. the story deserved to be published and I am glad I made our CEO read it. I am glad I made our former Marketing head read and the Chief editor of the editing team. I wasn't supposed to do that, but that's how much I love it. So I want to say thank you for those who gave it a chance and helped me make it possible. Thank you so much Emily. For writing something so wonderful and I hope that you keep on writing." I am so going to miss being busy with her books. I gave her a tight hug before walking out of the stage letting the main person enjoy her spotlight. I stopped next to my PA.

"That was such a beautiful speech you both shared," Nora said as soon as I stopped next to her.

"Thank you. Is my mascara okay?" I turned to her a little and asked.

"Yeah. It looks good." Don't care about makeup but I felt relieved hearing her say that. Do not want to be looking like a crazy person with faded mascara.

Before Rachel and Emily came down from the stage, Rachel had announced the buffet is ready and to enjoy. I haven't eaten anything since lunch and my tummy was growling.

"Let's go eat. I am starving." I pulled Nora with me. When I reached the buffet area, I saw that it was packed and there was a long line.

"Do you want to maybe wait till the line is not that long?" I asked Nora while pointing at the long line.

"Definitely." She said chuckling.

Instead of eating, I decided to drink something. The caterers were serving non-alcohol drinks. I took two glasses of orange soda from the waiter who was serving drinks. While taking slow slips, we chatted about this and that. She asked me about Alina and I told her as much as I could without going to the past. And that is when she gave me wonderful news, that she was getting married.

I was just about to ask her about the wedding when I heard a very familiar voice. No way. It couldn't be. I thought to myself.

Shaking the thought away, I started to ask her about the wedding. I was able to complete my question when I heard it again. And this time much more clearly and closer. I turned around with a thumping. I felt my heart race much faster as I came face to face with the person who is now in front of me.

"Ethan..." Before I could stop myself, his name slipped out.