
The Return Of The Lycan King Mate

The house of Elron has collapsed. A family composed of thirteen people has a love affair among them, although true, but forbidden due to the belief that dating between cousins ​​is a sin and brings not only disgrace to the whole family, but also, a curse falls on the aspirants to marriage to love. Blinded by this belief, they are captured and taken to Ianã, a sorceress from the world of the dead, who tries in a moving appeal from Norah's mother to withdraw their love without major consequences, however, this "apparently" simple task for her fails, she is forced to transform Duran into a hideous, nefarious and violent creature who will feel disgust when smelling both the skin and the blood of his beloved one, Norah. The family with divided opinions separates and in the neighboring city sets its roots, the Petros family, rival of Elron, is born. Five years later, with both families already rich and powerful, the silver full moon emanates a power so great and overwhelming that it breaks the spell and miles and miles away, Duran not only, remembers, but enjoys, for the first time, when sniffing the well-known scent of his beloved one and "The Return Of The Lycan King Mate" will bring more than tryin' to recover Norah's love, once prevented from experiencing, but a war between the families to which their son, still "secret" it will be the salvation for his curse or the next werewolf? Also, will there be the arrival of a mystery man who could be a piece of the love triangle or fate itself? Unleashing his fury on a far-from-puritanical family that disowned him or a powerful enemy seeing in the thirteen a mighty force? But the plot doesn't stop there... This is just the first part, because everything needs a balance and the planet Akros is the opposite of Earth, located in universe 47, containing all its characters, but on the contrary, however, everyone will have one evil in common, an uncontrolled and powerful enemy, Ambrosius Popescu, who needs to kill all his "selves" from other realities to become the most powerful being in the universe and enslave everyone and these unlikely ones will have to join forces against Popescu and each one, thus, to save his reality, however, Popescu sees everything and knows everything.

Thiago_Oliveira_8522 · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

The Vampire Head Is Dead (Part 3)

After this terrible task entrusted to that who still have love in your heart, to that who still have plans to be fulfilled, to that who still have desires to be fulfilled with who was the most beautiful woman in the world...

I finally end this torture, no more tears to shed. Finished, I go back to the barn and I carve in the wood in the shape of a cross your name, your date of birth and death, as well as, the designs of a star and a cross, respectively, for proper naming. I stick it with all the strength managed by hate, anger, nonconformity and revolt. I feel like I'm fainting. The first drops of rain hit my body, but they won't be able to wash it away from this filth that has settled in, which is living without my beloved. They won't be able to wash it out of this land that she once trod on and now she lies beneath it.

"Aaahhh, aarrr..." I'm losing my strength too fast. Was I dying and already on my way to meet my recently lost beloved? I hope not!

"I promise you this, my eternal wife, I'll find your murderer, the executioner of our young and humble family, and I'll cut his neck so that he feels the pain you felt, but not before warning him: the woman that you cowardly killed, Kate, is avenged! I promise you this!" Only then will you have peace and be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!


"Why do we have to pray in Latin, monk Diogenes? I don't understand. No one else uses this language. It's useless, isn't it?

"No, my dear Antony, it's not useless. It is a way of keeping our history alive. And by the looks of it, this language is the only one that affects evil itself." His astonished face already says it's the first time he's heard the term.

"What do you mean, monk, evil itself?"

"What evil did you think, my dear, Antony?"

"Well... Huh... I think of subjective good and evil. That are only in the minds. For example, if the person wants a job, we pray so that he finds it. Or if you want a plentiful, productive harvest, or even the girls who want to get a boyfriend anyway... These things then, we pray so that they are successful. Now, I don't think evil is real."

"My dear Antony, in that last sentence is all the truth. It is our purpose in this world. You're new, aren't you?" He says "yes" with wide eyes and open mouth. The most likely thing going through your head is: I'm sorry I came in here! I laugh out loud. He doesn't say anything, which proves that what I really thought was what was going through his head. Soon I am warned with reproachful glances from the other monks in prayer to which I put my hand to my chest, as a gesture of apology, and then immediately lower my head. In a low, almost whispering tone, I must warn him of one thing:

"Priesthood isn't a profession, but a vocation. In fact, it goes without saying that every religious person seen here has heard "The Call of God". Curious, to say the least, that you should be here without having heard it. A question to be taken to the elder monks." My speech scares him even more. However, the most curious thing to know is that I am the one who is scared, considering that every human being has a purpose, and what is his? This is what intrigues me deeply. Certainly, my next speech will not please you, however, it is necessary:

"After you help me clean and organize the place when the monks finish their prayers and their nightly chores are finished, you'll assist me in an exorcism!"

