
The Rich Man's Wife

Rachel a sweet innocent girl caught between two man.. One is her best friend and first love and the other is the husband whom she married for the debt she owed

Shobs25 · Urban
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31 Chs

Best Friend

The alarm rang loud and Rachel groaned out loud. She did not feel like getting up but today was Sunday and it was time to getup and get ready for church.

She got ready in a simple floral shirt and skinny jeans and called out loud for her granny.Rachel lived with her granny .Her parents were long dead for her and her granny had raised her all alone for the past twenty five years.She owed her⅔ life to her.

After the church service as she was about to leave she heard some one calling her name.As she turned around and searched for a familiar face she saw her imediate boss and his wife walking towards her.Rachel was happy to see her boss but his wife was a different story.Mrs Sandro was a woman who wanted to know each and every news and gossip of everyone around her.

Mrs Sandro always enquired Rachel why at the age of twenty seven was she still single and always trying to pair her with someone or the other.Her boss would just give her a sympathetic smile and stand by her side.

After her farewells with the Sandro family Rachel made her way to her home.

The first message she saw was from her best friend Richard who was inviting her for a movie and dinner date as it was their ten year friendship anniversary.With smile on her face she accepted his invitation and they agreed to meet at their individual meeting point.

Richard Francis Carlton was a thirty year old business man who was as ruthless and arrogant as one could be who was born with a silver spoon.Rachel and Richard met through a common friend during a graduation party of their friend.

She was wary of him as he was a very good looking boy and she was a shy type of a person.Richard had come with his current girlfriend Jessica Simpson and both were well matched.Eric was their common friend who knew Richard from their kindergarten days and he knew Rachel from their church community centre group.

All the four of them were standing together but Rachel did not utter a single word.She was self conscious about the difference in their lifestyle and social status.She did not belong

here but Eric was adamant that she attend his party hence she was here.

Richard had his arm around Jessica's waist but he was looking at Rachel through his hooded eyes at her every movement and facial expression and Eric's body language with her.Before Eric was called away by his other friends he gave Rachel's waist a squeeze and left her with the other two.

As she was about to make an excuse Jessica went away to get her a drink which left her in an awkward position Richard who just had a smirk on his face and looking at Rachel and daring her to make an excuse with his eyes.

'Are you Eric's latest girlfriend' was Richard's first sentence to Rachel to which she was stunned.

She glared at Richard for making such wrong assumption and informed him coldly that they were just friends.As she was about to turn around he said"Everyone in this room thinks the same as Eric has not taken his eyes from you no matter where he is in the room".To which she turned around and indeed found Eric looking at her with smile on his handsome face and he raised his

glass to her in salute.Rachel blushed in embarrassment and turned around to find Richard looking at her in amusement.At her flustered "I did not know..."he just smiled and told her that Eric actually likes her.

At this new information Rachel did not know what to say and do and just wanted to leave the party.She liked Eric but just as a friend and never ever thought or saw him in that way.She decided to make an excuse and leave the party as she was felling awkward and was just realizing the meaning of some of the glances she had received.

She made her way to the entrance to exit from the party but was pulled back by Eric by her arm"Where are u going?.The party has just started. Come with me I want you to meet my parents and some more friends".Rachel with her eyes looking everywhere but at Eric said"It's getting late and it will take me atleast another hour to reach home and you know that Granny is all alone"

"But you did not have dinner yet and you are leaving already, atleast come and meet my parents and then I will come to drop you home ',Eric said and started taking her where his family were gathered and who were silently watching their progress towards them with a smile and approval in their eyes.

After learning his feelings towards her ,Rachel was reluctant to meet his parents.

The parents were smiling broadly when Eric introduced Rachel to them and she a could actually see that they were aware of their son's feeling and were ready to accept it.At this point Richard came towards them and said" Bro some family emergency has come up and have to leave right away.Could you just ensure that Jessica gets home safely as she wants to stay back and enjoy the party"

As soon as Eric informed him that he was going to take Rachel home Richard turned towards her and said"Why don't I drop her off and since it's your party you can stay back and enjoy and be with your guest".When she was about to object Eric's parents thanked Richard for his thoughtfullness and generosity and extended her a dinner invitation in the coming week.

Once in the car Richard burst out laughing" Your face was priceless when I said that to you.Poor Eric ,what are you going to do about it now that you know and you have met the parents also".

Rachel did not say anything as she was unsure how to let him down nicely and at the same time maintain the friendship as he had indeed become a good friend to her.

She noticed that Richard had taken a longer route to her house and mentioned the same and also reminded him since he had an emergency he can drop her around the corner and be on his way.To which he just shrugged his shoulders and causally mentioned that he had lied as he saw that she wanted to leave the party but without Eric.

Rachel asked"Now why would you do that .And what about your girlfriend won't she be upset".

"Jessica is no longer my girlfriend, we just broke up and she wanted to stay back and I wanted to take you home"

She did not know whether to be flattered or sacred as Richard was a man who clearly knew what he wanted and went for it.

Rest of the car ride was completed in silence apart from the time to time direction given by her.As she was about to tell him that the car cannot go any further Richard said"I want us to be friends and I will see you at your college canteen on Monday.And I don't judge a person by where they live but by their character and of course pretty face gives you additional benefit,so I don't want you to think about our social difference because no matter what, you and I are going to start by being friends and latter we will be.... "with that being said she just fled to her house without looking back.

That was ten years ago and now they were inseparable.He called her his girlfriend but she was aware that he did not have such feelings because till date he has never crossed his limits.Yes he was protective and possessive of her but never in an aggressive way and has been the definition of a true gentleman.

His friends teased him about when he was going to propose to me but all that was taken in true friendship spirit and he always came back to them with his signature smirk attitude answer which never betrayed his true feelings and kept the bantering to a friendly level.