
The Revenge turned to Love

[UNDER EDITING] Mishi Xin is a girl with a soft and kind heart who lives with her two younger twin siblings. After her parents' death, she has lost faith in other relations as her own uncle threw them out of the house. Mishi works hard to end her and her siblings' miserable life. But then she meets Xian Zhang who makes her life more miserable than ever. Xian Zhang is the youngest entrepreneur in Beijing and owns Maximus. He was happy in his life until the day his girlfriend, Bai Lao broke up with him because Mishi intervened between them thus becoming the reason for their breakup according to Xian. "How dare you say such a thing to my best friend?" Mishi shouted at Xian. "Don't intervene between us," Xian yelled, glaring at Mishi. Turning to Bai, Xian explained himself. "It's all a misunderstanding. I'm not cheating on you. Trust me." "Xian, there's nothing left between us. How could you lie to me? Just go away from here," said Bai with a broken voice to Xian. Xian held Bai's hands gently when Mishi, best friend of Bai, came forward and slapped him hard. "Get away from her sight and stop bothering Bai. If you won't stop, then I'll report you to the police." Mishi grasped Bai's arm gently and took her inside the house, and slammed the door on the face of Xian. 6 years have passed but, the visions of that day are still imprinted in Xian's mind, who has returned to take revenge from Mishi. Will Xian be able to take revenge on Mishi, or will he fall for her? Let's see inside this story.

Light_ray · Urban
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320 Chs

Getting close to Mishi

"Mark, I'll bring your tiffin in the office. Chang, Chunhua hurry eat your breakfast and here this the money for you two. It's the start of the new month so it's your pocket money. Chang, make her eat something good," mumbled Mishi, putting money in Chang's pockets.

"Let's go CC. Today I'll drop you school," aid Mark and put his arm around their necks.

"Bye Sisi. We can be late as Chunhua has a practice session today," murmured Chang.

"Okay. I'll call you and pick you up," said Mishi.

"You don't have to do that. I'll call you Chang," stated Xian.

"Don't you do work in the office till late?," asked Mishi, crossing her arms.

Xian smiled hearing this. "I decided to do the remaining work in my home," said Xian while smirking at Mishi.

"We will come with Brother Xian," said Chunhua excitedly. "Ok, now go else you'll be late," commanded Mishi and kissed at their cheeks.

"Sisi, I'm grown up now," said Chunhua. Mishi flicked at Chunhua's forehead and said, "You're always a kid to me. Now go. Don't fight with each other," warned Mishi. Mark took them out from there. Xian waved at them and they left the house.

"Where's my breakfast?," asked Xian.

"What breakfast? You told me last night you don't want to eat the food made by me," mumbled Mishi and took the plates and bowls to the wash basin.

Xian walked to her and said, "Do you want me to go without eating?"

"You said it yourself. Now don't irritate me. I've to clean the house today. You didn't even hire a maid to do the chores. I'm surprised how mother handled everything," murmured Mishi while washing the dishes.

Xian put the hands inside his pants pockets. "You're the maid of this house. So it's your duty to do the chores."

"Mr husband you should go. Because it's already 8 am. Your employees are waiting for you," said Mishi and gestured to him to go away.

"Eh....that's my company. Obviously they're waiting for me. But what made you so bold? Last night you were begging not to do anything to Your lover and now you're again showing your attitude," muttered Xian.

Mishi turned her eyes to look at Xian. "Xian, it's between you and me. Why are you dragging him in this? He doesn't even know about us. So like a man fight with me instead of involving others in this. You hate me and want to take revenge from me so let it be just me," mumbled Mishi.

Xian stepped towards her and tucked her hair behind her ear and said, "ok let's do that then. Don't beg from Mark to help you." She then closed the tap.

"I won't," whispered Mishi and pushed him but he grabbed her by the waist. "Xian let me go," stuttered Mishi. "I won't. It's just started," whispered Xian in her ear and then in the next second he dragged her along with him.

"Xiannnnn," a loud roar of his mother Biyu is heard from the door. Xian stopped and Mishi fell on his chest. He put his arm around her shoulder and smiled.

"Mom," mumbled Xian with a smile.

Biyu paced her steps and walked inside the house. The driver took her bags inside. She gestured to him to go outside.

"Mom you told me that you'll come next week", said Xian, looking at his mom and releasing Mishi and walking towards his mom.

"How dare you? You married and didn't even tell me," mumbled Biyu and pushed him aside. She hugged Mishi tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Mom you should ask about your son first. But wait, who told you about this???," asked Xian, looking at her questionably.

"Mark, he sent me a photo last night of you having dinner together," stated Biyu. She turned to Mishi and said, "You're so pretty. Xian didn't even tell me that he's seeing you. But it's fine there will be a party soon. I mean the wedding reception."

