
The Reverse Villain

In a world cloaked in darkness and rife with malevolence, a singular figure emerged to pierce the shroud with a glimmer of hope. From the abyss, he rose as the beacon of light, bearing a title that would echo through eternity. In his wake, others rallied, forming a formidable league to combat the forces of evil that sought to choke the world in shadows. A decade long battle ensued, a clash between the righteous and the wicked, marked by sacrifices on both sides. Amid the ashes of conflict, a fragile peace was woven, and salvation seemed to reign. Yet, time's passage bore witness to a sinister transformation. Once-championed saviors turned power-hungry, wielding their abilities for self-serving ends, heedless of the destruction they wrought. Their malevolent acts remained veiled, concealed beneath the image of the Heroes they were once hailed to be. A cruel veil of secrecy shrouded their true nature, and any who stumbled upon their nefarious deeds were swiftly silenced, their lives extinguished to safeguard the Heroes' facade. Thus, the very evils vanquished by the initial Hero's sacrifice resurfaced, sown by the hands they believed would protect. Nine hundred years have elapsed, and the legacy for which heroes tirelessly battled to preserve has crumbled into ruin. The heroes themselves, once beacons of virtue, have succumbed to corruption, wielding their influence to perpetrate crimes and evade justice. Meanwhile, the very villains previously condemned for their malevolence now emerge as saviors, thwarting the nefarious deeds propagated by these fallen heroes. This novel delves into the obscured shadows of heroes, revealing their darker facets concealed from the public eye. It unearths the villains who counteract the malevolent actions of these heroes, yet find themselves vilified by media portrayal. It's important to bear in mind that amidst this intricate dance, not all heroes are evil, and not all villains are good. P.S - I update 5-7 times per week

GilgameshTheFirst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Volleyball Arc - Part 1

After the selection of leaders for each of the five teams, Sean, who was the leader of Team 1, gathered everyone around for a discussion on their abilities.

"Alright, Team 1, let's get to know each other's strengths and create a cohesive strategy for our future matches," Sean said.

He took the initiative and started, "I'll begin. My abilities is to copy any ability for 4 minutes, which can be useful for both offense and defense."

As Sean shared the details of his powers, the rest of Team 1 followed suit, each member taking turns to explain their unique strengths and powers. The conversation flowed, and everyone gained a better understanding of each other's capabilities.With this knowledge in hand, Sean began to outline a new plan that would capitalize on their collective strengths.

In the midst of their discussions, a figure entered the room. It was Sarah, their homeroom teacher. She took her place at the teacher's desk and asked, "Have you completed the selection of leaders for each team?"

The whole class nodded in agreement, responding with a unified "Yes."

Encouraged by their response, Sarah requested the names of the chosen leaders for each team. As each team proudly declared their leaders, Sarah meticulously listed them on the whiteboard, emphasizing that these leaders would serve as the intellectual guides for their respective teams.

Addressing the class with warmth and enthusiasm, Sarah stressed the importance of teamwork and unity. "Now that you have your leaders, it's crucial to work together effectively," she said. "Success will come from the collective effort of both leaders and team members." Her words resonated with the students, and their determination shone through as they absorbed her message.

With the room filled with anticipation, Sarah unveiled the schedule of matches:

- Team 1 vs Team 2

- Team 3 vs Team 4

- Team 1 vs Team 5


The revelation that Team 1 would be facing Team 2 immediately garnered attention. The competitive spirit between Sean and Susan ignited; their eyes locked in a silent declaration of determination. In unison, they both exclaimed, "I will be the one to win," expressing their unwavering determination to triumph over the other. The prospect of confronting such a formidable opponent fueled their resolve to excel.

Sarah observed the charged atmosphere with a knowing smile. She sensed the eagerness and fervor of the students, aware that this competition was not just about volleyball but also about personal growth, teamwork, and the pursuit of victory. The weight of competition hung in the air as Sarah outlined the plan for the week – intensive training and preparation for the upcoming volleyball matches.

With her final words, Sarah dismissed the class, signifying the end of the day's lessons. As she exited the room, the bell rang out, releasing the students to the training field. The enthusiasm was contagious as each team gathered to begin their training regimen. Among them were those who were novices to volleyball, including Sean himself. The sight of their initial struggles elicited laughter from their peers, an experience that made Sean slightly self-conscious.

However, Isabella, a member of Sean's team, approached him with an offer of help ,Her confidence and expertise in volleyball shone through as she offered to guide him. Sean, appreciative of the gesture, accepted Mia's assistance. Her guidance marked the beginning of Sean's dedicated training in the sport, an experience that gradually transformed his skills.