"What?" The scream was so loud provoked by an astonishment that there was no way out and it caught the attention of the religious who warned not only him, but me as well and we were invited to leave the room. We immediately left to what he won't stop apologizing. I say okay and I continue the subject.

"You may have been amazed, or worse, scared, but it will be good for you to realize what we do here and how it is of supreme importance for humanity. Exorcism is a fierce fight against an evil that isn't seen, an evil that isn't always attracted or chosen by the person, but an evil that incarnates, an evil that acts in the light of day, an evil that moves through the invisible, that plot at all times, that doesn't sleep. He has the person as an enemy, he has anger, hatred and disgust for all human beings, but still, he needs them as hosts, however, what is in his favor, a propitious world to play his role. And it is this same evil that just now you didn't believe existed that you are going to face in this daybreak. That will prove once and for all, to me or to you, where you belong!"

"I don't understand, monk Diogenes! What role does evil have to play in the world?"

"Well, people tend to think that evil only causes turmoil, chaos, disorder, fights and everything else along those lines, and anyone who thinks that way isn't entirely wrong, however, there's a reason in particular, just one reason, for evil is still not only in this world, but also, trapped in it."

"And what's that reason? Tell me!" He asks me euphorically, it's true. I don't know if it was just out of curiosity or if he wants to know right away if it's something dangerous, for example, he can still leave. It still baffles me that he's here without having heard "The Call". It doesn't get out of my head. However, there's the simple fact that everyone has a purpose, and that purpose terrifies me. Even though I don't know what it is. It's time to reveal the truth and, I hope I'm not being hasty in giving him such information, considering that he hasn't even started his religious vows yet, and the only certainty I have is that I'm going to violate the internal code of conduct of the monastery, and worse, the trust of other monks. But something tells me I'm being too radical in that second thought.

"Evil tried to destroy Creation, seeing in it a potential enemy, a powerful threat, but —, by attacking it, it became trapped in it, and since then, it has tried to free itself. In addition to strengthening itself, I mean, accumulating power at the source causing so much harm, he also has fun with it."

"But when we, I mean, you, rid a person of evil through exorcism, he's free, right?" Good question if it weren't for your inexperience.

"Although, you think that the evil has freed itself, considering that I said that it was trapped in the human, in question, it isn't this freedom that will make it free, but quite the contrary, it immediately needs another host. The freedom I speak of is his exterminating the entire human race. Only then — and only then, will he be free. Every "piece" of him that is in every human being and, before you ask me vehemently: but in everyone? Yes! From, not only the fact of being a human being, but also, the fact of having the power of decision, of choice, there's then the possibility of taking the wrong path, either by acts, thoughts or speeches, not being necessary we go deep into in the suject. What really counts is the percentage of evil that each one has, even if it's 1%, so they would join as a whole and he would finally manage to be in his fleshly form, complete, and then —, freed!"

"What a story! Even hard to believe." Is the right time to alert him by saying:

"It would be disrespectful if you had the knowledge and said that, even for whatever reason, discouragement or giving up, maybe, you shouldn't get to the end of that sentence." He lowers his head in a sign of respect and apology. Glad he learned something.

"What also, I must tell you, and serves as a learning, he also strengthens himself with speeches of this type. And the others, such as: of disbelief, of disaffection, of doubts, of revenge... The monks have finished their nightly prayers and are on their way out. Let's go! Come help me clean and organize the place." He says a "yes" way too quickly. Our conversation would have scared anyone. Or maybe it's the glimpse that he willingly found his calling. But that, we'll only know after the exorcism later on.



"Gilian, take Arnald, Jean and Edmond with you and climb the sides to the left, but don't go inside. Wait for my signal!" All say, "yes, my lord!"

"Orpheus, Camila and Zandora, climb the wall on the right but don't enter. Wait for my signal!" Again all say, "yes, my lord!"

"Rachel, Salvattore, Miles and Giorgines, get ready to enter through the main gate. I've put you four together because not only are you the ones I trust most, you're more than just my subjects, but loyal devotees. And also, the strongest. The tendency will be for them to gather and come forward. That's why I need you here." All say, "yes, my lord!" It even looks like they agreed to say that. Ha, ha, ha... What a lack of creativity.