
The Revenge turned to Love

[UNDER EDITING] Mishi Xin is a girl with a soft and kind heart who lives with her two younger twin siblings. After her parents' death, she has lost faith in other relations as her own uncle threw them out of the house. Mishi works hard to end her and her siblings' miserable life. But then she meets Xian Zhang who makes her life more miserable than ever. Xian Zhang is the youngest entrepreneur in Beijing and owns Maximus. He was happy in his life until the day his girlfriend, Bai Lao broke up with him because Mishi intervened between them thus becoming the reason for their breakup according to Xian. "How dare you say such a thing to my best friend?" Mishi shouted at Xian. "Don't intervene between us," Xian yelled, glaring at Mishi. Turning to Bai, Xian explained himself. "It's all a misunderstanding. I'm not cheating on you. Trust me." "Xian, there's nothing left between us. How could you lie to me? Just go away from here," said Bai with a broken voice to Xian. Xian held Bai's hands gently when Mishi, best friend of Bai, came forward and slapped him hard. "Get away from her sight and stop bothering Bai. If you won't stop, then I'll report you to the police." Mishi grasped Bai's arm gently and took her inside the house, and slammed the door on the face of Xian. 6 years have passed but, the visions of that day are still imprinted in Xian's mind, who has returned to take revenge from Mishi. Will Xian be able to take revenge on Mishi, or will he fall for her? Let's see inside this story.

Light_ray · Urban
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320 Chs

A Bad Day

Mishi came out of the washroom to take her clothes from the wardrobe. Xian didn't say anything and thought to tell her later. She smiled at him and walked inside the washroom.

After half an hour she came out dressed up and stood before the mirror. Xian went to her and lightly embraced her from back. "Mishi there's some thing I want to tell you", said Xian.


He turned her towards him and said, "Li has called me and he told me about something".

"What Xian?", asked Mishi.

Xian with heavy heart said, "Mishi your grandmother is no more. Your family has asked for your presence in the funeral".

"What? Grandma? Funeral?", mumbled Mishi. A tear fell from her eye. Xian hugged her tightly. Mishi started crying and while sobbing she said, "how can she leave so early? I met her a few days ago only....she was alright. The people who loved me left me in the middle way". She cried profusely holding Xian's arms.

"Mishi grandma was in pain. Didn't you see those pipes in her vessels. No one has left you, the people who loved you are still with you don't think like this. Let's go there...I'm bringing Chang and Chunhua too", said Xian.

"Xian....I can't be able to see her", said Mishi.

"What are you saying? Mishi your grandma will wait for you there....It's the last time and you've to pray for her soul", said Xian. Mishi is still sobbing when Biyu came there and saw Mishi crying.

"Mishi come here", said Biyu. Mishi hugged her tightly and said, "mom, grandma has left me. Although I was far from her but"

"I understand my girl.....CC are crying downstairs. Go to them...your cousin is here", said Biyu. Mishi wiped her tears and asked, "Chang and Chunhua are crying?"

"Yes, your elder cousin is trying hard....Let's go", said Biyu and take Mishi with her. Xian followed them.

"Sisi grandma....", said Chunhua and hugged Mishi. Chang too hugged her...."It's fine...Don't cry. Grandma will get angry on me making you both cry", said Mishi while wiping their tears.

His cousin, Li Wang came to them and said, "let's go... Everyone is waiting for you. Aunty, Brother Xian let's go. Funeral will start in an hour".

Xian and Biyu too went along with them. Xian called Mark and told him that he can't come as Mishi's grandma passed away so they've to attend the funeral.

"I'm also coming", said Mark.

"Is Yin fine?", asked Xian.

"She's discharged this morning. We are coming send me the actress", said Mark and hangs up the call.

"Yin, Mishi's grandma has passed away....", said Mark.

"What? When?", asked Yin.

"I don't know exactly. Xian didn't talk much as they were crying I guess.....let me drop you home and then I've to go to the funeral", said Mark.

"I'm also coming", said Yin.

"Yin you need rest", said Mark.

"Mark, Mishi needs someone in this hard time. Don't think I'm doing this because of Xian...I don't have any issue with her...let me come", said Yin. Mark nodded and they left for Mishi's house.




Mishi, Chang and Chunhua entered the funeral hall. Chunhua hugged his brother tightly seeing grandma's photo. Mishi held their hands and they walked inside. "How did this happen aunt?", asked Mishi.

"Mishi you know she was on ventilator. She couldn't take it longer and....", saying this her aunt started crying. Chang and Chunhua were taken aside by their cousins.

Xian met with Waixi and gave him his condolescence. Waixi wiped his tears and went to Mishi. Mishi stepped back and said, "I don't think we should talk uncle....Grandma was ill since the day you threw us out....". She started crying.

"Mishi blame me as much as you want but I did everything for you", said her uncle and disappeared from her sight. Xian got confused hearing this while Mishi didn't pay attention. Mark and Yin too reached there.

"Mishi", said Mark and embraced her. "I'm going to see CC...he strong", said Mark wiping her tears and went away.

Yin held Mishi's hand and told her to be strong. "Yin you should've taken rest", said Mishi wiping her tears off.

"I'm fine....Don't worry about me", said Yin and hugged her warmly. Xian walked away from there to find Mishi's uncle.

Xian saw him outside crying alone. Xian went towards him and said, "Sir are you okay?"

Waixi quickly wiped off his tears and turned to Xian...."Xian", whispered Waixi.

"It's time to do the last ritual. Your presence is needed there",said Xian. Waixi nodded and went inside the hall.


After the burial ceremony they returned home. Mishi went to Chang and Chunhua's room to be with them in this hard time. Yin too decided to stay there for a few days. Biyu spent most of time with CC so that they don't feel alone.

Mishi came to room with Xian. "Xian I think it's like the same day which we saw 6 years ago. Mom and dad died that day. We didn't even imagine that such thing will happen with us.... We were happy that grandma is with us but then Uncle threw us out. Grandma's condition got worsened. I once thought to take care of her and asked uncle for this but he refused.....now I regret....I should've taken her with me", said Mishi with teary eyes.

Xian caressed her head lovingly and said, "Mishi don't blame yourself for this. Don't think about it now....sleep for some time". He took her to the bed and told her to sleep for some time.

Xian sat beside her caressing her head lovingly. He kept on thinking about Mishi's uncle. "What is he hiding? Did he really willingly do that or there's something else behind this....I've to talk to him so that I can sort everything out".