
The Revenge turned to Love

[UNDER EDITING] Mishi Xin is a girl with a soft and kind heart who lives with her two younger twin siblings. After her parents' death, she has lost faith in other relations as her own uncle threw them out of the house. Mishi works hard to end her and her siblings' miserable life. But then she meets Xian Zhang who makes her life more miserable than ever. Xian Zhang is the youngest entrepreneur in Beijing and owns Maximus. He was happy in his life until the day his girlfriend, Bai Lao broke up with him because Mishi intervened between them thus becoming the reason for their breakup according to Xian. "How dare you say such a thing to my best friend?" Mishi shouted at Xian. "Don't intervene between us," Xian yelled, glaring at Mishi. Turning to Bai, Xian explained himself. "It's all a misunderstanding. I'm not cheating on you. Trust me." "Xian, there's nothing left between us. How could you lie to me? Just go away from here," said Bai with a broken voice to Xian. Xian held Bai's hands gently when Mishi, best friend of Bai, came forward and slapped him hard. "Get away from her sight and stop bothering Bai. If you won't stop, then I'll report you to the police." Mishi grasped Bai's arm gently and took her inside the house, and slammed the door on the face of Xian. 6 years have passed but, the visions of that day are still imprinted in Xian's mind, who has returned to take revenge from Mishi. Will Xian be able to take revenge on Mishi, or will he fall for her? Let's see inside this story.

Light_ray · Urban
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320 Chs

Sweet tic tac

Mishi sat on the couch beside Xian. "Mishi you won't believe when I saw this movie I was laughing in the theatre. Mark went with me there and he was almost on verge of dying as if someone touch him he will die of heart attack. Wish I had met you earlier then we would be horror movies buddy partners. Let's then I should start the screen", said Xian and turned on the projector.

"Xian I'm really sleepy....Let's See it some other time", said Mishi.

"Mishi shhhhh.....it's started", said Xian and looked at the screen. The movie started while Mishi was praying in her mind that Xian fell asleep in the mid. The story started building and Xian focused his gaze on screen. Mishi was trying to sleep but because of creepy sound she couldn't.

As the movie forwarded more creepy things started happening and she was just looking here and there so that she can't see the ghost face. She fell asleep but don't know when. Her sleep got disturbed when a shout is heard by her which actually came from the movie. She immediately got up and looked at her side but there was no trace of Xian. She called his name but he didn't respond.

"Xian are you in the washroom?", asked Mishi and closed the projector and went towards the washroom. She opened the door of washroom but Xian wasn't there. She closed the door and looked around again. "Wait I should turn on the lights", mumbled Mishi. She started searching her phone because it was complete darkness in her room. Her pulse rate was also increased because she just heard that scream and unknowingly watched the ghost face. She walked towards the couch to search her phone. Finally she found it and turned on the flashlight quickly.

"Xian where are you?", asked Mishi again but he didn't respond. She was on verge of crying when she felt a hand around her shoulder and she screamed as loud as she could.

"Ghostttttttt....Xiannnnnnnn", shouted Mishi and jumped from there. Xian started laughing seeing her reaction and quickly went towards the switch to turn to the lights on.

He laughed until his stomach hurts while Mishi has tears in her cheeks. "Xi.....Xian you....", stammered Mishi and put her palms on her eyes and started crying.

Xian stopped laughing and went to her. "It's fine...I was just playing a prank on you", said Xian.

"Xian you...You", sobbed Mishi while talking to him. Xian hugged her and patted at her back....Mishi stopped crying.

"You lied to me that you love horror movies that's why I thought of this plan. I didn't know you'll cry....", said Xian and giggled but then stopped when Mishi glared at him.

He wiped her face and said, "you should've told me that you're weak hearted. You can't see such movies then I won't have done this".

"What if I die out of heart attack. I almost saw the face of that ghost and when you put your arm over my shoulder I thought he has become alive and wants to kill me", said Mishi with tears in her eyes.

Xian pinched her nose and said, "Okay sorry. CC told me that you hate horror movies so I thought to put a prank on you. It was fun but then you started crying. They also told me that you love to watch romantic movies. So tomorrow we will see a romantic movie because you also watched till the middle this favourite movie of mine". He caressed her head lovingly when Mishi hits at his stomach with a shoulder and went to the couch and laid down.

"Ouch. Mishi don't sleep on that couch", said Xian.

"There's only a single bed here", said Mishi and closed her eyes.

"Mishi you just watched a horror movie sitting over there what I'd the ghost get revived and..."

"Stop. I know you're pranking on me....."

"No Mishi. I'm not. I heard from Mark that one of his friend actually watched the horror movie and then he actually saw that ghost. He couldn't speak from that day....", said Xian and sighed. Mishi opened her eyes and got up from the couch. She went near him and said, "please let me sleep on bed for today and you can sleep on couch...."

"Hahhha....I won't sleep on the couch. My large body won't fit there. So I will sleep on the bed. You can sleep on the other end but don't jump over me at night just because I put a prank on you", said Xian looking at her.

