
The revenge of the demon

a demon locked up for 2000 years even though he lost his memories the nature of the true darkness finds it's way towards the human world through a boy for his revenge

shubhadeep · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter -1(b)

Throwing that generals body on the ground, he looked at the sky and shouted" I'm back here again."

The rage of the boy together with the demon has not stopped by just killing all those people, they want more death.

That demonic body starts moving towards the direction of the near village, in that moment a person with a sword in one hand appeared in front of him. It had a mask on the face

The demonic body leaps towards him in another moment the sharp long black hand of his comes right towards the swordsman.

The demon startled there.

The person cut off that hand with the sword and only the cut hand reached the masked swordsman, the demon smiled,laughed and for that short time he stumbled a little.

Even though he stumbled for that moment,in the next his body sprouted a new hand.

One blow to the left,one blow to the right, one in the center, the swordsman dodges them and cut of his hands again, hands regenerating,even in the half regenerating state he throws the blows, each blow is getting powerful and faster,he is just looking for revenge death.

This is happening in the blinks of an eye, a normal human won't be able to anything at all except the wind is getting cut through.

A blow from the front,while he counters it another blow comes from the back,even though the person was able to get the sword on the blow and tried to cut the wind, the blow landed.

The masked swordsman's body landed far of from the fighting ground,the demon is approaching the swordsman.

His heavy legs shaking the ground in each of his steps,the aura seems like black flames coming off his back, he pulls the swordsman's body up and removed the mask

'before devouring that person out of existence'.

The face of a girl appeared out of that mask. in the next moment a sound came for the demon from that girl, saying to calm down, but the demon will not listen to anybody because of the rage and hearted of the boy and his own towards the humans.

The demon then tries to split the body of that girl and that time he felt fear himself, even though he didn't stopped.

" 'KAPILA' stop your nonsense right now"

The body of the demon torn apart into pieces with that sound.

His body is generating like never before even with that his body is scattering like a horde of ants dissects an insect's body.

He is pulling himself to kill that girl with his hands, and he is going towards her with everything he has right now to taste her agony while devouring her soul.

He is near her with his mouth opened like a starved lion approachs his meat.

The big mouth that can even fit a whole human body with teeths like the hinges of a sharpened chainsaw almost engulfed her whole body.

But alas! The girls palms of the right hand crushed the body of the demon to the ground. Then she launches a spell on that crushed body.

The demon finally turns back into the boy.

She took the boy on her shoulder while wearing him another mask.

"Huh.....!!, it's been two thousand years and you still haven't changed, 'Husband' " - the voice from that girl murmured while leaving that place.