

After a long wait , at last I am going to be an Idol. BTS are famous already. There was still a member to come and now it's complete! So I am a mysterious member for now 😁

We had dinner and a long chat until Jimin said 'we have school tomorrow... so I guess we should leave'. 'are you serious? you are 18 and according to me you should be in college' I said in a shocked tone.

V spoke up 'Jimin and I joined school late so we are studying in same class with Jungkook'.

I just looked at V with an open mouth and that is when I remembered there was a guy in my class when I was 15 and his name was also Park Jimin and he was an year older to me. My thoughts were interrupted by V 'Hey what happened to you?' he said while waving a hand near my face.

'you look a bit like yoongi for some reason and even your habits are like him...' Jungkook said.

'even I have school tomorrow' I said after I came out of my thoughts.

'so I guess we should leave' RM said while standing up. Everyone got up and were ready to leave.

My grandmother opened the door for them 'Be careful while going! don't talk to strangers on your way! cross the road cautiously!' My grandmother said as they were leaving. I could help but scream in embarrassment internally.

'they have a car grandmother' I said as she closed the door. 'but they still have to be careful dear.' she said.

'come on, it's almost 10, go to sleep. I am going to sleep.' she said as she went to her room

'goodnight!' I said as I went upstairs to my room.

The next day.....

My alarm started ringing at exactly 6:00

'Hey stob ringing! let me sleep!' I said in a sleepy tone.

It was still ringing. I couldn't help my anger and ended up throwing my alarm clock on the floor. It stopped ringing.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep again but then I heard my alarm again. It was not ringing but it was singing. WTF am I even saying.

Alarms can't sing. Humans can. No more dream was playing right near my ear and that's when I remember that I threw the alarm clock on to the floor and it stopped working. I turned my head and saw grandmother holding the phone near my face while"No more dream'' played in it.

'get up its already 6:30 and its your first day in new school.' I jumped out of my bed as I remembered today is the first day for me in my new school. I ran to the washroom, brushed my teeth, took a bath came out and ate my breakfast. I was about to leave when my grandmother stopped me.

'there is something that I need to tell you before you start your own career' she said. I looked at her.

'dear, I don't know a lot about all of this but I first saw you at a roadside sobbing with a picture. You were 3 at that time. I took you home as it was night and cold. You gave me a picture in which you were standing with a boy who looked like you but he was looking much elder to you. You started staying with me but at times I had to go away so I handed you to my most sensible daughter-in-law. But she didn't survive for long and died when you were 4 and then your father got married to someone else and then they restricted me from meeting you but now I got a chance so I thought of telling you all of this. Take this picture' she gave me a picture.'

I couldn't believe what I heard. I HAD A BROTHER AND I HAD NO CLUE ABOUT IT.

I was already crying along with grandmother. And then she chuckled while wiping my tears. 'You are late, hurry!'

I looked at the clock and it was already 7:30. I only had 30 minutes. 'dear, you have to be strong. now go you are very late!' she said and I rushed to my car.

After 15 mins I reached the school. I had only 15 mins so I ran to the school and started looking for my locker. I found it. I placed the unnecessary books and took only a rough book.

I started looking for the office to check my time table. I tried to ask many people but they were to busy. I was standing near my locker when I bumped into someone

'what the-'I looked at the person and then I realised who I bumped into.

I seriously thought that I made a big mistake by writing the first two chapters of the story in that format so I am changing the format. Come on mistakes happen by everyone.

lostingalaxy21creators' thoughts