In the following days, the classroom transformed into a hub of intense preparation. Each team underwent rigorous training, honing their abilities, refining their strategies, and fostering camaraderie. The days flew by, and soon, the much-anticipated day of competition arrived. It was the day when Team 1 would face off against Team 2, a match that held immense significance for both Sean and Susan.

As the moment of truth approached, Sean and Susan exchanged confident glances. Their eyes mirrored the determination and competitive fire within them. Both leaders had meticulously crafted strategies that they believed would lead their respective teams to victory. The battlefield of the volleyball court awaited them, and the stage was set for an exhilarating clash of talent, strategy, and teamwork.

The atmosphere was electric as the two rival teams, Team 1 and Team 2, stood ready on the volleyball court. The sun blazed overhead, casting a bright light on the spectacle about to unfold. A hushed excitement filled the air, a mix of tension and anticipation as the spectators prepared to witness a battle unlike any other. This was no ordinary volleyball match – it was a contest of superhuman abilities, a showcase of power, strategy, and teamwork that would push the limits of what was possible on the court.

The referee's whistle pierced the air, signaling the start of the match. The ball was served, and the game was afoot. From the very first moments, it was clear that this would be a battle of epic proportions. The abilities of the players came into play, altering the trajectory of the game in unexpected ways.

Sean, the leader of Team 1, had a unique advantage with his ability duplication. As the ball was served, he replicated Olivia's precognition ability, allowing him to foresee the opponent's moves moments before they happened. This allowed Team 1 to anticipate the trajectory of the ball with uncanny accuracy, giving them an edge in their plays.

However, Team 2 was not to be outdone. Susan's clones swiftly multiplied, covering the court with a multitude of players. This sheer numerical advantage overwhelmed Team 1, as they struggled to track the real ball amidst the duplicates. Caleb's super agility came into play, allowing him to dart across the court like a shadow, intercepting volleys with astonishing speed.

Emma's technomancy played a crucial role, as she manipulated the electronic scoreboard above to display distracting visuals, momentarily unsettling Team 2's focus. Mia's invisibility allowed her to strike from the shadows, delivering unexpected spikes that left Team 1 scrambling to defend.

The back-and-forth continued, each point gained and lost in a blink of an eye. David's super strength sent the ball soaring over the net with a force that seemed almost impossible to counter. Lily's telepathy facilitated seamless communication among Team 2 members, allowing them to coordinate their plays with an otherworldly precision.

Ethan's elemental manipulation introduced an entirely new dimension. He conjured pillars of earth, walls of water, and waves of fire, manipulating the elements to divert the ball's path and baffle the opposing team. Noah's photokinesis added to the chaos, as he created blinding flashes of light that temporarily blinded Team 1's players, making it challenging for them to track the ball.

The match continued to escalate, each team employing their abilities with increasing finesse. Olivia's precognition enabled Team 1 to predict Team 2's movements and anticipate their plays. Lucas's technokinesis transformed the net into a complex web of lasers, creating a barrier that was nearly impossible to breach.

Isabella's empathic healing kept Team 1 in the game, mending their fatigue and injuries. On Team 2's side, Noah's photokinesis combined with Mia's invisibility created a dazzling spectacle as the ball became cloaked in light and shadow, making it nearly impossible to predict its trajectory.

As the points mounted on both sides, the spectators were treated to a mesmerizing display of power, strategy, and teamwork. The scoreboard remained neck and neck, neither team willing to relinquish the advantage. The players were in a state of flow, their abilities seamlessly integrated into their movements, blurring the lines between human and superhuman.

With the score tied at 24-24, the tension reached a fever pitch. The final serve was met with a collective intake of breath from the audience. The ball soared over the net, with each team unleashing their most potent abilities in a bid to secure victory. The court transformed into a battlefield of elements, light, and shadow, a testament to the players' extraordinary capabilities.

In a breathtaking moment, Sean replicated Emma's technomancy, manipulating the air currents to change the trajectory of the ball mid-flight. The ball whizzed past Team 2's defenses and struck the ground on their side, earning Team 1 the decisive point.

The crowd erupted into cheers, the intensity of the match leaving them awe-struck. The players exchanged congratulatory nods and exhausted smiles as they made their way off the court. This had been a battle of titans, a contest of superpowers that had pushed both teams to their limits.

The intermission between both teams was very intense that the audience can't decide on who is going to come out victorious. Both teams retreated to their respective corners of the court, strategizing, regrouping, and nursing their fatigue. The spectators, still buzzing with energy from the intense minutes play display from both team, eagerly awaited the continuation of the match.