"Why would I throw myself on you", said Mishi and slept on the left side of bed. Xian turned on the table lamps and closed the lights. He laid down on the right edge of the bed and looked at Mishi who is sleeping with her back towards him. He smiled and closed his eyes.


"Yin you've drank too much. I'll drop you to the room...get up", said Mark to Yin.

"Hm....here this is my room card", said Yin and took out card from her purse. Mark took the card and helped her till the room. He made her laid down on the bed and put blanket over her.

After that he left for his room.

He looked at his watch....1a.m.

"Yin can't come between them. After such a long time Xian is doing something for himself and if Yin will come between them it will hamper his relation with Mishi. I've to keep an eye on her", murmured Mark and laid down on his bed. He opened his phone and saw messages of Xian.

"I'll make your sister cry today. She said she loves horror movies so I'll watch it with her" - Xian

Mark typed...."hey dude did you really make her see the horror movie?" and sent it to Xian.

After a minute a message came,"yes. She was crying then because she thought the ghost will revive and kill her....how stupid is she. You're also like her.... Now you tell what did you two do without me....us?"

"Nothing. We were in the bar and then we rested to our respective rooms.....she was a little bit drunk so I dropped her till the room", typed Mark and sent it.

"Oh. Good good. I missed drinking with you two....but I enjoyed with her. The chartered boat had drinks too but Mishi can't drink so I thought not to drink. If you two had been with us then I might have drunk that"- Xian.

"It's good you didn't drink. We can some other day. I wanted to ask something" - Mark.

"Hm ask"

"Who is more important to you Mishi or Yin?? I mean are you doing all the things for her out of sympathy?"

"Hhmm.....I don't know who is more important. I'm not doing those things for her out of sympathy. She doesn't like when people pity her".


"Good night because I'm feeling very sleepy".

Mark smiled and sent Good night to Xian and puts the phone aside on the table. Sleep engulfed him within a few minutes.


Xian's eyes opened up and he felt someone over his arm. He looked and found Mishi is grabbing his t-shirt tightly in her sleep. He smiled seeing her.

"Wait I should capture this. Then I'm gonna blackmail her that she jumped on me....", murmured Xian and took her phone from his other hand. He clicked photos at every possible angle and then smiled.

Xian looked at her lovingly and then put her hair strands behind her ear. He touched her face with his fingers and looked at her lips. He leaned closer to her but then realized what is he doing. He can't kiss her in the sleep....it's bad. He was in his thoughts when Mishi opened her eyes and then saw Xian close to her. She realized they were sleeping on the bed and then found she's clenching his t-shirt in her grip.

"Ahhhhhhhh" and she kicked Xian making him fall from the bed as he was on the right edge.

"Ahhh....", Xian winced in pain while falling from the bed. He shot his eyes at her and asked, "are you nuts? Why did you kick me?"

"You came to my side", said Mishi and got up to see him.

"Aahh....really", said Xian with anger. "Mrs Zhang first look where you are. You came to my territory". Mishi looked at the bed and realized she is wrong.

She smiled and said, "ahh sorry Xian....I was in sleep....."

Xian smirked and then said with a serious look, "Mishi you've to pay for this". He got up from the floor. Mishi read his mind and tried to jump out of bed but then Xian held her arms and made her look at him....."ready for your punishment??"

"Forgive me this time. I won't ever do this....", said Mishi.

Xian smiled in disbelief and said, "Mishi I know you're missing my touch that's why you were at me".

"Nooooo", said Mishi and then made a story. "I was in a dream where I was killing the ghost. He almost held my hand so I.....I was piercing my nails at him....yes I was doing that", said Mishi with a smile.

Xian smiled and pulled her closer to him. "I'm not a fool. Mishi I know you want to kiss me and complete your desires right. I've taken pictures of you how you were kept on holding me despite I was releasing your grip from me. I made a video too because I know you'll lie to me later. Should I show you your internal desires for me??", said Xian and smirked.

"Wh ....wha.....what are you saying? My desires....You??? Never in my dreams.....You're taking wrong Xian but we hate each other remember", said Mishi with a smile.

"But in hate desires also overpower your mind. Mishi how hard will you resist me? Isn't it good that you're missing my touch as I said in our first marriage night.....You almost responded to my kiss but then I stepped back", said Xian in a teasing tone and put his thumb over her lips.

"Xian it's not a good idea.... I mean....."

"Mishi why are you stammering and trembling at my touch?? Did you already fall for me?", asked Xian.

"No", lied Mishi.

Xian smiled and leaned closer to her lips. Mishi closed her eyes when Xian flicked at her forehead. "Ouch"

Xian released her and said, "Mishi you again fell into my trap. I love teasing you. You looked like you're afraid but inside you were praying that..."

"Stop", said Mishi and gets up from the bed.

"Stop whatever you're thinking. I'm not going to fall in your trap",said Mishi and looked for a pair of clothes inside her small bag.

Xian smiled looking at her and said, "teasing you is fun....next time I'll record that". Mishi looked at him and ran towards the washroom.