"Mom, please." Xian stuttered.

"You just shut up. You didn't let me know. I'm your mother Xian. Mishi let's go, the reception is tomorrow so I've to make a lot of preparation," murmured Biyu and took Mishi with her.

Xian stumped his boot at the floor.

"Mother first let's have breakfast," said Mishi.

"Did Xian eat?," asked Biyu, looking at her.

"Mom he said he's not hungry," murmured Mishi with a smile looking at Xian. Xian laughed hearing this.

"Really? Xian you always ask for breakfast in the early morning. Why ain't you hungry today?," asked Biyu.

"Mom it's just I feel like vomiting after eating that food," mumbled Xian and looked at Mishi. Mishi glared at him.

"What? Did you see the doctor?," asked Biyu.

"Mom, I'm fine now. I'm getting late. I will see you in the evening," said Xian and left for the office.


In the office Xian pushed the office door of Mark with a great force and without looking at him sat on the sofa there. "Mark give me your phone," demanded Xian.

"Why?," asked Mark.

"I've to look at something," said Xian. Mark gave him his phone and opened Mark's line id.

"What's this Mark? When did you click this?," asked Xian.

"You two are looking good like a couple so much in love." Stated Mark and giggled.

"And you told mom about this," said Xian with a raised brow.

"Isn't it good? Mom liked Mishi as soon as she saw this picture. I mean she never got that happy even with your past lover Mrs Bai Lao," said Mark and smiled.

"Mark, I know what you are trying to do," said Xian and walked away from there. He called someone and talked with him about something. "It's fine....I liked that.....yeah final that," said Xian and cut the call.

"Xian, I've told SJ management that we're not interested in signing a deal with them", said Li Wei. Xian turned his chair and stood up. "The CEO of SJM wants to meet you," said Li Wei.

"Okay, send him an invitation to my marriage reception. Don't disclose Mishi's name," mumbled Xian.

"Reception??," asked Li.

"Mom wants to do it. Send him a separate invitation. Li you're also invited. Mom is doing so much," muttered Xian.

"Xian, why did you marry her then? I don't think she knows about anything that day," said Li.

"Li you should leave," said Xian and shifted his gaze to the desktop on his desk. Li nodded and walked out of his office.


Chang and Chunhua reached home with Xian when Biyu went to them. "Who are these lovely kids?," asked Biyu and hugged them. Mishi smiled seeing this.

"I'm Chang and this is Chunhua. We're twins aunty." Chang introduced themselves.

"Don't call me aunty. You can call me mother," murmured Biyu and looked at them. Mishi got teary eyed hearing this."Mishi, why are you standing there? Come here," mumbled Biyu.

"Now this house will look lively," said Biyu and smiled seeing them. "Now go get freshen up. Mom will prepare snacks for you," murmured Biyu looking at CC. They both smiled and walked towards their rooms.

"Mishi, take these fruits to the room. Xian loves to eat fruits at snack time," mumbled Biyu and handed a bowl to Mishi in a tray. Mishi nodded and walked upstairs. She got into the room and put the tray on the table.

Xian came out of the room with naked upper body, wiping his hair and face with a towel. Mishi turned back and muttered, "Mother said you love to eat fruits at this time. Eat them." Mishi turned to the door when Xian stopped her and said, "please give me a t-shirt from the closet."

"What? Why?"

"I'm your husband," murmured Xian.

"So? You can take it yourself," stated Mishi with her back to him.

"Go and bring it. I'm drying my hair," said Xian, wiping his hair with a towel.

Mishi walked to the closet and picked randomly a t-shirt and threw at him. "Feisty girl," mumbled Xian and wore that t-shirt.

"Mishi, I've something to talk with you," mumbled Xian and put the towel on the chair there. Mishi turned to him and asked, "about what??"

He took steps towards her and said, "Mishi we can't live here anymore."

Mishi blinked her eyes for a few seconds. "What do you mean?," asked Mishi, raising her brows.

Xian put his arm around her neck and said, "we're husband and wife. Let the kids be here with mom and Mark. We need privacy you know and living here won't give us that privacy," whispered Xian in her ear.

Mishi gulped and looked at him confusingly. Stammering she said, "your family is here so it's obvious that we will also live here."

"Mishi, my lovely wife! We can't live here. I want to be private for some time with you. I mean we are husband and wife. With this disturbance in the house how can we proceed in our relationship? Don't worry about your siblings. They will live here with them but we both will live in a new apartment which I bought today just for us...you and me," mumbled Xian with a smirk.

"Xian, it's not a good idea," murmured Mishi and put away his hand from her shoulder.

"Why? I think it's the best. We are newly wed. Moreover, you can't say anything now because I've prepared everything so after the reception we will be in our new house," stated Xian.

Mishi looked at him in disbelief while Xian was smiling looking at her.

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