
because you are _1

Translator: 549690339

wu peng didn't have any doubts. not long after, he transferred 400 million out of the 500 million to li yuechan.

"what about the other 100 million?"

li yuechan asked.

" madam li, i'll transfer the rest of the money to you after we're done with this. it depends on your performance. " wu peng said with a smile.

li yuechan was expressionless as she said, " " i think you're not sincere enough. it's only 500 million, yet you're so dilly-dally. "

"madam li, you're wrong. after all, it's a few hundred million, not a few million. if it were a few million, i wouldn't even frown, right?"

wu peng said with a smile.

li yuechan didn't say much. she stood up and said indifferently, " " contact me if there's anything. if there's nothing else, it's best not to contact me, in case my husband gets suspicious. "