
The Return Of The Serpent Goddess

[Mature Content, R18] "What are you doing in my bedchamber?" Eliana Winxx asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Go away, I have to practice." "What's the point of inbreathing sparks when I can eject ten fold of them in dense liquid?" Hades Costello Alarie, the mighty Dragon, and God, closed the door. "Entertain your husband and become powerful." .... In a sea of red roses, once appeared a gold bud, in a tree distinct from all. Moon poured all its platinum-gold beam on it, and mounting on the wheel of time, the flowerlet slowly blossomed. Just as youth birthed nectar in it, and the flower started secreting fragrance-filled oil, which was carried by the fastest element of nature for thousands of miles, bees from all around the continent began swarming over it. It's aesthetic beauty, heart-stirring allure and irresistible fragrance aroused adoration from all. Sadly, soon it was silhouetted by the shadow of bad luck that menacingly loomed over all its glory, and it ended up being the glamorous lure to all wing-flapping noises that robbed it of its own solace. With that, incessant, unwarranted and gratuitous dangers akin to shameless weeds commenced sprouting. Thickly overgrown, they were within an ace of suffocating the flower, shooting it with their vile deflowering attempts—time and again. The gold flower, only one of its kind, had to shed its clemency under great provocations. It concealed its sweetness, and armed itself with a coat of thorns. None could touch it, none could edge near to it, the ones did were instantly subjected to merciless punishment, ending their lives which had been sucked off life-force as a pulp of meat. This continued for eight hundred years until a crafty bee cast a brilliantly-weaved potent spell on it, and the spellbound flower loosened her grip on the guard. The consequence that soon came to bite it was that of ruination. The spell did break in the end. Nonetheless, just like a mirror coming in contact with a hard rock, the flower, dragging the full tree with it, broke into tiny shards and the debris flew miles away. Follow the flower in its journey to stand up again, seeking revenge and ascending the untouchable, venerated peak of goddesshood. ..... P. S: This beautiful cover isn't mine; I'm obliged to take it off, just as the owner demands.

The_Lazy_Kitten · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A Must Read!

Magic Universes.

1. There are two realms in this universe—sky realm, and earth realm.

The realms here ain't anything like continents where kingdoms share borders. In each realm, there are nine rings; mind you, these rings ain't concentric. Instead, they are layered; one located right beneath another. The way from one ring to another goes up in a somewhat spiral form.

For the heaven realm, the lowest ring is the smallest in size, while the uppermost one is the largest, and it's called empire.

For the earth realm, it's completely the other way around! This realm's lowest ring is the largest and the uppermost one being smallest.

In short, both realms, together, look like an hour-glass, yet one is invisible from the other, separated by laws of nature, protective barriers.

2. While one realm isn't directly accessible to one another, they have three portals for this, managed by universal confederation. It catered exclusively to multiracial matters.

3. Seven kingdoms' power is equivalent to one empire's.

4. Heaven Realm's Kingdom order:-


Universal Academy of Divine Brilliance.








5. Earth Realm's Kingdom order.

1. Sirens.

2. Mongoose



5. Poisonland.

6. Dwarven Kingdom.

7. Fangland.

8. Eclipse Tower.

9. Venomblood.

** This list will be completed soon.

6. Both the sky realm and earth realm are inhabited by shape-shifting creatures. The air of these two realms is filled with mana which enables the inhabitants to practice magic. Basically, everyone lives off magic here.

7. Anyone can be magic-users here, but not everyone can be a magician, which is the lowest rank of divine magic practice.

8. Magic shards: a type of magic stones found in an individual's body—a ticket to the first step of supremacy. No one without this stone can practice magic.

9. There are four types of magic shards.

Transparent shard: Mana Affinity for Wind.

Blue shard: Mana Affinity for Water.

Red Shard: Mana Affinity for Fire.

Brown: Mana Affinity for Earth.

These shards' color will never be lighter than the preset standard. However, for almost 99.99% cases, they are found in darker shades, or filled with specks in newborns. In order to cast better spells, These impurities have to be filtered out over time.

10. It's extremely rare for someone to be born with quadruple magic shards.

11. Magic shards have three ranks—low, medium and high. However, they can be upgraded by gathering a specific amount of elemental mana in the practitioner's inner storage otherwise known as 'Silos Of Mana'.

12. Magic-users: the creatures who are born without magic shards ain't called trash here. Every academy offers a different section for them, where they are taught basic spells, necessary for their day to day life. Also, there are some exclusive books to avail in this specific regard, which are of course off-limits to the low and middle class.

Albeit, the magic-users can never advance further into the ladder, they still perform basic magic.

13. Academy: every Kingdom, let alone the Empires in both realms have several academies for educating their nations, both in magic and generals.

Nevertheless, there are only two universal academies; one located in the second largest ring of heaven realm and other in the second largest ring of earth realm that accepts pupils from either realms.

1. The Invisible Academy of Divine Brilliance, Heaven Realm. It doesn't accept pupils without pure magic shards. Hence, all the magicians must upgrade and purify their magic shards themselves or under the guidance of mentors and books, before applying for this universal sect.

2. The Eclipse Tower, Earth Realm. Its fields of expertise are numerous witchcraft specialties for black magic.

14. Both words Warlock and witch will be used to describe black magic practitioners.

15. Class of Divine Magic:-

There are ten stages in magic practice.

1. Magician, aka magic shards holders.

2. Grand Magician, the battle survivor.

3. Great Grand Magician, achiever of a thousand years increase in lifespan.

4. Mage, the Weapon Master

5. Grand Mage, the Battle King.

6. Great Grand Mage, achiever of three thousand years lifespan increase.

7. Wizard, the Weather Manipulator.

8. Grand Wizard, the Nature Controller.

9. Great Grand Wizard, the Immortal.

10. God.

Each stage has four levels—Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

16. Class of Black Magic:-

1. Enchanter, magic shards holders.

2. Grand Enchanter, illusionist.

3. Great Grand Enchanter,

4. Sorcerer,

5. Grand Sorcerer,

6. Great Grand Sorcerer,

7. Warlock,

8. Grand Warlock,

9. Great Grand Warlock, Immortal Evil.

10. Demon.

** I will fill up this part soon.

17. Titans here are different from the Greek mythology, they are not immortal but they easily live up to three thousand years on average.

18. This novel is a combination of Greek Mythology and Medieval Structure.

19. It's thirty percent romance, and seventy percent action.

20. There will be living many beasts a.k.a monsters who can't shift their forms but are intelligent and can speak languages. Shape-shifters usually feast on them, or keep them as pets.

21. Mortal realm, better known as earth, is inhabited by humans and other non-shape-shifting beasts. It's void of any mana, or rather, the meager amount it had thousands of years back, has been exhausted.

22. 99% people from the other two realms ain't aware of its existence; only the creatures with grand Wizard's power are in the know about it.

Nevertheless, they are bound by Heaven's law not to interfere. Of course, our MC is one of the rare people.