
The nightmare begins (1)

Li Yan looked at the plate of fruits in front of her for a while. Just at that moment, Li Yan's stomach rumbled signalling her to eat. Li Yan pushed all her negative thoughts to the back of her mind and she started to eat slowly holding the plate in one hand.

Zhuang Mei finally sighed in relief. Since it's a V.I.P room, there is a medium sized TV in there. Zhuang Mei thought that it will be better for Li Yan to relax for a while and distract herself. So, she switched on the TV and handed over the remote to Li Yan.

Li Yan didn't find anything interesting and she continuously changed the channels.. Her actions paused when she saw a certain person on a news channel..

Zhuang Mei froze on seeing the person on the screen. The person on the screen was happily laughing while announcing the success of his new project. Zhuang Mei glanced at Li Yan who was looking at the screen lifelessly and her hands started sweating.

Li Yan looked at the man on the screen without blinking her eyes. One of the reporters asked him " Mr. Li Changming, we heard that your daughter Li Yan is injured. How is her condition right now?"

Li Yan's eyes fluttered when she heard that question and she looked at the TV screen fixedly. Her father would know that she is injured and he might be worried about her right? She could not help but raise her expectations..

Contrary to what she thought, Li Changming showed an expression of ignorance.. It was obvious that he didn't know anything.. Li Yan felt a pain in her heart.. All these years, she loved her father and she hoped that he would smile at her one day. But, now she felt that she is stupid as he didn't even know that his own daughter is injured.

She looked at his back when she was three years old and he was the hero in her heart. But when she turned five years old, everything changed as her father divorced her mother for another woman. From that day, her father never appeared before her again. But she was a fool like her mother, hoping that he would return one day..

Li Changming continued to speak " I don't have such a daughter. My only daughter is Li Meilin. Don't speak about such shameless persons before me."

Another reporter could not help but ask " Mr. Li Changming, why are you speaking in such a way? Miss Li Yan is an accomplished and talented singer. She didn't do something unspeakable, did she?"

At this time, Li Meilin stepped forward and whispered something in Li Changming's ear. Li Changming nodded at her and stepped back.

Li Meilin addressed the reporters " Everyone, initially we thought of announcing the changes in Li family in a separate meeting. But, seeing that the matter reached to this stage, we will be having a meeting after a break of 30 min. We will answer all your questions at that time patiently."

" Miss Li, ..."

" Miss Li, can we ask some questions.."

Li Meilin smiled apologetically at all the reporters and left the venue ignoring the heaps of question thrown at her..

Li Yan felt an ominous premonition in her heart and she looked at Zhuang Mei. Zhuang Mei looked at the book ' Zhuang Mei, release a press statement about my condition. Also, post it on my official page. Do it now!'

Zhuang Mei wanted to speak something but she nodded and left the room after looking at Li Yan's serious expression.

Li Yan really wanted to know what shameless things she did. She came out of thoughts on hearing a 'ding' sound. She unlocked her mobile and slowly smiled on seeing the message from Zhuang Mei ' It's done dear.. Don't worry.'

Li Yan checked her Weibo and saw an official statement released in the name of her current company ' The new age music studios'. In that post they also mentioned that they are terminating the contract as she may no be able to sing in the future.

Li Yan's first album was released by this studio and she always remained loyal to this company. But, now on knowing that she lost her voice the first thing they did was dissolving her contract.

The entertainment industry is always ruthless and one's fall in this industry will always be disgraceful and sudden. Li Yan sighed as she would be getting 15 million RMB as the company breached the contract first. So, her foul mood improved a little on the thought of the money.

After half-an-hour...

In the press conference room

Li Changming and Li Meilin entered the room in a dignified manner and they greeted the reporters warmly. Li Yan looked at the screen as she was sure that a good drama is going to unfold in a few minutes with her as the main character. She really wanted to see how far her step-sister would go to just ruin her.

Li Yan saw a familiar person in the press conference. Li Yan watched her cheating fiancée greet her sister warmly. Next, Li Yan balled her fists on seeing the person she trusted the most. She was her friend and a fellow singer, Zhi Lan. She helped this cheating couple in harming her. Li Yan understood on that day that Zhi Lan was always jealous of her and she stole all her new songs and music compositions on that day.

Li Yan dedicated most of her time in creating a new album ' Young hearts' , which is mostly focused on first love and teenage love. Li Yan felt bitter in her heart on remembering the 19 odd songs which were in the hands of that scheming b**ch. Li Yan couldn't say anything or proceed legally as she did not get copyrights for those songs. Who knew that she would encounter an accident on her way to the copyrights registration office.

Li Yan steeled her heart on remembering all the things that happened to her. No matter what, now her only family is her maternal grandfather and her elder brother. He must be in Beijing by now.

She had to be strong as she was sure that the coming days are going to be hard on her.