

Bruce quickly took a ship of this coffee, his hand clenched.

''How dare he cancel my order?" Bruce cursed.

Bruce placed his coffee cup roughly on the table again. his hand immediately reached for this expensive cellphone which was location on his desk.

Bruce began to swipe the cellphone screen and make calls to Bare best friend and co-worker.

''Bara? where are you?'' Bruce asked.

''At the cafe, what's wrong? is there another problem?" asked Bara investigating.

''Yeah righ once again they canceled unilaterally.'' Bruce replied taking a deep breath.

''You'll be here soon!" Bruce continud.And immediately end the call unilateraly. Bruce put the phone back on the tables. His left leg is folded and raises above his right leg.

Bara and there more friends immediately slid from the cafe to the Mansion. Kevin, was driving so fast that it didn't take them an hour to arrive at the mansion. a little hastily the four got out of the car and rushed into the Mansion. Kevin the car keys at the security guard at the entrance of the Mansion, to park the car in the underground parking lot.

Then Kevin immediately followe his there friends who had already entered Bruce's basement work.

Bara immediately took a bottle wine from th refrigerator. Andre immediately sat cross-legged by smoking an expensve cigarette. Gleen took a cup for wine, his hand immediately opened the cap of the wine bottle and then pourd it into the four cups that were avaible on the sofa table in Bruce's work.

Kevin also imediately entered and sat next to Bruce his hand began to shft the mose abd type on the laptop keyboard looking for information on th cancellation of an ilegal weapons order from Russia.

''Ahh...it's this bastrard who canceled.'' Kevin said with a smile.

His finger pointed at the information that appeared on his laptop screen.

Bruce gritted his teeth.

''How about we just attack the base?" Glen made a sugestion.

His hand took the cup containing the wine and took a sip of it deliciously.

''No I will follow the way he plays.'' said Bruce. his finers tapped on the desk Kevin snaps his fingers.

''Yeah, it's trus Bruce said we follow the way he plays. It's no fun if we attack straght way.''

''Okay fine... if he wants to play let's play. hahaha....'' Bruce laughed meaningfully.

Bruce and Kevin were soon joined by his there friends. They sipped wine until several bottles were finished by the five friends.

How many packs of cigarettes have they usep up. it's late in the afternoon they're already drunk.

Because,they were drunk they immediately went to their, respective rooms to sleep until morning picked up.

This morning Bruce will go to Filipo office which is curently being handled by Filipo's confidants. since Filipo died, Alves cintinued the company owned by Filipo because Alves had a feeling that Bruce was still alive.

''Who wants to come with me to dad's company?" Bruce asked as he descended the stairs to the dining table for breakfast together, his four friends followed behind Bruce.

'' I'll just go with you.'' answered quickly Glen.

''Okey then Bara, Kevin, and Andre immediately go to headquarters to prepare everyting. Order jose to Always stay at the port.'' said Bruce.

His hand pulled a chair at the dining table to sit down, as well as all of hi friends. The waiter immediately came to give plates to the five mafia.

Bruce and his four friends immediately enjoyed breakfast. without the slightets sound except the combination of knife and fork to cut their breakfast pizza.

After breakfast Bruce and his four friend headed to the tv room to smoke. After almost an hour of smoking. Finaly they walked to the front yard to go to Fil.ipo's headquarterts and company.

''Ready let's go.'' said Bruce.

Then got into the car that was provided by security.

Likewise with Bara and his two friends they immediately got into the car. Seatbelts is properly attached. two cars immediately came out of the courtyard of their Mansion side by side towards theirs respective destinations.

On the way Filipo's company, Bruce just kept his hand proping up his chin while looking out the car window, Glen who saw that tried to talk to Bruce to lighten the mood.

''Bruce since I saw you were silent, what's wrong? If there is a problem, share it with us, don't keep it to yourself.'' Glen asked carefully so as not to affend Bruce.

''Hmmm...actually I'm not ready come to dad's company. That doesn't company, it's just tht i don't want everyting to be revealed prematurely.'' Bruce answered slightly glancing at Glen.

Yeah the meories of sixteen years ago are still etched in Bruce's heart, witnessing the he almost died in a car accident with his parents. Because, of the conspiracy of certain people.

Bruce withnessed for himself how his parent were tortuned, even though they knew his parentswere in critical condition, and need help. However, those people who do not have a heart seem to enjoy the suffering of Filipo and Rose, who are critical and tortuned to deadh in front of Bruce. It is very clear on his face that is a burning longing and revenge in Bruce's eyes.

''Maybe Alves has thought things trough. Yes I do, I know being in your position is very difficult.'' Glen tried to calm Bruce heart.

Finally the car arrived in front of Filipo's company, Bruce immediatealy got out of the car when the car stopped in front of the company lobby, while Glen was still parking the car. Then, the car keys are handed over to security. Glen also imediately followed Bruce who was already in the elevator, specifically the president, to Alves'room.


The eevator arrived on front of the floor of Alves'room. Bruce and Glen immediately got out of the elevator and walked towards Alves'room, all the company employees who had just seen Bruce and Glen were fascinated by Bruce and Glen's appearrance. especially the woman, some evev opened their mounts wide.

''WOW... human or angel, he's really very handsome.'' said one femaly employee to her friend wjo was dealing directly with Bruce and Glen when they were about to enter Alves'room.

Bruce just smile sarcastically when the heard the annoying compliment. with Glen the more charm.

''I also think he's a human version of an angel.'' replied his friends, they still continued to stare at Bruce's back which was disappearing from before the two of them. Bruce shook his head an went straight into Alves'room.

''Al... it's better if eyes of the female employedes who work here should be replaced with the eyes of a cator another animals.'' said Bruce as her entered Alves'room.

Alves who did not understand what Alves meant was silent and confused face.

''You see what Bruce means?" Glen asked, laughing all the time.

Alves just shook his head.

''Female employees here are easy-going when they see there are handsome men like us.'' Glen replied confidently.

''Ahh... that's understanddable.'' Alves said laughing.