
The Richest Billionaire is My Accidental Husband

[The country finally matched me with a partner—the richest man in the world.] Ye Xingguang, dumped on the day of her graduation, stormed to the civil department to get in the queue for matchmaking, and somehow got Ye Junqing, the billionaire who topped the Forbes Rich list? Everyone was saying that Ye Junqing also topped the list of celibates, and Ye Xingguang had expected that he would be difficult to get along with. However, after their marriage, her husband taught her how to dance, play the piano, survival skills, high society etiquette, and the art of death. He's a harbor in the storm like a father, and a brother who entertained her whims. She had thought that she had used up all her luck for this moment, but greater surprises were in store for her... Was she dreaming?

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313 Chs

Chapter 14: Did She Accidentally Sleep in the Wrong Room Last Night? _1

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Xingguang was furious, "You have the nerve to blame me! If you hadn't made a sudden sound, would I have been scared enough to lose grip on the water cup?"

She was going to return to her room to fetch a cold towel, but Ye Junqing held her back, "Stay seated, don't move!"

"What on earth for?"

"When I tell you to sit down and don't move, then sit down and don't move. Stop asking so many questions!"

Ye Junqing scolded sharply, turned around and started rummaging through a drawer in the living room table for the burn ointment. The man, who had searched two drawers before finding the ointment, turned around only to find that Ye Xingguang had stood up. He shot her an icy, warning look, "Try moving even one bit."

Ye Xingguang: "..."

Seeing the man walking over with the ointment, she shut her mouth just in time and extended her hand, "Thank you."

Ye Junqing glanced at her, but didn't hand her the burn ointment. Instead, he unscrewed the cap, very much intending to apply it for her.